KARTENZ Welcome to Kartenz page. imdb.com/company/co0575553/linkedin.com/company/kartenz

KARTENZ brings family entertainment and media enterprise with three business segments: Media Networks, Theme Parks and Studio Entertainment. Kartenz Studios is an American computer animation film studio based in Santa Monica. Founded on March 3, 2012, the studio created a three fictional character named Boston Kintpus, Jonathan Kersky, and Shinta Hepburn that producing for virtual band feature fil

ms with stage name, CHUCKILL.Originally was founded by Akbar de Wighar and his brother in 2012 after he left his post as Designer of television network company. He set up a studio at the beginning from his mother's kitchen, the studio was production for advertising company until expanding to production own animated character. Now, Kartenz Studios became a subsidiary of film division from KARTENZ Company.


In the world of espionage where shadows dance and mysteries wriggle, the line between seriousness and absurdity blurs, and a man stands as a shining mysterious existence that defies all expectations. Philmore Ray Langdon, a master of disguise and deception. That covert operation is masked by an unlikely alter-ego, a slapstick comedian named Uncle Tuck.

'Genuine Character Instrumental' available on Amazon, iTunes/Apple Music and Spotify. https://g.co/kgs/gy2xq7

'Genuine Character Instrumental' available on Amazon, iTunes/Apple Music and Spotify. https://g.co/kgs/gy2xq7

Miss Dino is a Stone Age girl who living in the big city.Created by Kartenz Animation Studios based on original characte...

Miss Dino is a Stone Age girl who living in the big city.

Created by Kartenz Animation Studios based on original character designed by Akbar de Wighar.

Happy Rilly is a Little farmer girl with red wagon that living in a pumpkin village.Created by Kartenz Animation Studios...

Happy Rilly is a Little farmer girl with red wagon that living in a pumpkin village.

Created by Kartenz Animation Studios based on original character designed by Halilintar Wighar Putra and Akbar de Wighar.



101 Navy Street, Venice
Santa Monica, CA


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Kartenz Animation Studios

KARTENZ brings family entertainment and media enterprise with three business segments: Media Networks, Theme Parks and Studio Entertainment. Kartenz Studios is a computer animation studio. Founded in 2012, the studio created a three fictional character named Mr.B, Joke, and Shinta that producing for virtual band feature films with stage name, Chuckill. Originally was founded by Akbar de Wighar and his brother in 2012 after he left his post as Designer of television network company. He set up a studio at the beginning from his mother's kitchen, the studio was production for advertising company until expanding to production own animated character. Now, Kartenz Studios became a subsidiary of film division from KARTENZ Company. http://kartenz.com/internship/ http://www.imdb.com/company/co0575553/ http://www.imdb.com/company/co0576025/ plus.google.com/+KARTENZOfficial flickr.com/photos/kartenz/ kartenz.wikia.com/wiki/KARTENZ

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