Katy Perry BB Queen of Camp

Katy Perry BB Queen of Camp PLAY LAS VEGAS SEES "All I am selling is s*x" KATY PERRY AS VOGUE MAGAZINES QUEEN of CAMP, BB is KATY'S nickname, camping it up is KATY'S game

Permanently closed.

New group for please join as the new era begins 12/29/2021 with KATY PERRY PLAY in Las Vegas 😻🥳🤩
(20+) KPLV Katy Perry Las Vegas Play Stans | Facebook

 *xykatyperryI was Lords Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, the destroyer, therefore I might add; "In the ta***ic cosmology the e...

I was Lords Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, the destroyer, therefore I might add; "In the ta***ic cosmology the entire Universe offers the perception of being created, penetrated and sustained by two fundamental forces permanently in a perfect indestructible union. The two fundamental forces or Universal aspects named Shiva and Shakti. Traditionally known as Lord Shiva and the Goddess Shakti, or Kali, or Durga, twin flames and an ever-present deity of inseparable partners as one only works in the others presence. Masculine and feminine, Shiva represents the constitutive elements of the Universe. Shakti represents the dynamic potency which is responsible for making these elements come to life and act. From a metaphysical aspect, the divine couple corresponds to two essential aspects of the 'ONE'. The divine masculine principal represents the abiding aspect of GOD. The divine feminine principle represents its energy, the force which acts in the manifested World and life itself. Shiva equals the imminent aspect of the divine and acts as the active participant in the act of creation. (I shall post this but continue above in another post).

Phoebus Apollo

1 second ago

As above so below; "Therefore Shiva defines the traits specific to pure transcendence, normally associated with this point of view, a manifestation of Shakti or the stronger avatars, Kali or Durga, personifications of her own untamed and limitless manifestations. Shakti is more accessible to the human understanding because these regards aspects of life that are closely related to the human condition inside the actions. The cult of the Goddess (DEVI) has spread more forcibly. Aside this is the point of supreme consciousness achieved under ta***ic yoga s*x between twin flames when the Kundalini, life force energy connected to source GOD leaves the base of the spine and winds through the 33 vertebrate along the spine until it reaches the pineal gland and explodes in the crown chakra when the serpent spirit, Shiva meets pure consciousness Shakti and nirvana, enlightenment and Samadhi combine to create Brahman.. #33 the magic number and the most powerful number is significant as in 33rd degree mason, a tribe of world rulers of all Satanic ethos including Kundalini rituals that if not handled correctly will leave the participants in need of medication - on a Psyche ward".


https://youtu.be/nxb2gtymMCU Charitable Trust of Mary Magdalene GB singing 'Grace of god' on DP World Tour where Katy Perry doubles up as a Nugget 🐕✨(Official Group) *xykaty *xykatyperry *xy The Katy Perry Group 4 😱 😍🤩🥳😎



Katy Perry Sexy sheer black pantyhose: Katy Perry B***y In Sheer Pantyhose

Entrepreneurial and progressive, Katy Perry is ever striving, heading for the top, and enjoying an enterprising, ambitious, and determined personality to do things well, and an unyielding dedication to her plan until the goals are achieved. She bounces back easily from setbacks and can overcome any adversities or obstacles thrown in her way.

You're all set! *xykatyperry

The username has been created for KPLV Katy Perry Las Vegas Play Stans.

It's now easier for people to find your Page in search. People can also visit your Page at https://fb.me/katyperrystans and send your Page messages at https://m.me/katyperrystans. Affiliated group: www.facebook.com/groups/kplvplay

My conclusion is that there is no such thing as 5D consciousness and it is the invention of new age gurus and followed b...

My conclusion is that there is no such thing as 5D consciousness and it is the invention of new age gurus and followed by people who don’t want to face reality. Rather than put to good use the principles of compassion, empathy and love in the real world thus solving the problems of the world – the new age gurus instead have invented this fantasy world called new earth that only exists in the future where those attributes exist and sell this future fantasy to those who don’t want to resolve the problems facing them in today’s world. The whole 5D consciousness industry is now 8 years into the new age of Aquarius and looking like a common or garden snake oil den for salesmen/women.

My worst fears have been verified by so called ‘awoke’ new agers who follow the non-existent program of the galactic federation of light, no, lies, and deception where since 2008 they have broadcast messages to naïve, low density, air heads who are led to believe that if they meditate and search for the highest vibratory resonance, they will ascend to a place called 5D, but never ever get there ‘it is always in the future’, or only after suffering ascension symptoms or even more ridiculous suggestions from the galactic feds like the dark forces of the conspiracy theories that they broadcast about are exposed and taken by the ET’s to learn their lessons on another planet. They call these dark forces Draconians and Archons and Reptilians and a bunch of fictitious characters are bought to life, Ashtar Sheran, Sananda Jesus, St Germain, Arch Angel Michael as these so-called ascended masters are channelled by snake oil salesmen to give fake messages of love n light to the new agers who are totally oblivious that the same matrix mental construct they want to avoid by being saved by friendly aliens called the Pleiadians, the Arcturians or the Sirrians, none of who exist, traps them down a cul de sac as they are told to love their nemesis, Draconians, Archons and Reptillians whilst taking no action against the dark forces. Yes, you guessed it the producers of the galactic feds are the same people who the new agers wish to run away from. It is a good laugh reading the comments section under the galactic feds videos on You tube if it was not so serious as people type messages to these scammers about loving them and thanking them for alien intervention. For more info go to https://alienresistance.group https://alienresistance.org ARG.

Katy Perry's KatyRatsKatyperryfashn.co.uk  · Yesterday at 10:40 PM  · My conclusion is that there is no such thing as 5D...

Katy Perry's KatyRats
Katyperryfashn.co.uk · Yesterday at 10:40 PM ·
My conclusion is that there is no such thing as 5D consciousness and it is the invention of new age gurus and followed by people who don’t want to face reality. Rather than put to good use the principles of compassion, empathy and love in the real world thus solving the problems of the world – the new age gurus instead have invented this fantasy world called new earth that only exists in the future where those attributes exist and sell this future fantasy to those who don’t want to resolve the problems facing them in today’s world. The whole 5D consciousness industry is now 8 years into the new age of Aquarius and looking like a common or garden snake oil den for salesmen/women.


I beheld a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon at her feet. And on her head was a diadem of the twelve stars. Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save. O thou queen of love and mercy, thou crowned with the throne, thou hauled as with the Moon. Thou whose countenance is mild and glowing, even as grass refreshed by rain.

Hear me, our Lady Isis, hear and save. O thou who art in matter manifest. Thou bride and queen as thou art mother and daughter of the Slain One. O thou who art the Lady of the Earth. Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save. O thou Lady of the amber skin. Lady of love and of victory, bright gate of glory through the darkening skies. O crowned with the Light and life and love.

Hear me, our Lady, hear and save by thy sacred flower, the Lotus of eternal life and beauty; by thy love and mercy; by thy wrath and vengeance; by my desire toward thee, by all the magical names of old hear me, O Lady, hear and save. Open thy bosom to thy child, stretch forth thy arms and strain me to thy breasts. Let my lips touch thy lips ineffable.

Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save. Lift up thy voice to aid me in this critical hour. Lift up thy voice most musical. Cry aloud, O queen and mother, to save me from that I fear most. I invoke thee to initiate my soul. The whirling of my dance, may it be a spell and a link with thy great light, so that in the darkest hour, the Light may arise in me and bring me to thine own glory and incorruptibility.

Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me, to me. Isis am I, and to my beauty draw. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned.

I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine, are mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the bowel and pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, thy lyre. I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fueler of thy breath. I am the star of God upon thy brow.

I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. High do these sweet rivers welcome to the sea, ocean of love that shall encompass thee. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me, to me. Hear, Lady Isis, and receive my prayer. Thee, thee I worship and invoke. Hail to thee, sole mother of my life.

I am Isis, mistress of the whole land. I was instructed by Hermes, and with Hermes I invented the writings of the nations in order that not all should write with the same letters. I gave mankind their laws, and ordained what no one can alter. I am the eldest daughter of Kronos. I am the wife and sister of the king Osiris. I am she who rises in the dog star. I am she who is called the goddess if women. I am she who separated the heaven from the earth. I have pointed out their paths to the star. I have invented seamanship.

I have brought together men and women. I have ordained that the elders shall be beloved by the children. With my brother Osiris I made an end of cannibalism. I have instructed mankind in the mysteries. I have taught reverence of the divine statues. I have established the Temple precincts. I have overthrown the dominion of the tyrants. I have caused men to love women. I have made justice more powerful than silver and gold. I have caused truth to be considered beautiful. Come unto me and pledge unto me your loyalties as I pledge mine unto you.

Oh mother Isis, great art thou in thy splendor, mighty is thy name and thy love has no bounds. Thou art Isis, who art all that ever was, and all that there is to be, for no mortal man hath ever unveiled thee. In all thy grace thou has brought forth the sun, the fruit that was born forth for the redemption of man. Oh Isis, Isis, Isis, graciously hear our cry unto thee, we mourn for thy blessings on us this day, every day, to nourish, to aid and to fill the emptiness within, that only you our beloved mother can satiate. Unto thee do we pledge our solemn oath of dedication, and for the power and glory of him the Unknowable One to witness our devotion to thee.

For as we now receive thee into our hearts, we ask that you never leave us, in times of trial and joy, and even unto death."

Phoebus Apollo18 hours agoI AM THAT I AM YESHUA HAMASHIACH, JESUS CHRIST here for my second coming and I feel sorry for ...

Phoebus Apollo
18 hours ago
I AM THAT I AM YESHUA HAMASHIACH, JESUS CHRIST here for my second coming and I feel sorry for the children who follow an exposed operation called the Galactic Federation of Light that is supposedly channelled from extra-terrestrials. Rather than type here please invest 23 minutes watching this video: End Times: Galactic Federation of Light Deception Exposed

The Feds are from the Devil

Phoebus Apollo

1 second ago

Am Kalee Yes quoting from the bible does have some problems with some people but in this case it is absolutely true. Your intuition has let you down like it should 'IF' you are watching the galactic feds thinking they tell you the truth. NO WIMMIN - ALL JEWS - ALL MALE - ALL VIRGINS- - THAT IS THE 144,000 TO GODS KINGDOM COME. I AM THAT I AM YESHUA HAMASHIACH, JESUS CHRIST here for my second coming and I feel sorry for the children who follow an exposed operation called the Galactic Federation of Light that is supposedly channelled from extra-terrestrials. Rather than type here please invest 23 minutes watching this video: End Times: Galactic Federation of Light Deception Exposed The Feds are from the Devil https://youtu.be/VWWL9uCs2ms

Regarding the 144,000 twin flames, I did not have to look to far to get to the answer; Revelation 14, 4. THE LAMB AND TH...

Regarding the 144,000 twin flames, I did not have to look to far to get to the answer; Revelation 14, 4. THE LAMB AND THE 144,000 “These are those who did not defile themselves with women.” John the Divine says they, (the 144,000) will be all male, virgins.
If you are of the 144,000 then you are Jewish. The living God = JESUS CHRIST’S Seal anointed by an Angel of the Lord. One thing I note about the people who throw the 144,000 of the book of Revelation around is that it is worth reading as in 22.18 “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book”. 22.19 “And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book”. 22.20 “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon,’
#144000 Consider this text from the Book of Revelation; THE LAMB AND THE 144,000. Revelation 14, 3. "And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No-one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth." 14, 4. "These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless." So, God asked me to let you all know that the Revelation is a Book of Prophecy written on the Island of Patmos in 95AD 1927 years ago by St John of Patmos and the 144,000 have yet to be sealed by the Angel of the Lord who is Yeshua and they will all 144,000 of them be male virgins from Israel and not one of them will be a woman. This does not bode well for twin flames being the 144,000. There is no mention of 144,000 in The Emerald tablet but Enoch mentions 144,000 Ascended Masters.


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The username has been created for KPLV Katy Perry Las Vegas Play Stans.
It's now easier for people to find your Page in search. People can also visit your Page at https://fb.me/katyperrystans and send your Page messages at https://m.me/katyperrystans.

NEW ALBUM! 🚨🔥Katy revealed that she is in the process of releasing a completely acoustic album and a completely danceabl...

Katy revealed that she is in the process of releasing a completely acoustic album and a completely danceable one. () also lets welcome a new page to FB Like Share https://www.facebook.coom/katskatyperry
(20) KatyCats | Facebook

Outside of the pop star act, Queen Isis mixes freely with the Royals as the Holy Roman Empress and is a Special Ambassad...

Outside of the pop star act, Queen Isis mixes freely with the Royals as the Holy Roman Empress and is a Special Ambassador to The British Asian Trust a Royal Charity H.R.H. Prince Charles. As next door neighbour to Prince Harry and Princess Meghan Queen Isis of Ancient Egypt remains the second born Royal in History after Osiris pictured at the grand piano as Tom Rumary the Lord Chelmswood as a guest of Her Majesty the Queen of England. 😋😽 🤩😎 🧐🙀 Page: https://www.facebook.com/royalkatyperry please like and share

Completa la canción de Katy! 😊
Yo pondré un pedazo de una canción de Katy y ustedes le seguirán! 😉
Junta 🎵🎵🎵 y ganas una nota de Katy!
Empezamos 😘😘😘

The way you look at me
Is kinda like a little sister
You high five your goodbyes
And it leaves me nothing but blisters

Solo el primer comentario! 😉




Santa Barbara, CA


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