#ThrowbackThursday another clip of rendered ambient art created for MSC Cruises aboard the #MSCEuribia. This clip is from the Shimmering Light series. Underwater dreamscapes pierced by rays of light reveal schooling and flocking sea creatures.
These ambient, aquatic animations are designed to run in 10 minute loops on large-format floor-to-ceiling displays.
#ThrowbackThursday – This piece was created for our Nebula series, which is featured inside the MSC Cruises retail store aboard the #MSCEuribia.
These ambient, celestial animations are designed to run in 10 minute loops on large-format floor-to-ceiling displays.
#MidweekEyeCandy – More rendered ambient art created for the #MSCEuribia. This clip is taken from the Ribbon series. Organic petals flow and shape-shift like fabric. These ambient animations run in 10 minute loops on large-format ceiling-to-floor displays.
Shown here cropped and sped up at 5x. Fun fact: The MSC Cruises Euribia can host over 6300 passengers. Add the crew of over 1700, and you've got a floating city of more than 8000 people!
#WizardWednesday: iBelieveInSwordfish animation wizards Jenn Emberly and Fred Lewis give us a hint of their workflow while creating schooling whales for a ceiling shown aboard the MSC Europa.
#ThrowbackThursday -- This one's a favorite. A nice clean minimalist aesthetic, that highlights the awesome adaptability of familiar product.
We hope you enjoy some #iBelieveInSwordfish macro magic featuring GoPro
More rendered ambient visuals created for the MSC Cruises retail store aboard the MSC Euribia. This clip is meant to evoke a sense of luxury and abstract beauty.
These ambient animations run in 10 minute loops on a large-format ceiling-to-floor displays. Shown here cropped and sped up 5x.
Here is some rendered art created for the MSC Cruises retail store aboard the MSC Euribia. These ambient animations run in 10 minute loops on large-format floor-to-ceiling displays.
This cropped and sped up version of the final animation, simulates a journey through the Nordic fjords that the MSC Euribia often visits.
More eye-candy onboard the MSC Euribia. MSC Cruises commissioned iBelieveInSwordfish to create a series of animations to run on large format displays in their on-ship retail store.
This clip demonstrates how we used VR to test the videos in situ before deploying live.
More peeling back the onion on the Confluent Data in Motion video. Particles in flight forming city blocks. Workflow incorporating Matrices/C4D/Redshift Maxon
Peeling back the onion on the Confluent Data in Motion video reveals a hint of how the Swordfish wizards compose a world of data.
Full complete version here: https://youtu.be/Sgrks7ssGOA
Catch the thrilling conclusion to our new short film “Talos” as well as a dive behind the scenes with our own Anthony Abbott at Maxon’s #3DMotionShow later this morning at 10:30. To tune in visit https://www.3dmotionshow.com/ #ibelieveinswordfish #maxon #maxonc4d #swordfishsf #motiondesign #redshift3d