Why Your Brand is More than a Logo
Think of a famous brand. You are likely thinking of a product name and a logo. Now think of a brand you love. What's different?
Brands are more than a logo! Today, Chrisella is going to talk about branding your business.
Don't miss out - there are just a few days left to sign up for the first cohort of the Brand Personality Bootcamp: http://humblehustle.studio/brand-personality-bootcamp/
Branding Month: What Goes into a Powerful Brand?
Branding advice for small businesses rarely goes beyond the creation of a logo or website. But big companies invest millions of dollars in brand research, diving deep into the creation and curation of their brands. This week, we're talking about what goes into a powerful brand.
Have you experienced this Facebook Ads bug?
There is a bug in Facebook's ad systems, and it might be affecting the effectiveness of your ads! Here's how to see if this is affecting you, and how we got around it.
What You Should Know About the TikTok News
TikTok has been in the news a lot lately, after President Trump threatened to ban the app in the United States. Chrisella is talking this week about what you need to know about the news, and what you can learn from this situation.
Bringing On Your First Employee
Making the jump from working alone or only with contractors to hiring your first employee can be a scary jump for entrepreneurs! Today, Chrisella is talking about how to know when you are ready to make that jump, as well as some ways to make it a little easier.
Plus: some exciting announcements from Humble & Hustle Studios!
Setting Up the Infrastructure for Your Virtual Summit or Event
As the pandemic draws on, it seems like we're going to need to understand how to create and produce virtual events for while, maybe forever! So today, Chrisella is going over the infrastructure behind virtual events and how you can find the right solutions for your event.
How to Use Analytics to Your Advantage
The biggest benefit of digital marketing is all of the data you have access to when you run ads. This data allows you to make better marketing decisions -- if you're using it! Today, Chrisella talks about how to use your data and analytics to your advantage.
Why You Should Start Planning Your Holiday Marketing in July
We're halfway through the year today! The last thing most people think about during these summer days is their holiday marketing plans. But today, Chrisella is making the case that you should start planning your end of year marketing now.
When are you ready to start paid digital ads?
We work with a lot of small businesses here at Humble & Hustle Studios, so we hear this a lot: "I don't know if I'm ready to start paying for ads yet." So today, Chrisella is going to talk about how digital ads work and when you are ready for them!
3 Things We've Learned About Running Virtual Events
If you run events in your business, you might be considering whether to change over to virtual events for the rest of 2020. We've learned a few things about virtual events, and today Chrisella is sharing some of those things.
4 Reasons Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Business
You might run Facebook ads, post regularly on Instagram, and update your blog consistently, but have you considered podcasting for your business? This week, Chrisella is talking about 4 reasons why podcasts are a great marketing tool for your company.
Humble & Hustle Studios is proud to be the sponsor of the Grow track at the 2020 Not-Only-Utah Podcast Summit! Come learn how to build a community and grow your audience with us. Tickets at www.utahpodcastsummit.com!
Why Podcasting is a Marketing Strategy that Helps You Rise Above the Noise
All the digital marketing channels are flooded, especially lately. How do you break through and rise above the noise when you are trying to market your small business? This week, Chrisella tells you why you should consider podcasting.