
Gubirmans Gubirmans Publishing


Araara attamii? Empayera Itophia keessatt haasaan nagaa Itophiyaa Amaaraa fi Tigray gidduutt eegalee jira. Oromo waliinis itt fufa ta’aa. Haasaan nagaa Oromoo ilaalu kamuu akeeka Ango 39 heera dhiisame keessatt dhahame, mirga hiree murteeffannaa sabaawaa hanga walabummaa fi walabummaa dabalatu fudhachuu qaba. Akeeka kana irratt daddaaqinni yoo jiraate seena Oromoo keessatt akka gurgurtu mirga sabaati abaaramaa hafaa. Sochiin bilisummaa Oromo ABOn hogganamee 1970moota jalqabame. Hardha sochiin sun ABO/OLAn hogganama. Kanaaf yoo haasaan araaraa ni jiraataa ta’e WBO, boona sabichaatiin bakka bu’amaa. Dhimma kanaa fi dandeettii jarmawaa fi seerawummaa kalllatii ga’aa caalaa qaba. Akeeki muummichi qabsoo bilisummaa Oromo ABOn hogganamuu kolonummaa haqee, Republika Oromiyaa walaboomte dhaabuu dha. Sagantaama malbulchaa kanuma keessatt tokkeessoo kanneen fedha qaban biraa wajjiin dhaabbachuun akka danda’amus hubachiisamee jira. Hangameessa kamiinu mootummaan PP Itophiyaa keessa jiru heera malee waan ta’eef kan akkaa mitii. Garuu fedhooti addunyaa sana akka waan guddaatt hin laalanii.
1991 ka’ee walbarsiisa Chartara Federaalaa, sana duubas Heera Federalaan kan ka’e aara galfannaan qabsoo xinnoon ni ture. Qulqullummaa garaa dhabuu taatoo muummicha TPLF/Adwuin hojiirra olchuu irratt kakachalamee miltoleen Chartaraa dhiitamanii ari’amanii. Mormii dargaggoo Oromoon, hoggansa ADWUI keessatt 2018 jijiirrami ta’ee ture. Sana booda want hammaatu dhufee, karoora sirna imperiyaalaa deebisanii ijaaruu fi Oromiyaa fi kanneen biraa irratt sirna nafxanyaa Amaaraa caccabee fe’uuf ture. Hogganooti haaraan akkuma Oromummaan kakataa sochii dargaggoo Oromo duraan butan aangoo ADWUIs Oromoo of fakkeessanii qabatan. Kun callifamee hindabarbamnee, dargaggoon Oromo sun bakka dhaabanii qabsoo itt fufuuf qawwee kaasanii.
Qabsich kan xumuramu nyaapha dirree diliitt dabsachuun yk nagaa buusuunii. Isa lammaffaaf Oromoon lamuu akka hin dagamne yaa’I hiree sabummaa ofiin murteeffachuu suduuduman jalqabamuu qaba. Bakka daawwattooti hawaasa sabgidduu jiraanatt jalqabuu yk bulchi Oromiyaa suduudaan yeroof WBOtt dabarfamuu qaba. Achii, masaka heera jiruun mootummaan cehumsaa uunkeffamuu gaafata. Sana booda hariiroo egereef jiraattu irratt mari’achuf Yaa’iin Heeraa waamamuun barbaachisaa dha. Yoo federaalummaan itt haa fufu jedhamee kee’ati mirgi sabootaa hiree sabaawaa ofii murteeffachuun tuqamu hin qabu. Yaa’ichi heericha akka jirutt dabarssuu, wayyeessuu yk wuxinee haaraa referendum finnoota miseensa ta’aniin ofkalfamuu qopheessuu danda’aa.
Waliigalteen irra ga’amu kamuu finnaa empayera diigee haaraan kan bakka buusu ta’uu qabaa. Finnaan federaalaa aangoo finnooti federawan kennaniif qofa qabaataa. Rimsammi finnaa federaalaa, mootummaa wiirta’aa aanggoo hundaa olii qabu waliin, wal dhahuu hin qabu. Waan teknikaa xiqqoof malee Tigray mirga bakka bu’ootaa waan ilaalutt heerawaa ture. Garuu jaarsoliin Pretoria mootummaa seermalee PP yoo fudhatan kan Tigrayiif beekamtii hin kenninee. Waggooti lama fixiiqaccee fi namooma irratt yakki tolfame irra ilaalamee, jilli Tigray eenyummaa ofii saba irraa golatt akka jijjiiru taasifame. Bu’urri haasa nagaaf dhihaatan garri caalu kan PPn dhihaatantu fudhatame. Tigray akka hikkatus itt murteeffamee jira. Qawwee eenyutt akka galchutu murtaawee? Finnaa, seermalee, malaammaltuu, finnaa bososee gargar harca’aa jiruttii? Kun nageenya Tigraay qofa utuu hin ta’in kan saboota, sabaawotaa fi ummatoota hundaa hamaa irra buusaa.
Sun akka fedhe ta’us, Jilli Tigray yoo gidiraan ummatichaa itt haa fufu jedhame malee, kan jedhaniin fudhachuu malee jilli Tigray filmaata biraa hin qabu. Yeroo filmaati hin jirre durfannoon Tigaaruu baraaru dha. Jatti nyaata, qoricha fi waan jireenyaaf barbaachisan waggoota afur darbaniif dhowwatamaa turan isaan barbaachisa. Barreessaan kun hogganoota saanii waan isaa fi ummata isaa irratt tolchaniif dallansuu qabaatuyyuu jannummaa fi cichoomnii yerroo hamaa kana keessa ummati Tigraay agarsiise dinqisiifachuu dhaabu hin danda’uu. Kun waggoota lama guutuu jarsoliiin qaaqa malee laalaa Afrikaanotaa yarsuuf qubaa tokkollee hin hiixatin, ammammoo gara yakkamaa waraanaa goranii namoota gadadamoo irratt akka anjaa argatu kan tolchan qaanessuu qaba ture. PP fi deggertootaaf yakka saanii ofirraa dhiquun faloo akka bahaniif abdii kennaniifii.
Waan amma addunyaan argaa jiru irraa yakki abbaa hirroota Itophiyaa hin haqamu jechuun nama dhibaa. Abiy Ahmad utuu hedduun Dan Haag isa eeguu Kora Olhaana US-Abbaa hirroota Afriikaatt afeeramee argame. Sana jechuun lubbuu kumkumoota Afrikaanotaa barbadeeffame fi yakki inni namooma irratt raawwate hamma bu’aa Korporet Amerikaan Afriikaa irraa bolquu nafii hin qabu jechuu dha. Utuu akka Oromoo ta’ee safuutt lakaawama ture. Abiy Ahmad garuu eenyuu, hamma wallaalchifate nu gidruuf deemaa laata? Kun Oromoof barnoota ta’uu qaba. Haala sirrii keessatt Oromoon dubbii araaraaf warra gumaa fullee walii hin ta’an turanii. Garuu Itophiyaan akka bulcha seerawaa qabatu yoomiyyuu waan hin eegamneef karaa kabaja ofii eeguun waliin dubbachuu malee filmaati biraa hin jiru.
Nagaa fi araara buusuun aadaa Oromootii. Haala si’ana jirutt haalli ABOn kaa’e akkumaa. Haa ta’u malee ABO/WBOn haala ofii kaa’uu danda’aa. Ta’us, imaammati akkasii ulfinaa fi nageenya saba Omoo kan mirkaneessu ta’uutu irra jira. Waliigaltee hundi kan WBO hiikachiisu ta’uu hin qabu. Hidhannoon saa kan finnaa deokraatoftuu federooftee Oromiyaa ta’aa. Waraanni kolonummaa haquu waraana ummataatii. Nagaan lubbuu fi qabeenya barbadaaweef beenyaa hin argamsiifne, hamaa tolfameef itt gaafatamaa kan hin goone fi gar tokko duwwaa hiikkachiisu harka kennisiisuutt hedama. Roorroo kana hunda booda kan diriira nagaatt dhufu gamnaa fi jannaa. Haala dureen nagaatt dhufuu kannee gad haanan dabalachuu danda’aa:
1. Bu’uura irratt walii galame
2. Bakki walitt dhufan, bakka hin baabsine irratt waliigalan ta’aa
3. Bakka qaammi sadaffaan jiranitt gaggeefamu
4. Kanneen malee haala dureen nagaaf taa’uuf gaafatamu hin jiru.
Oromiyaa haa jiraattu!


What type of peace talks? Peace talks about conflicts in empire Ethiopia has begun with that of Amaaraa Ethiopia and Tigray. It may continue with that of the Oromo. Any peace talks concerning Oromo must accept principles in Article 39 of the compromised constitution about the right of nations to national self-determination up to and including independence. Any waver on this principle shall remain condemned as sellout in Oromo history. Oromo liberation movement started in 1970s under leadership of OLF. Today that movement is led by OLF/OLA. Therefore, it is OLA, pride of the Oromo nation that will represent it if there be any peace talks. It has for the purpose more than enough organizational capability and legitimacy. Main objective of Oromo struggle led by OLF is given as decolonizing and establishing Independent Republic Oromiyaa. A proviso for possibility of union with willing others was also given in the same political program. By normal legal standard PP government in Ethiopia is unconstitutional so illegitimate. But world interests do not take that as a big deal.
From 1991 there was a repose to the struggle with introduction of Federal Charter and then Federal Constitution. Insincerity of the major actor TPLF/EPRDF faulted their implementation and Charter partners were kicked out. With Oromo youth protest there was change in EPRDF leadership in 2018. The worst then came, plan to restore the imperial system and super imposing the defunct Amaaraa nafxanyaa system over Oromiyaa and others. The new leaders grabbed EPRDF power disguised as Oromo, as they earlier grabbed Oromoo Youth Movement swearing in Oromo name. That was not passed in silence, the same Oromo youth raised up arms to continue the struggle from where it stopped.
The struggle can be concluded by defeating the enemy in battle field or by resolving the conflict through peaceful means. In the latter case to assure the Oromo no more deceit, process of national self-determination must be directly started. Referendum should be conducted in presence of international observers or the administration of Oromiyaa passed to WBO provisionally. Then transitional federal government formed with the existing constitution taken as guide line. A constituent assembly needs to be called to deliberate on future relations. If the federation must continue as it was, the provision of the right of nations to national self-determination up to and including independence must remain intact. The assembly may pass the constitution as it was or make an amend to it or draft a new constitution to be approved by referendum of all member states. With victory in the battle field referendum may be conducted to convince third parties if it was will of the people.
Any agreement must result in dismantling the empire state and replacing it with a new one. Federal state will have only power legally bestowed on it by member states. Concept of government in federal system should not be confused with traditional all-powerful central government. Except for minor technicalities Tigray was within its constitutional right for electing its representatives. However, mediators at Pretoria refused to recognize it while accepting the illegitimate PP government. Two years of genocide and crime against humanity is ignored and Tigraaway were forced to modify their profile from nation to party. Even majorly PP agenda points were endorsed for the peace talks. Tigray was also asked to disarm. To whom is it going to handover the guns? To illegitimate, corrupt and almost disintegrating state? This puts not only of Tigray’s but also all nations, nationalities, and peoples’ security in danger.
Be that as it may, Tigray delegates had no choice than accepting humiliating terms lest it be allowing the suffering of the Tigaruu to continue. When one has no options, priority is survival of the Tigaaruu. They need food, medicine and other necessity of life denied for the last four years. As much as this writer abhors their leaders for the harm, they did to him and his people, he cannot help admiring courage and resilience of Tigaruu in the face of hardship. This must shame the mediators that did not raise a finger to ameliorate Africans pain except discoursing for two years and now give advantage over miserable people standing on the side of war criminal. They gave hope for PP and supporters to laundry their crimes and legitimize themselves.
From what the world is observing now one cannot say crimes of Ethiopian dictator will not be nullified. Abiy Ahmad who many expected to be in Dan Haag was invited to US-Africa Dictators’ summit. That means millions of African lives this dictator destroyed and crimes he committed against humanity does not worth benefit American corporates rip from Africa. That could have been “Safuu” for Oromo. Who really is Abiy Ahmad, is he going to remain a misery but making us miserable to the end? This should be a lesson for Oromo. Oromo under normal circumstances should not sit face to face for peace talks with their killers. But since Ethiopia is not expected to have legitimate government at any time there is no choice except dealing with it in possible honorable way.
To make peace and reconciliation is Oromo culture. Under present circumstance following conditions OLF laid down is relevant. But OLF-WBO could lay down its own conditions. However, such policy must assure honor and security of Oromo nation. All agreement must not be one that disarms WBO. Its arms will be property of democratic federated state of Oromiyaa. War of decolonization is people’s war. Peace that does not compensate for life and resources destroyed, and does not make accountable for wrongs done and disarms only one party is a surrender. It is the wise and courageous that comes to negotiation table after so many abuses. Preconditions for accepting peace talks may include:
1. Mutually accepted agenda items
2. Neutral venue agreed to
3. Presence of third parties
4. No other precondition to come to the table
Oromiyaan haa jiraattu!


Hudhaan caalaa yoo itt muddame waci saanii ol ka’aa: Gidduu kana seenaa empayera Itophiyaa duubatt deebisuu kan barbaadan wal caccabsuutt ka’anii jiru. Hundi saanii hanga yoonaa waan qabanitt milkkaawanii kan hin beekne hongaa’tuu dha. Afaan Oromo “Fidala Saaba” yeroon itt darbeen baratamu qaba jedhu. Jarri akkasii Oromummaa waan hin qabneef waliin muggutuutt yeroo balleessuu hin qabnu. Qubee Oromoon filate kan jijjiirsisuu danda’an aangoo qofanii. Sanaaf walabummaa waliigalaafuu Oromoon qabsoott waan jiraniif achi keessatt deebi argata. Holola kana kan oofan kanneen Amaarinyaa dubbatan hunda utuu hin ta’in, kanneen hawaasa keessaa akka murnaatt hundee hin qabne, abdattuu sirna nafxanyaatii. Jarri kun olhantummaan jiraachuuf namanyaataa Eertra, Isaayyaasiin daboo kadhachuutt erga ka’anii bubbulanii jiru. Seenaa duubatt deebisuuf wanti isaan hin tolchin hin jiraatuu. Oromoon xaxaa saanii hundaaf caalaatt qophaawuu qabu. Taateen hedduun nama malalchiisu yeroo abukaakeen maqaa Amaaraan afaan Oromoo Finfinnee keessatt akka hin barsiifamne kkf. mormanii. Sun kan ta’e tuffii Oromoof qabaniif malee mootummaan federaalaayyuu Finfinnee Oromiyaa keessatt hojjechuuf fedha labsame Oromo qabaachuun irra ture. Waabarooti Oromiyaa keessa jiran hundi afaan Oromoo malee afaan kamiinuu barsiisuuf hayyama mootummaa Oromiyaa qabaachutu irra jira. Dadhabummaa fi waa gaafachuu baachuun Oromoo si’achi yeroo hedduuf hin turu. Kan Oromo kan ta’e hundi Oromiyaatt deebi’uu qaba. Finfinneen kan Oromootii. Lamuu dhimma Oromo keessa seenanii akka hin laaqne nyaapha jiilchuun barbaachisaa dha. Isaan ammayyuu mirga hiree sabummaa murteeffanaa Oromo fudhataa hin jiranii. Oromiyaa irratt olhaanummaa dhaban deebifachuuf dhama’uu. Sana malee akka murnaatt jireenyi saanii gaaffii jala galaa. Kanaaf waldhabdeen Oromo fi isaan gidduu jiru kan hin araaramne. Hanga moo’ummaan Oromoo Oromiyaa irratt mirkanaawutii fi humni halagaa Oromiyaa keessaa haxaawamee ba’utt qabsoon itt fufa. Oromiyaa haa jiraattu!


The more the noose is tightened the more cacophonous they become: These days those that want to turn wheel of history of the empire backwards are ganging up. All of them are losers who never saw success in their life. But they had cause tremendous damage to life and property wherever they reached. They assert that Afaan Oromo must be written in the obsolete Sabean script, “Fidal.” Because those are non-Oromo there is no reason to waste time disputing with them. They can change script that Oromo chose “Qubee” only by sheer force. For that since Oromo are in struggle for general independence that could get response there. Those conducting this propaganda are not all Amharic speakers but those that do not have deep roots in communities as a group but are nafxanyaa system hopefuls. To live dominating others, they have long started to call help from Isaayyaas, tyrant of Eritrea. There will be no stone they leave unturned to put history backwards. Oromo must prepare more to face all their machinations. The most surprising incidence is when hooligans in the name of Amaaraa protest against Afaan Oromo being taught etc. in Finfinnee. That happened from contempt they have for Oromo, otherwise even the Federal government should have declared will of the Oromo for operating in Finfinnee Oromiyaa. Schools in Finfinnee must have permission from Oromiyaa government to teach any language other than afaan Oromo. Such weakness and being not demanding of the Oromo is not going to stay for long. What belongs to Oromoo must return to Oromiyaa. Finfinnee belongs to Oromo. Enemies must be taught a lesson so that they will never again meddle in Oromo affairs. Those are still not accepting the right of Oromo for national self-determination. They are trying in vain to restore their lost domination over Oromiyaa and others. Without it their survival as a group comes under question. For this reason, conflict between them and Oromo is irreconcilable. The struggle shall continue until sovereignty of Oromo over oromiyaa is assured and all alien forces are wiped out of Oromiyaa. Oromiyaan haa jiraattuu!


Hamma Yoomii Oromoon miidhamamoo ta’uu? Rakkinni naannaa Amuuruu jiru deddeebi’ee waggootaaf himamaa jira. Amma dubbiin sabichaaf qaanii ta’e dhumiisi Agamsaa ta’ee. Hoduu saa dhagahuu malee, ummatatt roorrifamuu malee, lubbuun bahuu, hawaasi buqa’uu fi saamicha lafaa malee deebii Oromoon kenne dhagaa diinatt darbachuullee yoo ta’e kan himame hin jiru. Bulchi amma Oromiyaa irra jiru keettoo halagaa ta’uu saa hundi beekaa. Weerarri daangaa cehaan Amaaraa utuu inni irratt walii hin galin, hin danda’amuu. Akka isaan miseensota sadoo sochii Oroomaaraa farra ummatootaa ta’anii fi Itophiyaa surraa see se’amu duriitt deebisuuf walii kakakachuun saanii waan yaadatamu. Eegaa, callisuun saa kaasaa malee mitii jechuu dha. Kanaaf ummati Oromoo lammii saanii daangaa Amaaraa irra jiran akka Amuuruu fi Asabootii birmachuun amma Garaargarummaa akkamiiyyuu haa qabaannuu yeroo Oromiyaan diina seenaawan haleelamtu baraartii sabichaaf jennee walii tumsuun barbaachisaa dha. Kanaaf callisuun bulcha Oromiyaa waa malee mitii. Kanaaf ummata moggaa Amaaraa jiru Akka Amuuruu fi Asabot Oromoon walii galee birmachuu qaba. Kana irratt WBOn bakka ofii hin dhaqabnett ummati qindaawee akka itt birmatu gargaaruu danda’a ta’aa. Yookaan, fedha kan qaban kamuu dirqama kana ofirratt fudhachuu danda’uu. Kana malee yeroo hunda booyicha ilmoolee fi haadholii Oromoo dhaga’uun manguddoo humna hin qabne dhukkubsaa hafa. Lakkoofsi Oromoo lakkoofsa tisiisaa ta’uu hin qabu. Akka kanniisaa huursanii hidduu danda’uu qabu. Kanneen Oromoo ofiin jedhaa naannaa Masaraa Minilik gooji’an faltiin utuu hin ta’in yeroon surrii saaniin yaadan dhufuu qaba. Hirmii nyaataa akka jiran beekuu qabu. Qaaniin du’a caalti jedha Oromoon. Oromiyaan haa jiraattu.


How long Should Oromoo be victims? The problem in Amuuru is repeatedly told over years. Now Agamsaa massacre, most shaming to the nation has occurred. Except hearing the news, except people being abused, except lose of life and dislocation of society and land grabbing by aliens there is no feedback on how the Oromo reacted to it, even if it was throwing stone at the enemy. It is clear to all that current Oromiyaa administration is alien agent. Amaaraa cross border invasion cannot happen without its consent. It must be remembered that they were members in conspiracy of forming anti-peoples Oromaaraa movement that took oath to rebuild and restore assumed Ethiopia’s ancient glory. Thus, its silence is not without a cause. Therefore, it is high time that Oromo people rescue compatriots bordering Amaaraa like Asabot and Amuuru. Whatever differences we have when the nation is attacked by historic enemy, all must rally and stand together for survival of the nation. On this OLA, whenever it is out of its reach may help in coordinating volunteers from all over Oromiyaa to help the agonized. Or any other volunteers can take up the task. Otherwise hearing cry of children and mothers every time remains painful for the disabled elderly. Numbers of Oromo should not be numbers of home flies. They must roar and sting like bees. Time must come when those that call themselves Oromo and swarming around Minilik’s palace think not with their duodenum but their brains. They must understand that they are eating every meal soaked in blood of their kin as per tradition. Oromo says, “Shame is worse than death” Oromiyaan haa jiraattu!


Tumsamoo baabsuu dhiisu, kamtu fedha Oromoo guuta? Oromiyaan walitt qabaa humnoota federalaa Itophiyaa, Faannoo fi humna addaa Amaaraa fi basaasota Eertra waliin waraana irra jiru. Yoomallee kan Tigray hubannoon sadakaa barbaachisutt hin kennamneyyuu, yakki Oromo irratt raawwatame kan Tigrayii gad mitii. Addunyaan beekaa haadhuma saa callisuu filatee. WBOn ittisa guddaa weerartuu kana irratt tolchaa jiraa. Garuu dabeessota akka ta’uu saanii injifannoo dirree diliitt WBO irratt dhabaniif haaloo ummata nagaa irratt bahatuu. Guyyaa saafaan seeraa ala ajjeesuu, ni hidhuu, ni gudeeduu, qe’ee fi gombisaa midhaanii saanii gubu, beellada saanii qalatu. Murni kun adda waraanaa biraa TTigray kan kanaan dura fixqacee fi yakkoota adda addaa irratt raawwate irrat banee jiraa. Tigray irratt adda waraanaa haaromsanii banuun humna saanii kan ji’oota hedduuf Oromiyaa irratt cunqeeffamee ture dhisaa. Sun kan isaan qabsaawaa turan hundaaf bakka afuura itt fudhatan kennuu danda’aa.
Ammaa kana, nyaaphi ummata Oromoo fi gufuun bilisummaa saanii murna jedhame kana, keessaayuu PP dhaa. Kanaaf Oromoon TDF fi kanneen daba irratt qabsaawan hunda waliin hamma danda’amett ifaajee saanii diina muummicha dadhabsiisuuf qindeeffachuu qabu. Waraanni Kaabaa kun Itophiyaanota qofa hin tuquu, balbalaa hundaa qossa’uf deemaa. Akkuma wayyabummaa saanii dargaggoon dirqiin duulchifan kumatamoota ta’uu. Oromoon bakkaa fi yerro darbe tokko ABUT waliin diina turanii. Bara impeeriyaal Tigaaruun Oromiyaa koloneeffachuu irratt Amaaraaf miltoo maaddhaa turan. Ama yeroon jijjiiramee wal hudhaa jiruu. Dabsati Tigray kan PP fi Amaaraa caalaa bala’amaa hin ta’uu.
Oromoon yeroo hundaa gara dadhabaa ta’anii of fudhachuu hin qabanii. Gantooti hagam heddummatanuu warraaqxota kutatanii fi dudhama qaban ofijaaranii fi qajeeltuun gara saanii taate dura dhaabbachuuf yeroon sun darbee jiraa. Dadhabina saanii sirreeffamuu qabu qaata qayyabatanii. Humni riphaan qaban akka mullatutt waldhabdee Gaanfa Afriikaa keessa jiruufillee gargarqabaa ta’uu akka danda’anii. Sana gadi fiduun qooda sabboonotaatii. Sun hojii xinnoo barbaaduyyuu waa hin oolee. Lakkoofsaa Tigaaruun Amaaraa gadi yoo ta’an lafquwiidhaanis wiirtuu Oromoo irraa fageenya qabu. Anjaa fi anjaa dhabiisii yoo wal biratt ilaalamu Oromoon kanneen farra diina ammaa deggeruu malee filmaata hin qabanii. Sun diina naannaa iiran hunda keessaa badaa dha. Oromiyaan haa jiraattu!


Alliance or neutrality, which serves Oromo interest? Oromiyaa is at war with compounded Ethiopian federal PP forces, Amaaraa Faannoo, special force and their ally’s Eritrean security. Even though that of Tigray is not being given attention to the desired level crimes committed against Oromo is not less than that of Tigray. However, the world is intentionally choosing to be dead silent on it. WBO (OLA) is putting up strong defense against these invaders. But as coward as they are, they are retaliating for battles lost to OLA on unarmed people. They are summarily killing, imprisoning, ra**ng, burning their homes and grain silos and slaying their animals in day light. This group has opened another front with people of Tigray on which they had already committed genocide and other multiple crimes. Their renewing the Tigrean front will spread their force which had been concentrated on Oromiyaa for months. That may give some breathing space for those struggling against it.
At this very moment enemy of Oromo people and obstacle to its liberation is the above-mentioned group and in particular PP. Therefore, Oromo must coordinate efforts with TDF and all others struggling against injustice whenever possible to weaken the main enemy. That war does not affect only the Ethiopians but it will knock at every door. Oromo being majority, youth going to be conscripted will be in tens of thousands, proportional to their size. Oromo were enemies with TPLF at a space and time in the past. During imperial days Tigrean were junior partners of the Amaaraa in colonizing Oromiyaa. Situations have now changed; they are at each other’s throats now. Tigray’s victory is less dangerous than that of PP and the Amaaraa.
Oromo should not think of always being the weak partner. That time has passed however traitors are numerous they cannot stand against organized determined and committed revolutionaries standing for justice. They already understand their weak points to be corrected. Their potentiality shows that they can even be arbitrators of conflicts in the Horn. It is incumbent on nationals to bring that out. That may take little work but not inevitable. Numerically Tigrean are less than the Amaaraa and geographically farthest from Oromo center. Comparing advantages and disadvantages Oromo have no alternative than supporting anyone that is against its current enemy. That is the worst enemy than all around. Oromiyaan haa jiraattu!


Silver Spring, MD


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