“Monday 5 Things”™ ….. Monday Duality …..
Well, it’s Monday morning. If my keyboard could sigh, that would be the sound effect on your speakers. I looked back over the past few M5T’s and thought that, after some intense weeks on all levels, we (read that as I) could use a little lighter start to the week by diving into the age-old paradox of the Monday morning. Monday is a rather curious animal, some might say beast, of equal parts humorous and profound. That being said, as a public service to help you ease into a new week, this morning’s M5T throws the covers off, jumps out of bed and depending on your morning poison of choice, pours a cup of coffee, steeps some tea, or cracks open a Red Bull to stare down the duality of Monday.
1. OF SNOOZE BUTTONS AND NEW BEGINNINGS. Who hasn’t waved their hands over the bedside table, knocking over any number of items, in an attempt to hit the snooze button? The button’s 7-to-9-minute grace period, (more if you are a repeat button basher) is a carefully calibrated yet temporary respite before the reality of Monday rudely crashes in. But quite profoundly, should you choose not to “button”, Monday is a gift, a promise of a new beginning. Your Monday is like, forgive me for the platitude, a blank canvas, just waiting for that first brush stroke. Your week ahead is full of possibilities. The question is, will the brush strokes of your week be as frantic and bizarre as Dali, or as colorful and fluid as Matisse?
2. OF RECALIBRATION AND SACRED RITUALS. With apologies to tea sippers and RB addicts, it is often referred to as brew, cuppa joe, dirt, brain juice, high octane, liquid energy, mud, go juice, rocket fuel, or your fix. If your first cup comes from what is akin to and as expensive as a legal heroine den that had its beginnings in Seattle, you might refer to it as a “venti 5-shot Americano with 3 pumps of mocha, macchiato, with almond milk and just a splash of half-steamed milk”. If you order one of those, I respectfully submit that you should be banned from Mondays and keep hitting the snooze button. No matter though, once you’ve moved out of the bedroom to the kitchen, is there a better smell than fresh brewed coffee on a Monday morning? Who hasn’t leaned up against the counter, plunked down on a chair, or sat on a deck to watch the sun rise, hands wrapped around a warm mug, and as you take that first careful sip of your morning-jolt, let out an expressive “ahhhhhh”? For many that first cup of coffee on Monday is a ritual, almost a sacred rite that is necessary to start the week. That first cup of the week is a brew that awakens your senses. It is a moment of meditation that gives you the time to gather your thoughts, take stock, and summon the courage to face the inbox beast.
3. OF COMPROMISE AND NOURISHMENT. I admit that for me on Mondays, breakfast is less of a meal and more of a negotiation. “I could make eggs and toast (if only I had the time) or I could just grab that pizza at the back of the fridge from Friday.” For the record, the pizza always wins. Somehow, I convince myself that pizza, coffee and/or Red Bull should count as a well-balanced meal. I realize there is something to starting the day with nourishment. It’s a reminder to take care of yourself, to feed not just your body but your spirit with intention, even if that intention is hastily spread peanut butter. Ok. I can do peanut butter. And I didn’t hit the snooze button.
4. OF THE ABYSS AND PRIORITIZATION. Perhaps one of the rudest ways to start a Monday morning is entering that abyss called your inbox. Especially if you have not looked at it over the weekend. It’s as if you are unlocking a veritable Pandora’s box of unread emails. Each SMTP envelop screams for your attention but be honest. Most of them are just spam, newsletters that you should have unsubscribed from years ago, memes and gifs that your friends and family found hilarious but that you fail to see the humor so early in the day, or an associate, relative, or lawyer from Nigeria that is holding a long-lost inheritance just for you. However, you read all of them before getting to email that really matters to your day. As daunting as your overflowing inbox may be, it’s a reminder of the importance of setting priorities. In a world of endless demands, the ability to discern what truly matters by separating the chaff from the gold, from refusing to listen to unnecessary noise, especially on a new Monday, presents a fresh chance to realign and prioritize your focus for the week.
5. OF STRUGGLE AND MOTIVATION. For many people, Monday motivation is a myth, that if it does exist, it’s hiding somewhere in the back of the fridge, behind last Friday’s leftover Chinese food or pizza. How often on a Monday morning have you stared blankly at your computer screen for a good 20 minutes or more, before you even start to think of anything remotely productive? Yet, despite the inertia, Monday’s demand resilience. If your prior week, or weeks, have been fraught with disappointment, unexpected detours, or out-right failures, it takes courage to begin again even when your motivation is limited. Every step forward on a Monday can be a small act of boldness as you consciously set out to engage with life. Even when this morning, your pillow never felt more comfortable, the sheets never felt warmer, or if you were tempted to hit the snooze button for the 10th time.
Here's to your Monday experience, whether it’s a blend of comical chaos or practiced profundity and to using your Mondays to set the tone for the rest of the week.
For over 12 years, D. Paul Graham has published “Monday 5 Things” ™, also known to readers as M5T™. He firmly believes pizza should be part of the food groups.
© 2024 D. Paul Graham.
M5T is now on South Magazine Digital ..… Read it here …..
..... this morning’s M5T throws the covers off, jumps out of bed and depending on your morning poison of choice, pours a cup of coffee, steeps some tea, or cracks open a Red Bull to stare down the duality of Monday.