I was Lords Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, the destroyer, therefore I might add; "In the ta***ic cosmology the entire Universe offers the perception of being created, penetrated and sustained by two fundamental forces permanently in a perfect indestructible union. The two fundamental forces or Universal aspects named Shiva and Shakti. Traditionally known as Lord Shiva and the Goddess Shakti, or Kali, or Durga, twin flames and an ever-present deity of inseparable partners as one only works in the others presence. Masculine and feminine, Shiva represents the constitutive elements of the Universe. Shakti represents the dynamic potency which is responsible for making these elements come to life and act. From a metaphysical aspect, the divine couple corresponds to two essential aspects of the 'ONE'. The divine masculine principal represents the abiding aspect of GOD. The divine feminine principle represents its energy, the force which acts in the manifested World and life itself. Shiva equals the imminent aspect of the divine and acts as the active participant in the act of creation. (I shall post this but continue above in another post).
Phoebus Apollo
1 second ago
As above so below; "Therefore Shiva defines the traits specific to pure transcendence, normally associated with this point of view, a manifestation of Shakti or the stronger avatars, Kali or Durga, personifications of her own untamed and limitless manifestations. Shakti is more accessible to the human understanding because these regards aspects of life that are closely related to the human condition inside the actions. The cult of the Goddess (DEVI) has spread more forcibly. Aside this is the point of supreme consciousness achieved under ta***ic yoga s*x between twin flames when the Kundalini, life force energy connected to source GOD leaves the base of the spine and winds through the 33 vertebrate along the spine until it reaches the pineal gland and explodes in the crown chakra when the serpent spirit, Shiva meets pure consciousness Shakti and nirvana, enlightenment and Samadhi combine to create Brahman.. #33 the magic number and the most powerful number is significant as in 33rd degree mason, a tribe of world rulers of all Satanic ethos including Kundalini rituals that if not handled correctly will leave the participants in need of medication - on a Psyche ward".