I know this is a very strange time regarding planetary alignment. Apparently people are particularly touchy and quick to anger. I am now the lucky recipient of some rather strange personal attacks having to do with my business pursuits. And even more strange is that they came about because I dared to criticize Kohl's, a store that, according to the reviews on their website, most people criticize.
Apparently I am not really an author, was never a journalist, never included in any Who's Who volumes (six different categories over multiple years, sorry about that...), and should not be attempting to raise the funds for a multi-media production slate because my degree was in Journalism and not financing. It takes people an average of ten years to raise 1/10th of the financing my partners and I are trying to raise, and I am still short of that -- particularly when you consider it took me 2-3 years to learn the fundamentals of the business. The particulars change all the time, so this is a challenge most would not welcome. Also, there are no small rewards in that business -- all or nothing. And the nothing is 99%.
I realize I am not the first person nor will I be the last to receive this kind of vicious personal attack from strangers. It bemuses me more than it bothers me; we cannot place our worth on the opinions or judgment of strangers. I do apologize to Roxann Caraway, Valerie Randol, Kurt Niece and all the others with whom I am working -- apparently none of you exist, and I have multiple-personality disorder.