Why Mom Deserves a Diamond® contest

Why Mom Deserves a Diamond® contest Giving every child the opportunity to express their words of appreciation to their mothers.

Carmen, Jane, and Christina participate in the 8th annual Umbrella March to honor all moms.

Carmen, Jane, and Christina participate in the 8th annual Umbrella March to honor all moms.

Cierra came to visit us yesterday. She won a gem in 2009 when she was in the first grade! “My mom deserves a diamond bec...

Cierra came to visit us yesterday. She won a gem in 2009 when she was in the first grade!

“My mom deserves a diamond because she does a lot of things. She takes us a lot of places. She loves us. She is fantastic!”

She deserves a diamond because she helps all her students when they need help, and she gets candy for the students.  Cal...

She deserves a diamond because she helps all her students when they need help, and she gets candy for the students.

Callie. Garnet winner.

Congratulations to Braelyn Murphy in the 33rd annual writing contest.

Congratulations to Braelyn Murphy in the 33rd annual writing contest.

Join us! We need one more high-spirited person to join our team to award gemstone prizes in the Why Mom Deserves a Diamo...

Join us!

We need one more high-spirited person to join our team to award gemstone prizes in the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond writing contest.

We offer:
Competitive compensation
Employee discounts
Fun & exciting work environment
The job-of-a-lifetime

You must:
Work weekends.
Be a great communicator with a bright personality,
Share our mission of allowing every child to show their appreciation for their mothers, and to show kids they are loved.

Stop by 11:00am-1:30pm, Tuesday through Friday to apply as a Contestineer from now through the end of May.


33rd Annual Diamond Day
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Gallery of Diamonds will award Braelyn Murphy with a quarter-carat diamond valued at $600 to give to her mother in the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond writing contest. Beginning in 1993 in honor of Diamond Mike Watson’s adoptive mother and the birth mother he had never known, this year’s contest inspired over seven thousand kids to write words of appreciation for their mothers.

10:45am -Presentation of Roses
11:00am. -Official Ceremony
11:30-11:45 -The Umbrella March

The 2025 Diamond Winner

Colors blaze like sunset skies
Strength like tidal waves that rise
Love, a warmth from fire's glow
A heart that always know

Braelyn Murphy. Grade 7.
Sowers Middle School, Huntington Beach, CA

Today, hundreds of thousands of kids have penned their words of love. The contest instills a moral to appreciate one’s mother and all those who are significant in our lives. It encourages kids to become powerful writers and prepares them for a lifetime of success by confirming that they are loved.


As I celebrate the morning of Christmas, I remember the smell of mom’s roast that she would garnish with potatoes and green beans. It was a lot of food for the three of us, for there was only mom, dad, and their only adopted child - me.

Although I have good memories during this chilly time of the year in Southern Indiana, I often wondered about the confusing decor of the living room. An artificial tree was illuminated with a floor lamp that rotated with primary colors. A nearby wooden nativity scene displayed baby Jesus lying in a manger accompanied by his parents, a shepard boy, a donkey, and three bearded men with robes . A stenciled Santa and his reindeer would fly across our sofa mirror on a sleigh. The stairwell would be hung with dozens of holiday cards featuring everything from snowy scenes to Mary and Joseph admiring their newborn son.

If there is a single ingredient I can reconcile from the chaos of Christmas, it seems to be the principle of giving. Of course we have transformed this holiday into a retail event that pumps sales throughout our economy. It has been further twisted into the concept of what I call, “I give you-you give me.”

As I gaze at the presents that await to be opened at the base of our tree, I am thankful the author of the Book of Matthew inserted a story about Magi who journeyed to bring gifts to a newborn child. In the narrative, they gave gifts without expecting anything in return. Neither were the gifts wrapped in fancy paper.

Even if the Magi arrived empty-handed, they still fulfilled the principle of giving by offering their time, thoughts, and kind words. In the big picture of our lives, aren’t these gifts much more valuable than gold, frankincense or myrrh?

Whatever your beliefs, I hope everyone will appreciate this one principle that benefits the entire world- shining our light, showing compassion to all, and giving without expecting return.

Diamond Mike Watson.

Jeweler awards diamond to Irvine student after 30 years. In 1993, I launched a writing contest for students.  The assign...

Jeweler awards diamond to Irvine student after 30 years.

In 1993, I launched a writing contest for students. The assignment offered the chance for school kids to win a diamond for their moms for composing the most creative essay entitled, Why Mom Deserves a Diamond. I was adopted and never met my birthmother. After searching for nearly twenty years, I had discovered she had already died.

The contest would give the opportunity for students to be recognized for their talent, and to show their appreciation for their own moms-especially while they were living.

By 1995, thousands of kids submitted heartfelt treasures. After hours of judging, the stack was narrowed down to forty-one possible diamond winners. One student would win the diamond, and 40 runners up would receive sapphires. That stack dwindled down to only two essays. After laboring over these two compositions, I finally selected the one written by Scott Kircher, a sixth-grade student, and declared him the grand-prize winner. Scott came to our store with his mother, knelt before her, recited his words and presented the diamond.

The competing essay was from a ninth-grade girl named Lauren O’Hara from Irvine High School. I called her teacher to declare her an honorable sapphire winner. Lauren came to our store the following week with her mother to claim her jewel. I will never forget when her mother read her poem, dabbed a tear from her eye and said, “This is the diamond winner.” I remember biting my lip, preventing myself from divulging that Lauren’s essay was inches away from being the grand-prize winner. They left beaming without realizing that both Scott’s and Lauren’s essays were etched into my brain forever.

I was proud to have selected Scott’s most deserving essay. But I could not free my mind from Lauren’s profound words that continued to haunt me for years to come. I always felt her words needed to be displayed for the world to read.

By sheer luck- thirty years later, my assistant was able to track down Lauren’s mom, who had moved to Orting in Washington State. I called Mrs. O’Hara who said Lauren’s essay had been proudly resting in a frame for the past 30 years.

I said we were mailing her daughter a quarter-carat diamond that she could present to her. To continue the legacy of the 33-year-old contest and give meaning to the sparkling gem, Lauren would need to recite her winning words before presenting her diamond.

I learned that it is never too late to alter the universe and now is always better than later. For this years’ Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest, we will again select a diamond winner from a tower of essays that will reach the ceiling. But there will be one other diamond winner that will be quite a bit older- Lauren O’Hara, whose words of love for her mother will never be forgotten.

A diamond and my mother
Are two of the same
Diamonds all around her
Sparkle in her name
For never has there been
A dark and starless night
For with the shining of my mother’s eyes
From darkness comes light
Dew on morning rose
Diamonds in the sky
Kind words when a new day starts
All these things I see in her-
The diamond of my heart

Lauren O’Hara. Grade 9.
2025 Diamond Winner. (Written in 1995.)

Attached is a copy of Lauren’s original essay she mailed us in 1995.

Diamond Mike Watson

Gallery of Diamonds
1528 Brookhollow Drive, Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA 92705


The Why Mom Deserves a Diamond writing contest is underway! Video clips from many years ago.

“This means the world to me. Thank you so much for providing these tokens of love. It's the only thing that reminds me o...

“This means the world to me. Thank you so much for providing these tokens of love. It's the only thing that reminds me of pre-teenager years and how much our connection truly is the foundation of our relationship. These stones mean more to moms then you'll ever know. Thank you so much.”

Thank you for your kind words about your experience and your mother’s amethyst pendant, Kristina! - Diamond Mike.

Teachers be on the lookout for the official Why Mom Deserves a Diamond writing contest materials that will be mailed to ...

Teachers be on the lookout for the official Why Mom Deserves a Diamond writing contest materials that will be mailed to you in two weeks. The grand-prize winner will receive a 1/4 carat diamond valued at $599 to give to their moms.

It is important that both the mother and her child come to our store when celebrating the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond con...

It is important that both the mother and her child come to our store when celebrating the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest. As the contest has grown, this message has been translated into three languages:

English: You must be accompanied by your mother or the person who inspired the entry.

Spanish: Debe estar acompañado por su mama´ o la persona que inspiró la entrada.

Vietnamese: Em phải đi cùng với mẹ em hay người đã tạo niềm cảm hứng cho em để viết bài văn này.

When Amber was in the 2nd grade she won a garnet in the contest. 14 years later she came to mount her gem in a necklace ...

When Amber was in the 2nd grade she won a garnet in the contest. 14 years later she came to mount her gem in a necklace for her mom. The mom has been saving that garnet in a little plastic bag for 14 years!

Yesterday a 31-year old lady came to our store, saying she was going to write a college paper about her experience in ou...

Yesterday a 31-year old lady came to our store, saying she was going to write a college paper about her experience in our store from 18 years ago. In 2006, she was a seventh-grader who was a garnet prize-winner in our writing contest. Today she sent me a copy of her finished assay. The lesson for me was to never take your words and actions for granted, for they may transform the rest of another’s life. Knowing that our writing contest was responsible for providing these lifelong memories for this girl and her mother has given me a joy I cannot express. I have included her entire report here:

Sharon Palomino
Professor Stacy Simmerman
English 101
23 June 2024

2nd Prize Letter

I was a 12-year-old Mexican girl that avoided the spotlight, found comfort in the side lines, and wanted to follow in my big brother Isai’s footsteps. I remember seeing his Honor Roll picture in the principal's office, twice! He set the bar high. As for me, I never accomplished honor awards nor 1st place trophies. The decorations I brought home were participation trophies and perfect attendance awards. However, I longed to bring something home for my parents to be proud of me. A heavy coat of disappointment weighed heavily on my shoulders.

Ms. Perez, my 7th grade Language Arts teacher, wore oversized square glasses, big dark red hair and spoke in such a proper manner. She announced to the class that there was a writing contest as the day's assignment. Hundreds of students from various schools and grades would enter as well. We were given the topic; Why Mom Deserves a Diamond. This opportunity was meant for me, and I was not going to waste it. Iripped out a new page from my notebook, grabbed my leadpencil and got to work. I closed my eyes and waited for a moment of inspiration.

Thoughts floated into my mind about everything my mom did for our family. Wake up calls every morning, making breakfast, packing lunches, cleaning, organizing, running errands, school drop off, school pick up, and making dinner. All while having a full-time job and a small business.

My mother who does all these To Do’s, is so much more than that. She is my Joan of Arc; a warrior who does not back down or give up when faced with adversity. Her upbringing is filled with poverty, an absent father, that was rarely sober, and a weary mother. Her childhood stories are about selling gum on the bus and walking in shoes with her toes sticking out. Shoes were not affordable for a family of eleven. At just 15 years old, she managed to move out of her country in search of a new life, away from the chaos that lived in her childhood home.

Time flew by and she was married, starting a new chapter in her life, the chapter of motherhood at 16. I feel an immense appreciation and gratitude for her, and I transmitted that into my poem. I desired to win the contest for her with all my heart, andto make my parents proud.

Once I finished drafting my small but mighty poem, I anxiously read it repeatedly to make sure it sounded pleasant to the ears. My classmates and I traded our papers to see each other's work. The sound of papers shuffling filled the air. Joshua read my poem in a funny country accent and teased me about my poem. I laughed it off and turned in my entry and forgot about the contest after that day.

A few weeks passed, and Ms. Perez received a letter with a list announcing the contest winners. I leaned forward on my desk, holding tightly to the sides of the table. I could hear every lub-dub of my heart pounding my chest. My ears were fully focused on her voice, and I was riddled with anticipation. She called out my name, Sharon Palomino, and I was frozen in time, everything stood still. The feeling of butterflies filled my stomach, Ms. Perez handed me the letter and there it was, I am a 2nd prize winner of a garnet gem!

I felt elated, as if I were in a dream, and could not believe what I just read. Out of all those students, I got 2nd place. Bursting with excitement I hurried home after school to tell my parents. I rushed my dad to drive us to the jewelry store, Gallery of Diamonds Jewelers, to pick up the prize. We arrived at the store, and we stood out. There were so many other students with their families that did not look like us. I felt out of place while simultaneously feeling proud to occupy a space where no one else looked similar to me.

I walked over to the shiny and bright glass counter where the jeweler handed me a pair of jeweler’s tweezers. I was told to select a gem out of the parcel. My eyes were mesmerized by the fiery red glow of the precious stones; I made my pick and placed it on my mom's open palm. Instant joy infected my smile. We hugged and my parents filled me with praise. I left that jewelrystore feeling a little taller, encouraged to enter the contest again. I began to believe in myself, and I felt I could win a diamond for my mom the next time around. I realized I too have the potential for academic accomplishments.

My experience does not end there. 18 years later, as I type up this essay, I was pushed to look for my poem entry from all those years ago by a force unseen. After all this time, I was convinced my powerful poem was long gone and forgotten. Nonetheless, I persisted and found the Gallery of Diamonds Jewelry store website. I emailed the store asking if they kept the writing entries from their contests, knowing it was a long shot, I hit send. Hours passed and I received a response. “Yes. We maintain all winning essays. If you lost your copy, you can always come here personally to write down or photo it for free...”

Similar to that evening, 18 years ago I scurried to go to the jewelry store. Flashbacks filled my mind as I drove up to the store and walked up to those shiny bright lit counters. My husband and I met the founder of the contest, Mike Watson, AKA, Diamond Mike. He charmingly shared the story of how this positive movement originated to recognize two moms- his birthmother and his adoptive mother. Diamond Mike found my entry and played my poem aloud for me to hear, and as much as I tried to hold them in, my eyes were instantly engulfed with tears. Today, I learned the impact of this contest has transcended generations, and I am honored to have been not only a participant but a winner! The heartfelt moment I experienced in Diamond Mike’s jewelry stores lives in me and my mom forever.

As my mom and I reminisced about that experience, she told me, “I never had the chance to read the poem, but I remember when you put the garnet in my hand, and I cherish it with all my heart. I was thrilled but more for the joy you radiated when you gave me the gem. Every time I look at the gem, I think of you.” Now that I found the poem and had the honor to chat with Diamond Mike, I plan to keep the tradition alive, read the poem to my mom in person and let her know that her daughter is a published author!

After reflecting on this experience, I can say that for me winning the 2nd prize was as if I had won a diamond. First place was never really the goal, but the motivation I needed to take a chance on myself. I did not win the diamond; I won something better, I received the 2nd prize letter.

“Mama, thanks for supporting me.
Mama, thanks for caring about me.
Mama, thanks for being a friend and special thanks to Mama for loving me.”

By: Sharon Palomino
2006 Garnet Winner
Number of Words: 25
Grade: 07

Works Cited-
Palomino, Sharon. Why Mom Deserves a Diamond: Beyond the Goddess Venus. Costa Mesa, California, Gallery of Diamonds Publishing.

The first official award certificate was printed in 2006.  Our genius employee, Claudio Canestro, designed the metallic ...

The first official award certificate was printed in 2006. Our genius employee, Claudio Canestro, designed the metallic gold seal. This same seal has been used for 18 years. To date, we have archived the winning essays of 133,000 students since 1993.

Found this letter from 20 years ago!  Thank you, Jacob. I hope you are still raising your umbrella! -Diamond Mike.

Found this letter from 20 years ago! Thank you, Jacob. I hope you are still raising your umbrella! -Diamond Mike.

In the early days of the contest we would award sapphires to outstanding winners.  We also allowed contestants to write ...

In the early days of the contest we would award sapphires to outstanding winners. We also allowed contestants to write longer essays. Here is a beautiful writing from 1995.


1528 Brookhollow Drive, Ste 200
Santa Ana, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 5pm
Wednesday 11am - 5pm
Thursday 11am - 5pm
Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 4pm




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