Looper Mark Schell having fun at Legion Park Event Center when he is not teaching 4th Grade!
Platteville United Methodist Hearing Loop
Hearing loss affects 1 out of 5 Americans! Visit Platteville United Methodist Church and experience a hearing loop! Understand every word clearly with your own hearing aids without boxes, cables or headphones. Visit Platteville UMC and learn how.
Sunday Traditional Worship 8:30AM
Contemporary Praise Band Worship 11:00AM.
Did you know?
Hearing loss affects quaility of life more than the general population realizes. Family, friends and neighbors may be unfairly viewed as less intelligent, less sociable or even rude when the real problem is hearing loss. Aural stimulation delays the onset of dementia and a host of other health issues that affect older Americans.
Struggle with Hearing Loss? Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Kathy Kopp, Executive Director of the Platteville Regional Chamber, describes how hearing loops has offered her a solution for coping with her hearing loss. Kathy graciously volunteered to be filmed for this "You Tube" video as she wished to encourage others in our community to speak up about an inability to hear in various facilities. Hearing loops are a new revoltionary form of hearing assistance for those who wear hearing aids. Go to: www.myhearingloop.com/voice to let local facility managers, businesses, churches, auditoriums, know that you had difficulty hearing in rooms with poor acoustics, significant background noise, etc.
High Point Family Medicine..leads the way with hearing loops!
Dr. Eric Stader, High Point Family Medicine Clinic in Lancaster, Wisconsin, explains how multiple hearing loops installed by "My Hearing Loop" pleases patients.