Fairhaven Bicycles is the place to be in Bellingham folks! Go check them out if you find yourself in the neighborhood.
Hi. If we haven't officially met yet, one of us is Amy and the other is Matt. We'd like to say Thank You again for the amazing support and kindness of this community. We think about this everyday but today we'd like to express it even more because it's our 3 Year Anniversary as owners and operators of Fairhaven Bicycles! We want to send a huge thanks to the bike community of Bellingham. Is there a better place to ride a bike? To sell bikes? To interact with the all ties of riders about bikes? We doubt it.
We'd also like to send an equally huge thanks to all the staff at Fairhaven Bicycles. Nothing can happen without you. Thank you for everything! (Take tomorrow and Wednesday off. You've earned it...) We can't really believe we get to do what we do in this place. We are truly grateful. Thank you, thank you.
Fun fact: while we're only 3 years old as owners, Fairhaven Bicycles has been serving Bellingham for 49 years. All of it from Fairhaven on 11th Street. We only get better with age. Here's to at least 49 more!