Encourage Respect! Tips for Inclusion Champions
Tracy shares four tips to establish or maintain mutual respect in multicultural situations.
"Encourage Respect" is part of a 4 part "Inclusion Champions" series designed to support people committed to being champions and role models for inclusion.
Speak Up! Tips for Inclusion Champions
SPEAK UP!Tracy shares 6 things you can say when you want to speak up to interrupt inappropriate behavior or encourage others to honor diversity."Speak Up" is part of a 4 part "Inclusion Champions" series to support people committed to being champions and role models for inclusion.
Speak Up! Tips for Inclusion Champions
Tracy shares 6 things you can say when you want to speak up to interrupt inappropriate behavior or encourage others to honor diversity.
"Speak Up" is part of a 4 part series to support people committed to being champions and role models for inclusion.
Candid Conversations: Simma Lieberman
Tracy's guest on this episode of CANDID CONVERSATIONS is SIMMA LIEBERMAN.
Simma Lieberman is the host of the podcast RaceConvo: Every Day Conversations on Race for Every Day People. She an author and speaker who has also worked as a diversity consultant for hundreds of corporations, where she is frequently referred to as "The Inclusionist."
Candid Conversations is a series hosted by Tracy Brown, President of Intentional Inclusion Inc, for the public Facebook Group: What is Mine To Do.
Stained Glass Spirit Book: Section Five with Sharon Ketchum and Andriette Earl
Tracy Brown talks with Rev. Sharon Ketchum (Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing) and Rev. Andriette Earl (Heart and Soul Center of Light) about Section Five of the book, Stained Glass Spirit: Becoming a Spiritual Community Where Oneness Does Not Require Sameness.
Section Five: Intentionally Inclusive
Where Many Are One
A World That Works For Everyone
Every Day is a Donation to Eternity
Visit www.StainedGlassSpirit.net for more information.
Stained Glass Spirit Book: Section Four with Petra Weldes and Masando Hiraoka
Tracy Brown talks with Dr. Petra Weldes (CSLDallas) and Rev. Masando Miraoka (MileHi Church) about Section Four of the book, Stained Glass Spirit: Becoming a Spiritual Community Where Oneness Does Not Require Sameness.
Section Four: Walk Your Talk
Outrageous Outreach
Are You Listening with Political or Spiritual Ears?
Unity Does Not Require Uniformity
To Use - or Not to Use - White Privilege
Frustrated by the defensiveness or denial so many people demonstrate regarding "white privilege?" Tracy talks about when she uses the term and when she doesn't ... and why.