Mr Baltasar Ebang Engonga is a 54 years old Equestrian Guinean Economist, who’s serving as the DG of the National Financial Investigation Agency (ANIF), which is equivalent to their own EFCC | Eagle Media TV Nigeria
Recently he was accused of corruption. So his houses were searched, impromptu. Both his family home and work home.
While authorities were searching, they stumbled on a pile of CD’s. Out of curiosity’s they played the first one and behold it was the most recent and it was their President’s sister, having doggy sx with Baltasar in his office. So, they ‘confiscated’ the entire collection.
Upon more ‘investigations’ they found out, Baltasar is a notorious ny**ho who preys on married women.
He has had sx with;
1. Presidents Sister.
2. The AGF’s wife.
3. His brother’s wife. And they’ve now found out that, two kids from 4, belong to him.
4. His cousins.
5. The IGP’s wife.
6. About 20 of their ministers wives.
7. His uncle’s pregnant wife.
8. 6 married women out of 9 women in his office
9. And many more people, around 400.