Juniper Turns 6 months old next week! She is trying to sit up on her own. She rolls around the room and loves scoot backwards around the room. She is getting frustrated that she can not figure out how to crawl but she is getting really close!
Her favorite foods are Carrots, avocados, potatoes, and Yogurt melts!
She absolutely hates- squash, celery, apples, bananas, strawberries, and raspberries.
She is 100% a mammas girl- if she hears my voice she has to be right oh my hip!
Juniper is definitely teaching us more patience than ivy did at this age, she wants all the cuddles all the time. She only likes napping if she is being held and she doesn’t sleep through the night.
We are trying to slow down more and just enjoy the moments with both kids while they are young!