This matters, regarding all copyright and trademark works, as encoded in the founding documents of the United States of America and honored by treaty nations. Serious stuff.
When examining the intersection of and , the following general principles must form the basis of a common understanding amongst stakeholders, courts, policymakers, and the public.
(1) When formulating new AI laws and policies, it is essential that the rights of creators and copyright owners be respected.
(2) Longstanding copyright laws and policies must not be cast aside in favor of new laws or policies obligating creators to essentially subsidize the development of AI technologies.
(3) The ingestion of copyrighted material by AI systems implicates the right to reproduce copyrighted works.
(4) The ingestion of copyrighted material by AI systems is not categorically fair use.
(5) AI companies should license works they ingest.
(6) AI systems must implement safeguards to prevent infringing AI-generated outputs.
(7) Transparency regarding ingestion of copyrighted works by businesses that offer generative AI systems to the public will help ensure that the rights of copyright owners are respected, and that AI development is being implemented in a way that is responsible and ethical.
Read a detailed explanation of each point on the Copyright Alliance's AI position paper page." https://bit.ly/3VLUIIN