My win in the white apron competition, first place went gold Ritz Carlton Sarasota 🥇
I would like to express my joy and some of what is in my heart
Trust in God and believe in Him After continuous work that lasted more than 24 hours I won, Every effort has a result Because I made a promise when I immigrated from Jordan four years ago, a promise I made to my mother and father that you would be proud of me and that I would be the best chef in the world one day. Longing is difficult, but its fuel is working towards the goal But my colleagues and friends here have become like my family, which I do not have, so I also thank you all for supporting me, and this victory is dedicated to you before me. Special thanks to my managers (chefs) who were with me all the way , also thank the gentlemen and ladies in charge of it and made it happen
sincerely, Ameer