Blazing Heart Cards

Blazing Heart Cards Original, Tribute, and Vintage Revival Oracle Decks.

I'm putting together a history of oracle/fortune telling cards presentation, as well as a list of cards with dates. It's...

I'm putting together a history of oracle/fortune telling cards presentation, as well as a list of cards with dates. It's interesting work but really difficult, for all kinds of reasons.

Mostly, the problems come from card’s place in society – they weren’t taken seriously, so they weren’t well documented. We trace their history through tax stamps on surviving decks, advertisements, laws regulating or forbidding gambling and fortune telling – that kind of thing. Sometime from the records and, as mentioned, advertisements from card manufacturers. And that’s where the fun really begins. 😁

Card makers stole art and designs from each other constantly, and they lied about pretty much everything. Cheerfully and freely. One deck from the early 20th century was copied by at least five other companies, and not only did they steal the art, several claimed to have worked really hard on it and patented the designs! Which they absolutely did not. Plus nearly every oracle deck, no matter the style, is titled with some combination of “Lenormand”, “Gypsy”, or “Witch” – often all three. It’s a circus. I really do mean it when I say its fun though, I thoroughly enjoy digging into all this.

The casual racism is pretty breathtaking as well, but that’s for another post. I’ll just leave you with this gem of a card box, from about 1930, Chicago.

I love oracle decks. All cards, really, but it's these odd little folk magic decks that really hold my attention. And I ...

I love oracle decks. All cards, really, but it's these odd little folk magic decks that really hold my attention. And I love reprinting them as so many are forgotten and fading away.
That said, I probably need a second lifetime to reprint as many as I'd like to.

I'm making journals to sell in my vintage cards site. I've created a divination journal with suggestions for card layout...

I'm making journals to sell in my vintage cards site. I've created a divination journal with suggestions for card layouts, working with moon phases, and card meanings for tarot, lenormand, and playing cards, and pages formatted to make it easy to record your readings. Plus a regular lined journal. Both will have the option of several different covers.
I haven't published a book before, and wow was that a learning curve! It's taken longer than I expected but I'm really happy with the results so far. Have a look and let me know what you think!

I've updated the Cards of Fortune page on my website with history notes. All wrapped up now. :-)

I've updated the Cards of Fortune page on my website with history notes. All wrapped up now. :-)

Years ago, I bought what I thought was an incomplete deck of very old playing cards. When I started researching the deck I discovered, to my delight, that they are actually a complete deck of fortune telling cards from the 1800s! What I thought were missing cards is actually a unique numbering syste...

Just put the last of the rewards boxes in the mail! It's a great feeling, and it was much easier this time around. Shout...

Just put the last of the rewards boxes in the mail! It's a great feeling, and it was much easier this time around. Shout out to Pirate Shipping, their site is easy to use and they made everything go so much smoother. I wanted to pack the boxes myself (I have a weakness for pretty paper and washi tape), but no way did I want to stand there at the post office buying postage for all those boxes! Let's not even think about figuring out customs rules for other countries. So yeah, Pirate Shipping to the rescue. :-)
Now I can start thinking about the next deck I want to publish.

I'm trying to research the copyright status of a deck of cards I'd like to reprint. There's a copyright date of 1948 on ...

I'm trying to research the copyright status of a deck of cards I'd like to reprint. There's a copyright date of 1948 on the deck, and that's tricky. If they renewed in 1976 it's still under copyright, if not, it's public domain. So I'm wandering around in the Copyright Office's records - I'm really grateful they are online but there's... a lot.

I can't find the cards under any version of their title, and I can't find the company that claims the copyright anywhere for anything. It looks like they put a copyright notice on the cards but never filed it. Which would give you rights to the images today, but not in 1948.

Gah. Definitely more searching in my future. The cards are really cool though, take a look -

More thoughts on the Turner and Fisher cards that I’m reprinting as Cards of Fortune. Domestic scenes and people make up...

More thoughts on the Turner and Fisher cards that I’m reprinting as Cards of Fortune. Domestic scenes and people make up most of the illustrations. But a surprising number of cards are illustrated from mythology, more than we usually see in oracle decks.

Generally the illustration and the card meaning align – the ace of spades is Nemesis, or perhaps a Fury, and means trouble or anger. The 4 of clubs, Bacchus, means mirth and drinking, the 10 of diamonds, a Cornucopia, means wealth and plenty, and so on. The 8 of diamonds shows a woman holding a Liberty Pole and a palm or palmetto frond, the meaning of Liberty and Peace must refer to the revolution, and is pretty cool.

But one in particular is more confusing (and therefore, to me, even more interesting). The 9 of clubs shows a warrior leaning on a club. Hercules perhaps? Or a Pictish warrior, as shown by his tattoos? He appears to be a giant, and he also seems to have trees growing out of his head… the card means investments, international commerce, which doesn’t help at all. Anybody have thoughts on who this could be?

Fortune telling cards in the 1830sFortune telling cards were well established when these cards were first created around...

Fortune telling cards in the 1830s
Fortune telling cards were well established when these cards were first created around 1830-1835. The great Jean-Baptiste Alliette had printed his 32 card Petit Etteilla nearly 50 years earlier, and the Game of Hope had been popular in France and Germany since the turn of the century. In Paris, Madame Lenormand was famous for card readings using a variety of decks. Tarot, originally a card game, was the subject of several books and had begun to be used for divination. In addition to the widespread practice of reading with regular playing cards, 32, 36, 42, 52, and 66 card fortune telling decks were being created in Italy, France, Germany, Austria, and Hungary. All of these decks used their own systems of meanings, numbers, and suit symbols. It was a creative time, and our Turner & Fisher Cards of Fortune reflect this. They don’t match any other deck. They are their own tradition.

History of the Turner & Fisher cards
There isn’t a lot of information available on the history of the deck, but we do have some reference material. Even though it's not much it's actually a lot more than is available for most decks - cards weren't considered 'serious' and almost nothing was written about them at the time, so it's all about piecing things together. The Hochman Encyclopedia of American Playing Cards states: “This deck is believed to be the earliest fortune telling deck on the American scene, but the date cannot be determined accurately. Gene Hochman had a copy in black and white dated 1862 and a delicately colored version that appeared much older.” Two sets are listed in the catalogue of the Cary Collection of Playing Cards, one from Turner & Fisher dated c.1830 and one, from a different publisher, dated c.1899. These later 1899 cards aren’t in color, so I’m confident our full-color cards are from Turner & Fisher or their successor, Fisher Bros. These two related companies were in business from approx. 1830 to 1860.

Life in the 1830s
The 1830s were a vibrant time in the United States, full of changes. It was only 50 years since the constitution was signed in 1787, and 60 years since the 1776 declaration of independence. Running a country by letting the citizens vote was still a new idea, and many of the people living here could remember the war of independence for themselves. There were 24 states, with a population of 12,866,020. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness did not yet apply to all the peoples of this new country; 2,009,043 of our people were enslaved, and only a fraction of citizens had the right to vote. Still, there were signs of change; the abolitionist movement had found its voice and began to organize in earnest, and women’s suffrage was stirring. Most people still lived and worked on farms, but cities were becoming more important – this is strongly reflected in our cards, where nearly all of the scenes are set in towns and cities. Life could be harsh and uncertain. The average life span was about 65 for those who survived to adulthood, but child mortality was heartbreakingly high – around 44% of children died before their 5th birthday.
Staying in touch could be difficult. The telegraph hadn’t yet been invented and telephones were generations away. While most adults could read, letters took a long time to arrive and were very expensive to send, as much as a full day’s wages for the working classes. Delivery could be unreliable. All in all, it’s easy to see why fortune telling cards were so popular.

The Cards of Fortune kickstarter has about 2 1/2 weeks to go, but the early bird discounts end in 4 days, so grab those ...

The Cards of Fortune kickstarter has about 2 1/2 weeks to go, but the early bird discounts end in 4 days, so grab those while you can! I'm taking the community's advice and going with the magnetic boxes for the deluxe version, the prototype should get here this week and I'm really excited to see it. Will post pictures! Pic is of one of the magnets I'm creating as add-ons for the kickstarter rewards.

I'm creating the "How to Play Piquet" booklet for my Cards of Fortune Kickstarter piquet deck add-on and... wow. It's no...

I'm creating the "How to Play Piquet" booklet for my Cards of Fortune Kickstarter piquet deck add-on and... wow. It's not just that it's a complicated game, it is but it sounds like it's really fun to play. It's that every source I look at has different rules! Sometimes it's pretty straight forward but it can be convoluted beyond belief. I'm working on what to include and what to leave out, since this is a booklet, not a book. 😆I'm finding it easy to imagine people getting into duels over the rules to this game, back in the 1800s when both duels and piquet were popular!

Our Cards of Fortune kickstarter is fully funded after just one week! There's still a week left to claim one of the Earl...

Our Cards of Fortune kickstarter is fully funded after just one week! There's still a week left to claim one of the Early Bird discounted rewards, and three weeks left in the campaign, if you haven't done so already please have a look and add your support to Cards of Fortune. Now we know it's a sure thing!


The Kickstarter for our new Cards of Fortune deck is in Pre-Launch, check it out! We go live in less than a week. I'd love to hear your feedback on the pre-launch site.

I'm launching another kickstarter! This time for a rare historic deck that I'm reprinting. I'm excited, I've been planni...

I'm launching another kickstarter! This time for a rare historic deck that I'm reprinting. I'm excited, I've been planning to publish this deck for years, and now it's happening. I'll kick it off on June 20, Midsummer eve, and wrap up on July 20th. A link to the kickstarter and lots more info coming soon!

The oldest known Tarot de Marseilles, from 1638, complete and in perfect condition. Even the original wrapper, just amaz...

The oldest known Tarot de Marseilles, from 1638, complete and in perfect condition. Even the original wrapper, just amazing. Recently discovered and authenticated, it went up for auction a little over a month ago. Estimated to sell for €4000 but sold for €65,000.


Blazing Heart is going to do another Kickstarter - actually I think I'm going to do two of them. Not decks I've created this time, these will be historical reprints. Kickstarters are a lot of work but it went well last time, wish me luck! I will be bugging you all with lots of updates. :-)


Don't listen to the negative chatter. Be creative! 🙏❤️

Browse our shops

For sale, Lost Envoy: The Tarot Deck of Austin Osman Spare. New in the original shrink wrap, one small ding on the top o...

For sale, Lost Envoy: The Tarot Deck of Austin Osman Spare. New in the original shrink wrap, one small ding on the top of the front cover. Out of print first edition, nearly impossible to find, and really beautiful.

In the Spring of 2013 a 79-card, hand-painted tarot deck created c.1906 by the mystic and artist Austin Osman Spare, was identified within the collections of The Magic Circle Museum in London.


Fat Mike of NOFX is preparing to open the world’s first comprehensive museum dedicated to punk rock in Las Vegas in January 13, 2023.

The 12,000 sq. ft. space will include tons of punk rock memorabilia, interactive exhibits & it will also feature a tattoo parlor, wedding chapel, punk shop & a bar.

Adventures in oracle cards. While I wait for my From the Heart Oracle to be printed, I’m looking at ideas for my next pr...

Adventures in oracle cards. While I wait for my From the Heart Oracle to be printed, I’m looking at ideas for my next project.
I’m going to create a deck where a collaborator and I create the illustrations. I think it’s going to be really cool, but it’ll take awhile. Oracle decks are smaller than tarot decks but even so – 36 cards is a fair number of drawings.

Meanwhile, the reason I started all this was to reprint some of the antique decks I’ve collected, and I’m starting with this one – The Book of Fate from Grimaud. First printed in 1889, I’m using he 1889 pictures. It’s long out of print from Grimaud.

I’m not going to Kickstarter this one, or at least, not right away. I don’t have the bandwidth. 😊 I’ll start it off as print on demand.

My From the Heart Oracle kickstarter campaign completed this morning – funding was successful and then some. It feels re...

My From the Heart Oracle kickstarter campaign completed this morning – funding was successful and then some. It feels really good. I’m grateful for the support I’ve received and am looking forward to the tangible part – ordering the decks and boxes and sending everything out. I love that my deck will be real and in people’s hands. 😊

Kickstarter Stretch Goals ~ I'd like to add cards to the deck when we hit campaign milestones, such as number of pledges...

Kickstarter Stretch Goals ~ I'd like to add cards to the deck when we hit campaign milestones, such as number of pledges or a dollar amount that we've raised. I'm still thinking about what those milestones should be, but I do have the cards - additional jokers, with new meanings. Of course, now that I have the cards designed I want to add them no matter what, but let's see how that goes. 🙂"

I noticed this on the Morbid Anatomy Museum site - this is amazing. A deck this old and in such good shape. For sale for...

I noticed this on the Morbid Anatomy Museum site - this is amazing. A deck this old and in such good shape. For sale for far more than I can pay but it's a steal all the same, and lovely to just look at and admire!

Rare 19th-century Lombardy Tarot cards; incomplete deck, 76 of 78 cards. Soprafino Tarot drawn after the style of Dellarocca by the Avondo Brothers, Serravalle-Sesia, Italy. Lacking Arcanum 0 (Il Matto/ The Fool) and Arcanum 6 (Gli Amanti/ The Lovers). Major Arcanum display beautifully colorful &

"From the Heart Oracle is 100% funded, just two weeks in! The project will complete, the rewards will ship, it’s all com...

"From the Heart Oracle is 100% funded, just two weeks in! The project will complete, the rewards will ship, it’s all coming together. I’m so grateful to our backers, and to our signal-boosting friends.
We have two more weeks in the campaign, so if you haven't backed us yet, you still have time! I need to think of some stretch goals. Any suggestions?"


Seattle, WA


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