Washed Out Lotus
Screenshot to choose your Washed Out Lotus vibe 🪷
I will share the entirety of each image set here on Facebook. I will share highlights of each image set on Instagram. (Same name, @SlyFoxAVAIL.) I will also be sharing them on Patreon under Sly Fox Syndicate.
Who can use the images I post?Any of the images that I share on this page are available to the public under Creative Commons BY 4.0. This means that you may share, adapt, remix, and avail yourself of these images for personal use. You may not use these images commercially or reprint them directly on merchandise. However, you may use them as reference images or as a jumping off point to create your own art that you sell. But if you want to print out anything for your own personal use to decorate your home or make one T-shirt for yourself, that’s fine. If you can tag my page while sharing, I appreciate that! (But it’s not required.)One of my main goals with this page is to re-create the same image multiple times with different kinds of people in the images in hopes that I can offer a better representation of the human experience than the average stock image site. I think everyone deserves to feel arty or beautiful and AI has given me to tools to be able to remix my original art pieces as many times with as many different people as I want. It is this multivariational part of the page that I really hope can be useful for other artists.