To have time to save the child, the policewoman s.h.o.t and wounded her ex-husband.
To have time to save the child, the policewoman s.h.o.t and wounded her ex-husband.
The heartless husband uttered heartbreaking words to his ex-wife just because his new wife was missing.
The heartless husband uttered heartbreaking words to his ex-wife just because his new wife was missing.
The female police officer evaded the arrest warrant of her colleague, returned to her brother's house and discovered the painful truth.
The female police officer evaded the arrest warrant of her colleague, returned to her brother's house and discovered the painful truth.
The policewoman, hypnotized to return to her childhood, discovers an important clue under the fern tree.
The policewoman, hypnotized to return to her childhood, discovers an important clue under the fern tree.
Meet her son for the last time to hear a saying from her son and the journey to find evidence to free her life when everything is against her.
Meet her son for the last time to hear a saying from her son and the journey to find evidence to free her life when everything is against her.
The female police officer constantly has evidence that she is the culprit of the cases, she and her ex-husband try to find evidence to whitewash themselves.
The female police officer constantly has evidence that she is the culprit of the cases, she and her ex-husband try to find evidence to whitewash themselves.
The policewoman who has been missing for many years is found, is she the only clue to find the culprit of a series of cases?
The policewoman who has been missing for many years is found, is she the only clue to find the culprit of a series of cases?
The son of the deputy superintendent of police in trouble asked his mother's subordinates for help without asking her for his mother's help just for this reason.
The son of the deputy superintendent of police in trouble asked his mother's subordinates for help without asking her for his mother's help just for this reason.
The female police officer is k.i.d.n.a.p.p.e.d by a dangerous criminal, will her teammates find and save her?
The female police officer is k.i.d.n.a.p.p.e.d by a dangerous criminal, will her teammates find and save her?
Officers urgently search for a dangerous criminal who s.p.e.c.i.a.l.i.z.e.s i.n b.r.e.a.k.i.n.g into people's houses and causing damage to people and property.
Officers urgently search for a dangerous criminal who s.p.e.c.i.a.l.i.z.e.s i.n b.r.e.a.k.i.n.g into people's houses and causing damage to people and property.
Police officers' deadlocked investigation into the m.u.r.d.e.r of a pregnant woman.
Police officers' deadlocked investigation into the m.u.r.d.e.r of a pregnant woman.
Urgent search for a dangerous criminal whose victims are mainly beautiful young girls.
Urgent search for a dangerous criminal whose victims are mainly beautiful young girls.
A police officer investigating the disappearance of the young girl's family discovers the heartbreaking truth.
A police officer investigating the disappearance of the young girl's family discovers the heartbreaking truth.
The father of a k*i*d*n*a*p*p*e*d policeman, he tries to save his father, while investigating he discovers the horrifying truth of his father.
The father of a k*i*d*n*a*p*p*e*d policeman, he tries to save his father, while investigating he discovers the horrifying truth of his father.
The shop owner was harmed by a dangerous criminal, an officer is a spy on duty to find evidence of a crime.
The shop owner was harmed by a dangerous criminal, an officer is a spy on duty to find evidence of a crime.
A male patrol officer s*h*o*t a young man at a regular stop for self-defense, he was arrested and ambushed at a safe house.
A male patrol officer s*h*o*t a young man at a regular stop for self-defense, he was arrested and ambushed at a safe house.
Criminal gangs pay each other, the police take advantage of bringing their own people in to investigate to easily control the situation.
Criminal gangs pay each other, the police take advantage of bringing their own people in to investigate to easily control the situation.
The father joins a notorious criminal gang only to find out the truth about his son.
The father joins a notorious criminal gang only to find out the truth about his son.
Behind the r*o*b*b*e*r*y of a group of spoiled youth is a dangerous criminal network, but it is contradictory when the police learn of the children's testimonies that they hope for a better life tomorrow.
Behind the r*o*b*b*e*r*y of a group of spoiled youth is a dangerous criminal network, but it is contradictory when the police learn of the children's testimonies that they hope for a better life tomorrow.
A police officer is harmed, and suspicions fall on someone who has a grudge against the police officer. Is that true?
A police officer is harmed, and suspicions fall on someone who has a grudge against the police officer. Is that true?