“How many of us care about all Our Kids?” @ Our Kids Forum
“As long as students are given funding based on where they live and not what they need, we are going to have inequitable schools.”
Chastity Pratt covers Michigan’s cities and urban affairs for Bridge Magazine . She joined the Bridge team from the Detroit Free Press after more than a decade of providing authoritative coverage of Detroit Public Schools. She has broken many of the biggest stories regarding education in the state’s largest city over the past decade. Pratt’s work also has appeared in USA TODAY , Essence Magazine and the Investigative Reporters & Editors Journal. She is currently a fellow at Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard.
Watch highlights from @cprattmedia ‘s talk at the Our Kids Solutions Forum. #OurKids #OpportunityGap
Our Kids Solutions Forum Highlights - Kids in Konflict
Highlights from Our Kids Solutions Forum - Kids in Konflict and their outstanding work. This grassroots organization from Riverside, CA provides a home, stability, education, and safety for at-risk youth. KIK educational and supportive programming includes gang awareness, cultural diversity, life skills, substance abuse, and anger management. #OurKids #OpportunityGap
Do No Harm: The Opioid Epidemic, New Trailer!
Do No Harm: The Opioid Epidemic, New Trailer! Host a screening at a theater near you!
Link to host a screening here: http://www.donoharmdocumentary.com/see-the-film/
#opioidepidemic #donoharm #documentaryfilm
Robert Putnam speaking about "Our Kids: The American Dream in ...
Two generations ago, when people used the expression “our kids,” they meant our community’s or our nation’s children, but now the term refers to only our biological children. America never thrived with such a narrow vision of the public will, and we can’t let it be our future. Harvard Professor and author of Our Kids, Robert Putnam’s scope of work is optimistic. His themes emphasize the possibility of positive societal and individual change. He invites all of us to join him in the quest for a more equitable, compassionate, and hopeful society.
Do No Harm
Check out our new Sizzle Reel for "Do No Harm", our documentary film that we are in production on about the Opioid Epidemic affecting the country. For more information, or to support our film please visit: http://mediapolicycenter.org/mpc_initiative/opioid-crisis/ #donoharm #opioidepidemic #documentary
An appreciation of Kevin Starr: During the year 1996, when I was directing the 4-part documentary series for A&E entitled CALIFORNIA and the DREAM SEEKERS, Kevin Starr (California State Librarian) became our chief consultant to Miriam Birch, producer. After our last interview with Kevin, at the USC Library, where he had addressed every historical event we were documenting, Kevin, complete with perennial bow tie, picked up his papers and books, walked out the door, and then skipped and jaunted down the steps along a parapet, dancing and singing the Jimmy Cagney tune: “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy!” He had filled our brains, and our stories, with complete visual paragraphs, uninterrupted, complete pearls shined from his years of living the history himself. His language was indelible, his spirit indomitable, his humor boundless. My last opportunity to embrace him and his wife of decades, Sheila, came at the California Museum on October 5, 2016 when they were there to celebrate, with Governors Brown, former Governor Schwarzenegger, Mary Nichols, Kevin DeLeon, Fran Pavley, and Fabian Nunez, the huge accomplishments of the California environmental movement. On this day, they were celebrating AB32 and SB32 legislation, both authored by Fran Pavley. Kevin gave me one comment for our new project, that mirrors his own life: THE VW SCANDAL, or How the California Air Resources Board (CARB) won the David v. Goliath battle with Volkswagen over the ten-year-long emissions scandal.
Work is sometimes play with Dale Bell riding the Mean Green Electric Mower! #zeroemission #documentaryfilmmakers #funny #workandfun #meangreenelectric
We are excited to present the #teaser for "Do No Harm" our feature #film and #miniseries currently in production on the #Opioid Epidemic affecting our country. The Media Policy Center is still in the process of #fundraising for this production, as well as our other productions. Please visit our website @ http://mediapolicycenter.myshopify.com/collections/donate to donate to our projects. Or feel free to donate through Facebook. The Media Policy Center greatly appreciates your help. Please share this video to help spread the word about the Opioid Epidemic. #donoharm #opioidcrisis
Mannequin Challenge
Media Policy Center is also participating in the #MannequinChallenge. Who's next? #documentaryfilmmakers #funatwork #socialjustice
Congratulations Bob Dylan on winning the 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature! The Media Policy Center is celebrating this historic event and paying homage to Bob Dylan with an excerpt from the 2012 documentary film 'Johnny Cash & Me" produced by Harry Wiland and Dale Bell, including a performance with Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash!
Doing what it takes to get the shot! Sunday, 9.11.16, EXPO Park, Electric Drive Week, for WHY CARB MATTERS.