@mosaiqcreative is hosting a PopUp Market @thevenuevalencia
📅 Sunday 3/8 11am-3pm
We have Exclusive Perks Tickets to GIVEAWAY!!!
DM us for a promo code 🤠
Help Support the CHLA BLOOD DRIVE 🩸🩸🩸
Sunday 11/3 7am-1:30pm
@vhcommunitychurch Parking Lot
To make an appointment you can scan the QR code or visit CHLAdonateblood.org Use Sponsor Code: PFVISMITH
Please share ❤️
See you there!
GIVEAWAY ALERT! ‼️ Here’s how to win a pair of tickets to Post Malone in San Diego with @outriderswest on 12/30:
⭐️Follow @kznqfm + @outriderswest
⭐️Like this post
⭐️Tag a friend in the comments who you would want to bring with you!
The winner will be contacted by KZNQFM via DM on 12/13! GOOD LUCK! 🤠 🐎 🎶
#countrymusiclover #countryradio #postmaloneconcert #wildhorses #localradio #ticketgiveaway
4 more days left to go the circus!!! It’s a great show with amazing talent and people 🤩
⭐️SPONSOR HIGHLIGHT⭐️ @somlawyers has joined our sponsor family 🤩
Sethi Orchid Minor is owned and operated in Val Verde -
Supporting their neighbors in the Chiquita Canyon Landfill Litigation.
Visit somlawyers.com for more info or to join the case and see all services provided.
Did you know that KZNQ is a non-profit that needs the support from local sponsors like YOU to stay on the air??? Sponsorship includes daily mentions on the radio 📻 and a spot on the website and SM.
DM for more info on how your business or group can sponsor 101.5 FM and keep country radio alive here in the SCV 🤠 #localradio #nonprofitradio #countryradio #scvsmallbusiness #chaquitacanyonlandfill
CONGRATULATIONS TO @bwarloe31 🤠⭐️🤠
Ticket Winner to the Kenny Chesney #sungoesdowntour
#localradiostation #countryradio #scvsmallbusiness #localove
Who wants Kenny Chesney tickets??? 🤠 🎟️
We are giving away a pair of tickets to the #sungoesdowntour @sofistadium Saturday 7/20
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Winner will be announced Tuesday 7/16.