Unsung Hero Movie is the brand new movie featuring the true story of David Smallbone, his pregnant wife and their seven children leaving Australia to rebuild their lives in America. David and Helen realize the musical talent of their children, who become two of the most successful acts in Inspirational Music history (Rebecca St. James and for KING + COUNTRY). It is exclusively in theaters NOW. Plan to see it with your family and friends!
Unsung Hero Movie is the brand new movie featuring the true story of David Smallbone, his pregnant wife and their seven children leaving Australia to rebuild their lives in America. David and Helen realize the musical talent of their children, who become two of the most successful acts in Inspirational Music history (Rebecca St. James and for KING + COUNTRY). It is exclusively in theaters NOW. Plan to see it with your family and friends!
Unsung Hero Movie is the brand new movie featuring the true story of David Smallbone, his pregnant wife and their seven children leaving Australia to rebuild their lives in America. David and Helen realize the musical talent of their children, who become two of the most successful acts in Inspirational Music history (Rebecca St. James and for KING + COUNTRY). It is exclusively in theaters NOW. Plan to see it with your family and friends!
Unsung Hero Movie is the brand new movie featuring the true story of David Smallbone, his pregnant wife and their seven children leaving Australia to rebuild their lives in America. David and Helen realize the musical talent of their children, who become two of the most successful acts in Inspirational Music history (Rebecca St. James and for KING + COUNTRY). It is exclusively in theaters nationwide starting Friday. Plan to see it with your family and friends!
Buenas noticias para todos!! EL FREE GUEY IS BACK
Freeguey Show
La Patrona 1680 considera que el votar es muy importante para nuestra comunidad. Para hablar de la importancia del voto, entrevistamos a Tania Hino, fundadora y presidente de Somos Mujeres Latinas. Tania habló de la importancia del voto, y de lo trascendente que es para los Latinos la participación cívica. Aquí tiene más información sobre la seguridad de las elecciones en el estado de Washington, su elegibilidad y las
opciones para votar. sos.wa.gov/elections
Registrese hoy! VoteWA.gov
Registrese hoy, Vote el 8 de noviembre!
La Patrona 1680 considera que el votar es muy importante para nuestra comunidad. Para hablar de la importancia del voto, entrevistamos a Audel Ramírez. Audel es organizador comunitario de OneAmerica en Yakima, y nos explicó porque el considera que es esencial para todos los Latinos votar en las elecciones generales del 8 de noviembre del 2022. Aquí tiene más información sobre la seguridad de las elecciones en el estado de Washington, su elegibilidad y las
opciones para votar. sos.wa.gov/elections
Registrese hoy! VoteWA.gov
Luz Díaz Consejera pastoral espiritual y Terapista en entrevista nos hanla de la responsabilidad en la toma de decisiones tan personal, como es el vacunarte o no vacunarte.
Dafne Powell Directora Ejecutiva y Foundadora de Keep Dreams Alive Foundation nos comparte su experiencia al tomar la decisión de vacunarse.