This is my husband’s Great Aunt Helena, who will turn 109 in February. Listen to her only regret and let it inspire you to write today!!❤️
Interview with author, Dr. Yvonne Frank Moore
Join Marigold Press Books as we talk with Dr. Moore about her new book, Giving Birth to Hope!
Savannah Book Festival today, 10-2pm
Come out and join Marigold Press today in Johnson Square in downtown Savannah!
Interview with author, Joan McLeod
Join Marigold Press Books for a live interview with Joan McLeod about her new book, Unshakable!
Interview with new author, Letiwe Patton
Join Rebekah McLeod as she interviews brand new author, Letiwe Patton, about her journey as a record-breaking cross-country athlete. We will learn about her inspirational journey from a small village in Zimbabwe to Savannah, Georgia, where she began training for the Olympics.
IT’S ON at Books, Bites and Blues!!
Making big decisions today…
#cookiesandcream #authorssupportingauthors #yummyfood #livebluesmusic #bookfestival
Getting ready for Books, Bites and Blues this SATURDAY!!!
#authors #buylocal #bookfestival #yummyfood #livebluesmusic #booklovers
Had a great time tonight supporting the Grand Opening of KB's Cafe at Oglethorpe Mall! We look forward to many local author book signing events to come!!
#localbusiness #coffeeshops #buylocal #welovesavannah #authors #shopping
Marigold Press Books in conjunction with International School of Story is collecting ONE MILLION one-page stories of when God made the impossible possible to stir up hope in others. Eligible work will be showcased in a hall of Hi(s)Story for visitors to walk through and experience the power of God and take time to sit with these words of hope. #newauthor #authorsofinstagram #shortstories #artgallery #onepagestory #savannahga
Take a look inside Marigold Author, Rebekah McLeod’s, new children’s book- The Hungry Sun 🌞 This bedtime story is the perfect addition to your little’s reading nook. Pick up your copy in our storefront or purchase online today! #newchildrensbook #childrensbookauthor #newbook #newauthor #authorsofinstagram
Some of Marigold’s literary works available in our market inside Abode Studios. Excited to add more authors to the shelves! Which book are you starting today? #newbook #indipendentpublisher #savannahauthor #savannahsmallbusiness #marigoldpressbooks