Praying with another is a profound act of humility and openness. It honors the sacredness within both individuals, creating a shared space of reverence and unity. Through this gesture, we acknowledge the divine in one another and the power of mirrored positive intention. There is an energetic bioplasmic connection that becomes possible, that acts as an accelerator of compassion.
The theologian Martin Buber wrote a book entitled I and Thou. Buber said that human life finds meaningfulness in relationships. He believed that all our social interactions bring us into a relatedness with God, the ultimate and eternal Thou. In an I-Thou relationship there is awareness of a shared oneness of being. Love and compassion is the foundation of the I-Thou relationship bringing a sense of respect and caring. The I-Thou relationship finds unity within the self and nature, between the self and God, between people, between nations and the unity of God and Cosmos.
Buber differentiates between two kinds of human relatedness. The first is I-Thou and second is I-It. I-It means acting self-centered and treating people as objects, exploiting others and maintaining a sense of separateness and detachment. The I–Thou relationship is characterized by mutuality and undefended directness, empathy and honesty. One listens and can appreciate the other's perspective. Throughout our many interactions with people, may we be open to creating space for the sympathy and sacred relatedness of I-Thou.
Right Relationship, 2023
charcoal and chalk, acrylic on paper