The Psychiatry of Mass Murder
From 9/11 through Virginia Tech and Fort Hood massacres to Safeway Plaza, Tucson; Utoya Island, Norway; Aurora Theater, CO; Sandy Hook; Northern Illinois U; San Bernardino massacres to Aviation Suicides, the authors analyze the clinical factors and personal histories of perpetrators in four separate books.
This series of books is an effort to provide some order to the chaos of violence in our society today and help clinicians and law enforcement on the frontlines save themselves while saving others. We need frontline clinicians and law enforcement officers now like never before, but never before has the job of both been so treacherous, both legally and physically.. By understanding the contemporary case-based material of these books the front line does not become more enjoyable, but it can be safer and have a more positive impact on our public health and safety alike. Hopefully it can reduce burnout and disability, allowing these first responders to complete their careers in good health. Emergency rooms today are the most dangerous places in the country to work - second only to mines!
It starts with EMPsych, a course designed for The Challenger Corporation. Next is Suicidal Mass Murderers: A Criminological Study of Why They Kill about the Virginia Tech Massacre and Anthrax Attacks associated with the events of 9/11. It is followed by a series of case studies of epidemic suicidal mass murders following Virginia Tech in Hearts of Darkness. Then I turn to the prevention of unecessary trauma in the military in Wounded Minds. A book, Solving the Unsolved has a chapter on serial lust murder, titled, Bundy and Wiliams; Flip Side, Same Coin. The next book is a textbook that summarizes much of the contemporary problems facing first responders; Psychiatric Criminology: A Roadmap for Rapid Assessment. This is followed by The Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children Case: Default for Investigating Racial Violence in America. Finally, the work of our team at McGill University in providing Computerized Clinical Decision Support to Triage Nurses is presented for the age of mobile communications.
My new book, "The Atlanta Missing and Murdered Children Case: Default for Investigating Social Psychiatry of Racial Violence in America" will be out this year, published by Routledge Press.
While distracted by the national immigration crisis of Hispanics, we overlook the free fire zones that are our inner cities, where most taking the fatal bullets are black.
"More than 52 percent of all US murder victims are black"
and most end up cold cases:
70% NO…/Milwaukee-Homicide-Tracker-36
Slide 1: The Trenton Mass Shooting
Slide 2: Atlanta Child Murder Victims 1981
Slide 3: Milwaukee Murder Victims 2017….
"The Trenton, New Jersey, mass shooting isn’t getting much national attention. It should.
The shooting was a particularly bad example of everyday gun violence in America.
By German [email protected] Jun 18, 2018, 12:20pm EDT