Forensic Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology Consultant

Forensic Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology Consultant I discuss current issues in both law and psychiatry as well as psychopharmacology. My discussions are generated from my books on these topics.

Genocidal Violence Surges in Our Inner Cities without any Solutions in Sight. St Louis in the Post Pruitt-Igoe EraCold M...

Genocidal Violence Surges in Our Inner Cities without any Solutions in Sight. St Louis in the Post Pruitt-Igoe Era

Cold Murder Cases pile up in our cities without federal policy to stop the carnage and with apparent tolerance policy for the bloodshed at state and local levels.

St Louis is now the second most dangerous city in nation, but again the surging homicide rate is intra-racial. Pruitt Igoe was the grand design for solving the racial problem in St Louis; it was one of the grandest housing projects ever built in this country. Its planning, however, tells the story; St Louis started out this grandiose social reform by segregating its model housing project for the underprivileged - white and black. It was torn down because of crime, leaving even worse crime ridden acres of weeds. Nearby Ferguson was just a symptom; the feds are helpless. Local officials appear to have a tolerance policy to gang warfare so dangerous to everybody in the inner city.

"Black residents are more than 2.5 times as likely as white residents to be a victim of a violent crime."

Statistics show that disproportionate number of victims and their suspected killers are black males and that vast majority of cases are cold murder cases.

The Murdered Children of Atlanta: What They Say to Me Today, by John Liebert

Cold Murder Cases pile up in our cities.  Detroit now the most dangerous city in America.

Cold Murder Cases pile up in our cities. Detroit now the most dangerous city in America.

African Americans die from homicide at much higher rates than other racial groups, especially in Detroit, and black men are especially at risk


African Americans die from homicide at much higher rates than other racial groups, especially in Detroit, and black men are especially at risk


While giving thanks during this holiday weekend, remember we have so far to go!


Charmer: A Ladies' Man and His Victims


After 36 years, detectives arrested a suspect in connection with the death of Aimee See.

AP Exclusive: 1,500 arrests in DEA violent crime initiativeIn some cases, agents have been able to directly trace drugs ...

AP Exclusive: 1,500 arrests in DEA violent crime initiative
In some cases, agents have been able to directly trace drugs being sold by street-level dealers in U.S. cities to cartels in Mexico, allowing DEA to expand its intelligence, he said.

The initiative is being announced at a news conference in Boston, Massachusetts, where officials will also discuss a monthslong investigation targeting street-level co***ne and fentanyl distributors that resulted in 14 arrest warrants and eight search warrants in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

“It is a different way to look at it, but we’re getting the same result,” Shea said. “Plus, we’re addressing the violent crime problem in these localities.”

WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 1,500 people have been arrested on state and federal criminal charges in the last three months as part of a Drug Enforcement Administration project focusing on violent crime, the agency’s acting administrator told The Associated Press. Since the operation launched in ...


At least 100 people had gathered for a service for homicide victim Braxton Taylor when shots were fired outside. Seven people were wounded.


New public view into crime data comes as city sees homicide surge.


"Our psychologist, Dr Margaret Spencer saw this coming. For us it was predictable, but not predicted.

Excerpts from the Murdered Children of Atlanta"The Task Force Unit ignored the more than sixty cases mostly because they...

Excerpts from the Murdered Children of Atlanta
"The Task Force Unit ignored the more than sixty cases mostly because they failed to meet the parameters that police were continuously changing - and because they failed to notice the geographic and social connection between the victims, both on and off The List. That would change, as the task force now had 63 investigators and was prepared to present actionable evidence of a pattern to top experts in the country. The gathering of consultants was like the who’s who of nationally high profile homicide detectives that included the following experts on pursuing serial killings without knowing the perpetrator:
Sidney Smith and David Millican from the sadistic slayings of 17 found in boat storage in Pasadena, Tx
Frank Braun of Gacy Serial Murders
Robert Keppel of Ted (Bundy) Task Force
Joseph Borelli of Son of Sam serial killing
Ed Henderson and Phillip Sartuche of Hillside Strangler case from LA to Bellingham, WA
Jeff Bosch of Zebra Killlings of SF
Pierce Brooks of the Onion Field Case
George Mayer of Parkway Bar Murder Case, Stamford, CT
Gill Hill, Browning Gang Murders, Detroit
Al Smith, of Oakland, for Symbionese Liberation Army.
Charlie Nanton, Lower East Side NYC Homicides

Keppel stated, “According to Lee Brown our consultation had two objectives. The first was to provide a profile of the killer, identifying characteristics of his behavior and the way they related to the signature of the crimes. After profiling the offender, we were asked to develop strategies for catching him. Inasmuch as the FIB had been running around the bushes for years before we were called in, our profile wasn’t likely to fit their profile. Moreover, because they hadn’t caught the guy, our strategies for apprehending him, we thought, might be likely to raise a few official eyebrows.” (Riverman)
Keppel said that the presentation started with a slide show of crime scenes and bodies, many left in s*xually degrading positions. “We all squirmed in our chairs at the gruesome sights. There is nothing worse than knowing a s*x-crazed killer is on the loose.” I was shocked, because Rappaport and I certainly did not have this information while brainstorming the case; thus the concept of “as*xual necrophilia”? Hardly the case!**

Excerpts from The Murdered Children of Atlanta"This has never been a very acceptable theory of the Atlanta Missing and M...

Excerpts from The Murdered Children of Atlanta

"This has never been a very acceptable theory of the Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children Case, because such black-on-black serial lust killing was all but unheard of in the south – perhaps in the north too. My case of Virgil Beard in Seattle was proof that such rare and malignant paraphilic human destructiveness was not associated with race, but, rather with a malfunctioning limbic system in the human brain, whether black or white.
I met late Sunday afternoon with my friend, Bob Lamb from the Justice Department, because I was concerned that my theory was not going to be taken too seriously. He respected my judgment; so, I told him, “Bob, you need to change the focus of this investigation. I don’t think this is any conspiracy, and it’s not white on black. You have a lust killer like Bundy on the loose in Atlanta. He’s very smart, He’s very cunning. Like Gacy and Bundy, he can disarm the fear of these kids until he has the opportunity to s***f them. He has dump sites for the bodies, just like Bundy, and there is a place – like a restaurant – where, if you simply staked it out, you would see the killer and a pool of victims. And, I told him with some hesitation, I used to work down here. There’s a class structure in the black community that mirrors the white community; I remembered the black society page in the Atlanta Constitution from the 60’s. “I think the killer is not one of these ghetto blacks; I think he’s from a higher socioeconomic class and is educated. He’s smart and he can put on airs to disarm these kids. He has something they want, and he’s got class. I also think he has worked in funeral homes or, like Bundy, driving ambulances, where he has intimate contact with the dead; he’s necrophilic and a Lust Killer. Same coin as Bundy back home in Seattle there’s a place where the chicken hawks how to find male prostitutes here, just like Second Avenue south of your office in Seattle. Where is it? What is it?”
He took it surprisingly well; I knew as a field director for the Community Relations Division of DOJ that his perspective was in*******al and not s*xual perversion. It was hard for him to conceive of a single black male causing all this – even getting the Reagan White House to take a knee. But, from Seattle, he knew what Bundy had done, and Rappaport knew Gacy better than anyone after 56 hours of interviews with him."

The Murdered Children of Atlanta: What They Say to Us Today by John Liebert


The Murdered Children of Atlanta

Excerpts from Atlanta Police Task Force Investigation
"Serial Lust Murder has never been a very acceptable theory of the Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children Case, because such black-on-black serial lust killing was all but unheard of in the south – perhaps in the north too. My case of Virgil Beard in Seattle was proof that such rare and malignant paraphilic human destructiveness was not associated with race, but, rather with a malfunctioning limbic system in the human brain, whether black or white.
I met late Sunday afternoon with my friend, Bob Lamb from the Justice Department, because I was concerned that my theory was not going to be taken too seriously. He respected my judgment; so, I told him, “Bob, you need to change the focus of this investigation. I don’t think this is any conspiracy, and it’s not white on black. You have a lust killer like Bundy on the loose in Atlanta. He’s very smart, He’s very cunning. Like Gacy and Bundy, he can disarm the fear of these kids until he has the opportunity to s***f them. He has dump sites for the bodies, just like Bundy, and there is a place – like a restaurant – where, if you simply staked it out, you would see the killer and a pool of victims. And, I told him with some hesitation, I used to work down here. There’s a class structure in the black community that mirrors the white community; I remembered the black society page in the Atlanta Constitution from the 60’s. “I think the killer is not one of these ghetto blacks; I think he’s from a higher socioeconomic class and is educated. He’s smart and he can put on airs to disarm these kids. He has something they want, and he’s got class. I also think he has worked in funeral homes or, like Bundy, driving ambulances, where he has intimate contact with the dead; he’s necrophilic and a Lust Killer. Same coin as Bundy back home in Seattle there’s a place where the chicken hawks how to find male prostitutes here, just like Second Avenue south of your office in Seattle. Where is it? What is it?”
He took it surprisingly well; I knew as a field director for the Community Relations Division of DOJ that his perspective was in*******al and not s*xual perversion. It was hard for him to conceive of a single black male causing all this – even getting the Reagan White House to take a knee. But, from Seattle, he knew what Bundy had done, and Rappaport knew Gacy better than anyone after 56 hours of interviews with him.

The Atlanta Child Murder Case:Continued(*Liebert’s Psychological Profile of the Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children Ca...

The Atlanta Child Murder Case:Continued
(*Liebert’s Psychological Profile of the Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children Case.”)
(“Contributions of Psychiatry in the Investigation of Serial Murder”, Liebert, The International Journal of Criminology and Offender Psychology)
The s*xual psychopathology of lust killing was a very hard sell back then, but I was coming out of the “Ted” Investigation in Seattle, ultimately to be known as the Ted Bundy Case. Bundy was well concealed within the upper administration of the Washington State Republican Party, allowing both a place to hide and opportunities to travel nationally as a s*xual predator. It was ultimately shocking to discover his compulsion for both dismemberment and necrophilia with his victims. (The Riverman, Keppel). The inability of law enforcement to conceptualize the Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children case as the same coin, flip side of the Ted Bundy case is one lasting lesson to take away. Look at the evidence! (Liebert, Solving the Unsolved) But, to this day, few knowledgeable of this investigation buy into the lust killing motivation snaking so silently beneath the surface of the human swamp of this case; investigators were seeking the crocodiles, to the very end - and very albino ones too. Neither the FBI nor The Georgia Bureau of Investigation could find a single person of interest that could meet the criteria of a suspect, and there are reports of many such white racists and K*K members with loud mouths and horrifying threats. But, this deadly and seemingly invisible black snake was cutting a pattern near the surface of the swamp – and ultimately right on the surface. Take a look, and continue to follow along:"
The Murdered Children of Atlanta: What They Say to Us Today, John Liebert

Excerpts from my Atlanta Child Murder study"Robert Lamb Jr, an ex New Jersey cop and son of a civil rights fighter from ...

Excerpts from my Atlanta Child Murder study
"Robert Lamb Jr, an ex New Jersey cop and son of a civil rights fighter from The Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association, he would not side with me, but, as long as I respected the complexity of Lee Brown’s crisis and personal dilemma with it, I knew he would be supportive. And, if he was supportive, I knew that Dr Pouissaint and Dr Brown would be also. The man to my left, however, was a complete wild card. This was well respected Forensic Psychiatrist, Dr Richard Rappaport, fresh from 56 hours face to face examination of John Gacy in Chicago. A white psychoanalyst with what I perceived as preconceived notions of this case, he appeared to lack the gut instinct for what was really swirling around outside in this revolutionary urban upheaval of the New South in Atlanta – namely both the paranoia in the wake of a race war only replicated again in the end of Apartheid in South Africa and the complexity of southern culture where daily intimacy of white and black clashed with constant volcanic rumblings of Jim Crow. He sat to my right and, after Lee Brown ordered the sergeant to bring the coffee and formally summarized the case for us, Dr Rappaport confirmed that I was there because of my experience with the Bundy case and began his theory of as*xual necrophilia. I don’t think anyone in the room had ever heard of anything like this, but Dr Pouissaint’s obvious interest kept Brown and Lamb quiet. “The corpses have no wounds or evidence of s*xual assault, because there was no physical contact. The killer simply laid with them for necrophilic excitement.” I was happy that he was either so gutsy or simply politically naïve to come out with such a profound statement, because I had already come to a similar conclusion. For me, this was not the MO of the K*K."
The Murdered Children of Atlanta: What They Say to Us Today, by John Liebert

"As already cited, I was not the first psychiatrist to be consulted, but the surge in victims required a dramatic change...

"As already cited, I was not the first psychiatrist to be consulted, but the surge in victims required a dramatic change of search. Any and all experts who could provide insights into these mysterious disappearances and deaths were to be brought to Atlanta; Vice President George Bush guaranteed payment – whatever it took to prevent this case from bursting into civil disorder. The Community Relations Service was already there. About 100 strong, this small agency, The Silent Service, inserted itself between any and all community conflicts threatening violence – particularly those based on racial violence. The FBI was there, but they operated in parallel with Atlanta Police without adequate communication ; so, Commissioner Brown could not rely on them alone. Progress was not being made...... It was early April, 1981, and about as long a flight cross country as possible. But, the hours of travel provided uninterrupted time to study the thick package of investigative documents I received in the mail. All the cases to date were described, although, most strikingly, there was rarely a cause of death found by the coroner. Accustomed to the high quality coroner’s work of Dr Donald Reay in Seattle from the Bundy case, I wondered if this was simply incompetence or truly more mysterious deaths than previously encountered with multiple victims. There was no disease even suspected. The New England Journal had even studied the deaths and never so much as raised the question of an epidemic of rare disease; they assumed an epidemic of murder – the victims being young children first, and then teenagers, and mostly male. I carefully noted distinctions apparent in each case – i.e. location of bodies, sequence of deaths, occasional causes of death actually found, ages and s*x of alleged victims, some of whom had not been found but assumed murdered.
The investigative packet included a separate folder for scores of international news reports of the apparent murder and mayhem that had so stealthily, but maliciously, crept up on the underclass of Atlanta blacks and their children – very obviously sparing white children, whether rich or poor. .
The Murdered Children of Atlanta: What They Say to Us Today, by John Liebert


President Donald Trump urged Milwaukee police to "get tough" after he learned that a protester threw a molotov cocktail at officers Tuesday.


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John A Liebert, MDCM

I am a psychiatrist in private practice. I both research and publish case-based books that integrate psychiatric diagnostics with translational research in neuroscience. I was awarded The Percivall Pott Virtuous Surgeon Award from McGill University; "There is a small group of individual Physicians that after establishing their practice have confronted previously underappreciated problems and re-engineered their attention and skills to this new and important area, discipline or societal need. Often these new ventures are more important than the original professional focus."​ (Dr Pott discovered Scrotal Cancer in London's Chimney Sweepers, thus leveraging his clinical acumen gained from a solitary practice into eradication of a devastating and lethal disease in boys and young men.) This award was for my publishing the first and - to date - only case-based books on major contemporary issues of suicidal rampage mass murder, failed management of the impaired soldier and veteran and epidemic violence, trauma and su***de. Latest of books is Psychiatric Criminology: A Roadmap for Rapid Assessment, CRC Press creates what I believe to be a quartet necessary for students of both criminal justice and clinical disciplines from emergency services personnel to physicians." This book derives from my Forensic Career in consulting with law enforcement in serial murder cases; specialized evaluations of inmates in the Security Housing Unity of Pelican Bay Prison, California; assessment of several hundred trauma cases from Fitness for Duty Examinations in Operation Iraqi Freedom and injured workers, both industrial and agriculture; evaluating hundreds of murder suspects and convicts for both the courts and state and practicing Emergency Psychiatry in the former county hospitals of California. The last clinical experience led to production of my online Emergency Psychiatry Course, EMPsych and Defensive Tactics for ER Personnel for Challenger Corporation -