Were your ancestors on the Oregon Wagon Trail from Pella to Oregon May 1862 to Oct 1862? Many of the their descendants ended up in Sioux County Iowa area after 1870 and later years as they scattered across the country. Many do not know of that heroic adventure that took place in their ancestry.
Follow the biographies on www.iagenweb.org/sioux – BIOS to see if your family name was one of the families that were on the wagon train. The families of Pieter Noteboom 1829-1865, Lutje Mars 1821-1898 are a few biographies that have been recently posted. (by yours truly) The Noteboom family was particularly devastated as the parents died leaving eight orphaned children in Oregon, later the children came back to Iowa. Other family names in that group were, but not limited to; John and Peter Ellerbroek, Cornelius Jongewaard, Geert Jot, Theunes Burggraf, Stoutenburgs, Rysdams, Leendert and Dirk VanderMeers, Dirk VandenBos, C. Newendorp, Wopke DeHaan and Hannes Klein. The majority of the families came back to Iowa about 1870 and moved on to Sioux County. This colorful story has died out in many of the descendant family knowledge.