Kimi Movie Extras

Kimi Movie Extras Background Talent and Bit Parts for Movie and Television


Good evening Seattle! Well as we say in Hollywood that's a wrap!

Thank you ...thank you to the 1,400 people who worked for us this week. We could not have done it without you!! You were so professional, and our crew was super impressed with you .

Hopefully we an come back again in the future and do another show.

On another note someone did leave their Jeans and a turquoise top. If this is you please email us at? [email protected]
Subject line: Lost clothing. We will try and get them back to you. but most of our team is on a plane tomorrow.

So from the Rich King casting crew from the bottom of our hearts your were great. We got to talk to many wonderful people.
Stat safe and healthy.

Until we meet again thank you from Rich, Kelly , David, Nick and Joseph!


RUSH call now for people who can go to northgate and covid test today before noon.. to work tomorrow. 5/4. Cannot be on set today.

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Thanks to everyone who worked for us today@@ See you again tomorow.

We may need to add a few more for saturday 5/15. You would need to covid test tomorrow 5/13 . Between 7 am-7pm

If you can do it please submit ages 18 or older.

Category: Puppytails

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Seattle YOU ROCK!!! Thanks to all our people who are working for us today and tomorrow. All showed up in great spirits. So
many complements from the crew.
We know due to covid and paperless vouchers you all had to jump through some big hoops to get to set. BUT you all did it and our department is so grateful!!

Thanks Casting: Kelly, Rich, David Nick Joseph!!!


Hello they added a scene to this Friday 5/14 and you need to covid test either tomorrow 5/12 OR 5/13(only in the Am)

If you have already worked this you can submit as well as all new faces and all types for this.. and can do this then submit ages 18-older
Category: NEW scene HIPPO 5/14

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Last chance to work on KIN+MI

Work Date: 5/14 Covid test tomorrow 5/12
1. Government workers need a business suit ages 20 or older Category Government workers blue unit
2. Pedestrians Blue unit
How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


RUSH CALL now to covid today between now and 7:30 pm today or tomorrow 6:30 am-2pm work date 5/12&5/13 2 day call. Only submit if you can commit to the 2 days 18 or older.. If you worked on the 8th and were not used or worked as a pedestrian, driver you can submit

Category RUSH call PINK
How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Hope all you mom's had a great day!

Tomorrow might need to rush call a few to covid test and can also covid test in the morning on tuesday to work a 2 day call 5/12&5/13. Must be available both work days. Ages 18 or older but never worked on KIMI. Category Protesters rush call

David is still booking some government workers need business suits and conservative looks..
2. category 5/14 government workers with business suits or pedestrians and some with cars. covid test 5/12
and that is it for now.
How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Happy Saturday Seattle!

A big thank you to everyone who worked for us today on day 1.
Was a great success. Thank you so much for working with us and the feedback from the top was WOW the Seattle/Washington people are great and very nice! Of course you are!

So here is the run down of what we are possibly needing:
Tomorrow might need to rush call a few to covid test to work on Tuesday 5/11. Must be knew to the show. Ages 18 or older.. submit a car if you have one year make and color.Category: Rush call 5/9

For those of you who have not yet been book there is still time
We are still adding people for these dates:
1. 5/12&5/13 2 day call
2. 5/14 government workers with business suits or pedestrians and some with cars.
3. 5/15 train passengers, homeless and people with cars.

If you are available for any of these dates and have not yet been booked then submit. Make sure to put the date or dates you can work.
How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Happy Friday!!
Possibly need to add some people to covid test. Tomorrow Saturday 5/9 and work on monday the 10th downtown Seattle.
Category: 18 to look younger/hipster types New to the show.
Category: fit athletic types Jogger/runners
Category: Pedestrians ages 18 or older
Category: Character types, interesting looks all ages.
Just no one who has been booked so far.

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Rush Call:

Need very fit male or female joggers.

Need to covid test tomorrow 5/8 and work monday the 10th.
Must be new to the show.
If you can please submit
Category : Joggers

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size. If submitting w. car or bike please send us a photo.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Rush Call Homeless female covid tested tomorrow 5/6 and works saturday 5/8.
Must not have been booked yet on Kimi

category: Rush call homeless 5/8

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size. If submitting w. car or bike please send us a photo.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Need a very dapper male to play a news reporter need nice business suits ages 30-55. Male
work date saturday 5/8 covid test tomorrow 5/6
very featured but bg work
category: News man

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size. If submitting w. car or bike please send us a photo.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


For those of you who have already been booked we want to clarify a few things.
You will be emailed from our health /safety Booker 2-3 days BEFORE your work date to schedule your covid test(no sooner). Also look in your spam just to make sure it does not go there.
You will also get a text from RABS APP to fill out your digital voucher around the same time.
Please once you get those fill all of it out ASAP. We need to confirm that you all have done this and this take time.

We are still need people..If you have already been booked then do not submit for the below
Here is what we are booking Nick is still adding people to the 2 day protest scene.
work dates: Wednesday 5/12& Thursday 5/13 must be available both dates. Also covid test on Monday 5/10
Category: Protesters

David is still booking Government workers.
work date Friday 5/14 covid testing Wednesday 5/12
Category: Government workers ages 25 or older conservative types with business suits.

We are having some fallout on the 10th and 11th so if you have not yet been booked then please submit.
10th Pedestrian types covid test on the 8th if you have a car put year color make
11th Pedestrians covid teat on the 9th if you have a car put year color make

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size. If submitting w. car or bike please send us a photo.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Had a few cancellations for saturday the 8th please read and if you HAVE not been booked yet submit:
Work Date 5/8 Covid Test Tomorrow 5/6
1: Business type: Male 30 or older must have a business suit
2. Tech type: Female ages 21 -40

If you can do this please submit

How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size. If submitting w. car or bike please send us a photo.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting


Good morning Seattle:
updating our post from last night.
The pedestrians now for the 14th all need to have cars..see below

Rates: 133.53/8+overtime over 8 hrs + covid test 50.00+ 25 for your car.
Government agency Workers. Do not submit if you have already been booked on another day.
Work date: Friday 5/14
Covid test 5/12
1. Government workers: men and women ages 21 or older you must have a full business suit for this. (see photos below)
2.Pedestrians: men and women ages 18 or older must have a bookable car. No white or red. Please submit a photo if you have one and let us kn ow what color, year make.
3. Homeless: men and women ages 18 or older
How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size. If submitting w. car or bike please send us a photo.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting

Good evening Seattle:Hope you had a great weekend. Well we are getting closer!Looking for  conservative types who have b...

Good evening Seattle:
Hope you had a great weekend. Well we are getting closer!

Looking for conservative types who have business attire. please look at photos below.

Here is what we are booking:
Rates: 133.53/8+overtime over 8 hrs + covid test 50.00

Government agency Workers. Do not submit if you have already been booked on another day.
Work date: Friday 5/14
Covid test 5/12
1. Government workers: men and women ages 21 or older you must have a full business suit for this. (see photos below)
2.Pedestrians: men and women ages 18 or older must have a bookable car. No white or red. Please submit a photo if you have one and let us kn ow what color, year make.
3. Homeless: men and women ages 18 or older
How to submit:
If you are new and have not yet emailed us please email:
[email protected]
In the subject line put the category listed above and work date
We need your photo/phone number/DOB/Height/weight/sizes to include shoe size. If submitting w. car or bike please send us a photo.
If you have already emailed to the address above and have submitted a photo w/ all your just need to submit in the subject line the category above you are submitting and work date/s and in the body put your full name and phone number.
A side note. the area code we will be calling from is 323& 310(mostly). When we do text you the area code will be 855 (mostly)FYI.
Looking forward to booking this with the great people of Seattle and surrounding areas.
Thanks Casting

As we get closer to coming to Seattle the more excited we are.  I am include rules on Social Media.  Of course we do not...

As we get closer to coming to Seattle the more excited we are. I am include rules on Social Media. Of course we do not want to ruin the story for everyone.
thanks for your help with this...


Seattle, WA


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