Things Worth Dancin' About
Dancing into June like Amara at the Hello Kitty World Tour!
Full Video on Amara In Seattle on YT:
#hellokitty #hellokittyworldtour #hellokitty45 #seattlelife #AmaraInSeattle #hellojune #nosmallcreator
Going to Portland In My Seattle Home?!
Can you travel to Portland without leaving your home?
With a little help from Rockstars, like Marie Winton & Krista aka Summerskin90, anything is possible!
#virtualtravel to Portland, Oregon in the new video up on Amara In Seattle on the Tubes of You (video link in first comment ⬇️)
You can tell when everything’s changing...
It can be wonderful &/or terrifying...
So often it comes down to what you’re gonna do...
Who you’re gonna be...
How you’re gonna get there...
Being brave...
Being kind...
Changing the established rules, by writing your own...
With all that in mind, ever year I pick a word...
And this time, I’ve decided to make Unstoppable waves, Rockstars!
Welcome to #AmarasUnstoppable2020.
A hashtag that bridges across my life; uniting the community & adventures of here at AmaraInSeattle & my work Amara Dumlao!
So buckle in, Rockstars, this ☝️ is gonna be quite the ride!
Holiday chat & unboxing cuteness?!
Tonight at 5:30PM PST over on the AmaraInSeattle Instagram! ~ holiday beverages encouraged!
Axe Throwing Bloopers?!
Wait, people throw axes in a bar?!
Discover how a vandelized Seattle art house inspired me to get #BettieBangs at Rudy's & throw axes at Blade and Timber.
The 🎥is now up on Amara In Seattle on the tubes of you (full video linked in the first comment!).
Also, as per always, you can find me on most social media, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook, as @AmaraInSeattle
#adventure #socialmedia #BladeandTimber #AmaraInSeattle #SeattleArt #AmaraInSeattle #SeattleYouTube @Blade and Timber, Rudy's #BettiePageHouse
Unexpected Motivation
How a vandelized Seattle art house inspired me to get #BettieBangs at Rudy's & throw axes at Blade and Timber.
The #BettiePageHouse 🎥is now up on Amara In Seattle on the tubes of you (full video linked in the first comment!).
Also, as per always, you can find me on most social media, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook, as @AmaraInSeattle
#adventure #socialmedia #BladeandTimber #AmaraInSeattle Office of Arts & Culture Seattle #AmaraInSeattle #SeattleYouTube Blade and Timber Seattle, Washington Rudy's
Secret Goths Bumper
Who has multiple NYT best-selling books & is also maybe a secret goth?!
It's the delightful author (& all around Rockstar) Gail Carriger who joined me in for a chat in Seattle's #UniversityDistrict in the newest 🎬up Amara In Seattle on the tubes of you (full video linked in the first comment!).
Do any of you suspect you are part of a subculture secretly, Rockstars?
Also, as per always, you can find me on most social media, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook, as @AmaraInSeattle
#GailCarriger #writerlife #ParasolProtectorate #writing #AmaraInSeattle Seattle, Washington #gothlife #SeattleYouTube #steamcon #internetmagic NaNoWriMo Hugo House #SeattleWrites #SeattleWriters #SanFrancisco #SanFranciscoWriters #goth
Learn from the best Bumper
Learn from the best...
Recently has a wonderful bookish chat w/ archeologist & multiple NYT best-selling author, Gail Carriger ~ 🎬now on Amara In Seattle on the tubes of you (full video linked in the first comment!).
What kind of expert do you need in your life, Rockstars?
Also, as per always, you can find me on most social media, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook, as @AmaraInSeattle
#GailCarriger #writerlife #ParasolProtectorate #writing #AmaraInSeattle Seattle, Washington #gothlife #SeattleYouTube #steamcon #internetmagic NaNoWriMo Hugo House #SeattleWrites #SeattleWriters #SanFrancisco #SanFranciscoWriters #books #reads #book #writers
Pop Culture Travels
Making all kinds of Rockstar friends!
Pop-Up Video Style Tour of New Funko HQ w/ Joel from SD ~ up now on Amara In Seattle on the tubes of you (full video linked in the first comment!).
Who should I meet next, Rockstars?
Also, as per always, you can find me on most social media, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook, as @AmaraInSeattle
#adventure #socialmedia Funko #Funko #AmaraInSeattle Seattle, Washington Everett, Washington #AmaraInSeattle #SeattleYouTube Emerald City Comic Con #pacificnortwest #localtravel #FunkoTips #SakuraCon Sakura-Con
Dances and Dragons
Not allowed to ride a dragon?!
Pop-Up Video Style Tour of New Funko HQ w/ Joel from SD ~ up now on Amara In Seattle on the tubes of you (full video linked in the first comment!).
Where should I #PNWonderland adventure to next, Rockstars?
Also, as per always, you can find me on most social media, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook, as @AmaraInSeattle
#adventure #socialmedia Funko #Funko #AmaraInSeattle Seattle, Washington @Everett, Washington #AmaraInSeattle #SeattleYouTube Emerald City Comic Con #pacificnortwest #localtravel #FunkoTips
When A Selfie Is A Whole Lot More
Sometimes a selfie is so much more...
The quest to find my #UHaul & how I ended up #uhaulfamous...
Now up on Amara In Seattle on the tubes of you (full video linked in the first comment!).
Also, as per always, you can find me on most social media, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook, as @AmaraInSeattle
#adventure #socialmedia #uhaul #AmaraInSeattle Seattle, Washington #AmaraInSeattle #SeattleYouTube U-Haul U-HaulTukwila, Washington