What is your experience dancing with the ✨magical space✨ around dancers?
I love diving into the shared vibrational field with other conscious dancers who feel the connection. 🙌💓
An instant drop in.
Instant kindred spirits recognizing each other in their love of dance and attunement with vibrant energy. ✨💛✨
Moving together in a shared dance that transcends individuality.
It is an exhilarating experience. ✨🌀✨🎶🤸♂️
In trying to describe this dynamic interplay, where the space between me and other dancers is not empty but filled with vibrancy and endless possibilities, I think something gets lost in the translation.
Many dancers think I am talking about contact improv. But this is different.
It is improvisational for sure, but we are not actually leaning on or touching.
Instead we are weaving past each other in the spaces around, beside, and behind each other in constant motion- changing levels, speed and direction synergistically -each person's movement influenced by the other, responding to each other's ⚡electromagnetic⚡ field without direct contact.
Although I have experienced this magic many, many places, it has resonated most powerfully at the Open Floor - MLK Gym in Marin, at Pickleweed in San Rafael, and most profoundly on the RhythmWave dance floor at Burning Man.
What about you? 🤔
Have you experienced this exhilarating dance? How does the space between you and other dancers come alive for you? Please share your adventures and insights, challenges and questions.
This is something near and dear to me as I facilitate more and more dance playshops to share this magic with others. 🌀🔄⚡💛🎶