Downtown Drone
Well that was fun!
Oh, how I miss the opportunities to partner with people literally all over the world in the Gospel's advance. May God bring it all back soon. Set Free Alliance
Worship Round the World
It's begun! I am privileged to be taking part in a new two-year documentry project hosted by Tim Challies and Tim Keesee. The topic is as massive as Christ's Kingdom, but this undertaking--though audacious--is thrilling!
Luke's Dispatches Trailer
Coming next week! From Frontline Missions, the first three episodes of their latest documentary series chronicling Gospel work in some of the places where it all began. So thankful to be involved in such an awesome project!
Pull up! Pull up!
Not sure the nearby Turkish shepherds would have been too pleased with me sending their flock into wild panic mode.
Temple of Poseidon
Oh you know, just another day at the office...
Islands on the Edge trailer
In 2007 I shot and produced the first Dispatches from the Front documentary. My friend Tim and I were a "two men and a camera" team (still are). Twelve years on, we've been all over the world, now have amazingly portable 4K equipment, and are working a new series that, when completed, will be our 16th documentary. Today our very first one--our pilot--finally gets a trailer!
Masood's Sea Story
One of the challenges of documentary filmmaking is how to powerfully and meaningfully portray events, described in an interview setting, that occured in the past. For Jesus in Athens we chose to use illustrations. This story details a migrant's perilous journey by sea from Turkey to a Greek island. (In the finished documentary this story has a happy and miraculous outcome.)
Those little legs though
While I don't have video evidence like my friend Tim does, nonetheless eating one of those bamboo worms rates right up there with one of the strangest things ever to have made it to my stomach and somehow stay there.
Praying at the Western Wall
One of the most unexpectedly emotional moments I've ever experienced was taking a few moments, before unobtrusively capturing a few scenes, to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. I immediately felt a connection to the countless thousands of gentiles who have prayed through the centuries at the site where Jesus said, quoting Jeremiah, "My house shall be called a house of prayer."
Drone Rescue
Rescue of my son-in-law's Christmas present. I always say: I'll take luck over skill any day.