Today I Learned...there is a World Magnetic Model that is periodically updated.
Of course, this makes sense. It's well known that Earth's magnetic field meanders constantly, and sometimes even flips entirely! That's right, the North and South poles can switch.
Evidence in the magnetic alignment of sub-sea rocks show that this happens roughly every 200,000-300,000 years. It has been 768,000 years since our last reversal. But don't read too much into that. Sometimes it takes millions of years to flip.
And a magnetic model is important for GPS and other navigation. Check it out:
One other thought - I've often wondered about what natural and man-made disruptions such a flip might cause. Will birds still migrate efficiently? The magnetic field helps deflect certain solar radiation - what happens when the poles are meandering through the middle latitudes? Some of these are answerable questions, but perhaps this would make a good Nature's Archive episode to explore in more detail.