Meet Louisa Wise, our wonderful intern. Louiza is an Enviromental Engineering major and she is getting immersed (literally) in the environment at Shepherd, learning the natural world we live in. Her internship is mainly remote and we’ve enjoyed having her with us in person for a precious few days.
Look at how the waves are dealt with by the island
These wake boarders would be creating messy turbulence for each other if they didn’t have BioHaven Floating Islands to dampen their wave energy! These islands are beautiful, functional AND improving water quality @ West Rock Wake Park, Levings Lake, Rockford IL. Thanks to Daniel Jarrett, Rebecca Olson and Rockford Park District.
Invest in the Future of Water!
WaterRR's innovative system recovers the value from wastewater. We cycle the misplaced nutrients into products of value, generating revenue for communities.
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Delaware River Waterfront launch
This beautiful BioHaven array was launched in the Delaware River last weekend. Well done to everyone involved!
Wendy, Elaine and Rhyno getting a lot ok at minnow pond