Check out Episode 030 where we talk where to start when building an engine on our first installment of tech talk with Matt Barton from @circlecityspeedshop ! #savedbygrace #jesussaves #jesusislord #blessed
Go check out Episode 29, where we do a deep dive on everything done on @jp5garage ‘s F100! Find it out anywhere you get your podcasts! #savedbygrace #jesussaves #jesusislord #blessed
Part Two of our interview with Dylan McCool is a good one. We go deep into Dylan’s story. Check it out! #jesussaves #savedbygrace #jesusislord #realmenlovejesus #faithfamilycarspodcast #blessed
Ep.028 Dylan McCool Part Two is finally here. It drops tomorrow morning. We dig in deep with Dylan. Don’t miss it! #jesussaves #savedbygrace #jesusislord #godisgood #blessed #realmenlovejesus #faithfamilycarspodcast #mopar #moparnation #moparperformance
#blessed #jesussaves #savedbygrace #jesusislord #realmenlovejesus #faithfamilycarspodcast
What was @dylanmccool ‘s first car? We talk about that and a lot more in Episode 027! Check it out anywhere you get your podcasts! #savedbygrace #jesussaves #jesusislord #blessed
Who doesn’t love some CCR? Check out tomorrow’s episode with @dylanmccool where we talk Mopars and Faith #savedbygrace #jesussaves #jesusislord #blessed
Ep.027 drops on Tuesday! @dylanmccool sits down with us to talk Faith, Family, and Cars. #jesussaves #savedbygrace #realmenlovejesus #faithfamilycarspodcast #mopar #ford #chevrolet #blessed
Check out Episode 026 Bible Talk W/Eddie Papp, where we tackle some of your Biblical questions! Check it out wherever you get your podcasts! @brickrodgarage #savedbygrace #jesussaves #jesusislord #blessed
Big Wednesday @fieldofgracechurch was amazing. The youth led the service. Pastor EJ brought the word. Over 200 in attendance on a Wednesday night. 80 teens! Seven saved! God is Good! The alter was filled with young people. The Holy Spirit is alive and God is moving in this church! #godisgood #jesussaves #jesusislord #praisegod #savedbygrace #faithfamilycarspodcast
Check out the Episode 026 out tomorrow! What do you think King David would have drove? @brickrodgarage #savedbygrace #jesussaves #jesusislord #blessed