“A man of genius makes no mistakes. His mistakes are volitional and are portals of discovery.” ~James Joyce
I do not make mistakes. I make portals of discovery. Life is a canvas and though my art is fallible, it IS art. My ‘mistakes’ are a part of this art, even the most grievous. They are doorways that transport me to new experiences, some of them extremely uncomfortable.
Through mistakes I sink as low as a bug or soar as high as an eagle. Through the portal of a mistake, summit and abyss become one within me.
The brightest gold is found in the darkest abyss. The hardest diamonds are forged in the heart of the most ruthless demon. The clearest wisdom is discovered in the deepest wound. If it takes making ‘mistakes’ to fall into discovery, then may Fate and Destiny forever set a tripwire at my feet.
Written by Gary Z McGee
Image: Midjourney by Aleks7