Press Release: Elizabeth Fire Secures Wildfire Mitigation Grant from Colorado State Forest Service.
The Elizabeth Fire Protection District has been awarded the Forest Restoration and Wildfire Risk Mitigation Grant from the Colorado State Forest Service in the amount of $582,750. This cost-share grant program provides reimbursement for communities towards wildfire mitigation in the wildland-urban interface. These funds will go directly to property owners to help cover the cost of mitigation work.
Most of the Elizabeth Fire Protection District’s jurisdiction lies within the wildland-urban interface, where natural vegetation borders homes. Many of these areas in the District are recognized by the Colorado State Forest Service as having a moderate to high risk of wildfire. Five subdivisions - Bonnie Ridge, Saddlewood, Gold Creek, Gambel Oaks, and The Pines - were chosen as the project locations for this grant due to their high wildfire risk.
Fire Prevention Specialist Seng states, “Every year we see that wildfires are becoming more common and more intense. However, we’ve also seen that proactively taking steps to create defensible space and harden your home substantially reduces the chances of home ignition during wildfire. This grant will provide homeowners with the tools needed to be proactive and to live wildfire ready.”
This is the culmination of a years-long information, development, and application process that will result in decreased wildfire risk across these subdivisions and the surrounding communities. The District would like to invite interested homeowners to visit the Colorado State Forest Service’s website at https://csfs.colostate.edu/wildfire-mitigation/ for more information on wildfire mitigation.
The Elizabeth Fire Protection District would like to thank our amazing community for their unwavering support. The District would also like to thank the Colorado State Forest Service – Franktown Field Office and the Elbert County Government for their assistance and partnership that were invaluable towards securing this grant.