The culture of our country starts with the culture of our local government.
Unfortunately both are in decline.
When your local elected county government
Including their appointed managers act in violation of sexual harassment statutes and policies, and do not wish to even uncover the truth behind these actions, we are all guilty.
On Tuesday October 8, the BCC and the citizens heard a letter read by Commissioner Johns detailing a special investigator’s discoveries of
Sexual misconduct with the highest offices oin the county.
If an elected or appointed department head or county manager or anyone else in responsible charge hears of sexual harassment and sits on it is as guilty as the perpetrators.
When these actions are swept under the rug, allowed to continue the victims, many of who. Have either quit or been demoted, will sue the county and individuals involved in the policy violations.
These lawsuits happen in closed sessions. The county ,99% of the time, settles these cases by paying off the victims. These payoffs run into the hundreds of thousands of taxpayer money.
Many times, the citizens never hear of these payments.
Citizens are calling the BCC to do a thorough investigation of these women’s claims and
most likely fire anyone who is a perpetrator
Or anyone who is covering up an incident.
Unfortunately, the department head who is under fire is the HR director. And his supervisor the county manager , may also be involved in the same violations.
The hen house needs purging. The buck stops at the commissioner’s. Their leadership filters down to the employee’s who figure because their boss partakes it’s ok for everyone.
If someone is in violation, the citizen’s tax money should not be used to pay these cases.
I propose these cases are paid for by the perpetrators. This could stop all this in its tracks if one knew they would be financially responsible if they were found guilty.
If you want to see the bcc in its less than finest hour, watch the 10/8/24 meeting at the end around 3:15pm.