I’m a few weeks late, but I wanted to acknowledge the release of debut full length “What’s Mine” We recorded this last year during the absolute height of the remodel. The studio was in the darkest days of reconstruction but was also somehow completely functional (I needed to keep working!). Lizzie and her band of exquisite short hair rockers were undeterred by the chaos and made themselves at home. What resulted was a really fun Rock ‘N’ Roll album that everyone can and should enjoy. I like when it sounds like old Weezer and they also let me do whatever I wanted with this garage song “Sick.” I think we recorded it in a little over a week and was probably the first project mixed on the Neve 5316 over a few days. This one definitely came together quick and there was minimal fussing. Thank you friends - I remember this session fondly. Check it out, you can tell it was a good time!