Since 1985, San Francisco Television continues to be the official FREE television program created and produced specifically for San Francisco visitors, viewed on the televisions in the comfort and privacy of the visitors’ hotel room. SFTV television program highlights the colorful history, charm and allure of the world's most favorite city, San Francisco. The SFTV program gives the visitors inform
ation and recommendations on some of the best places to visit in the Bay Area. Recommendations on local attractions, dining, entertainment, shopping, transportation services, night life and much, much more. Each month, SFTV is viewed by hundreds of thousands of people who stay in the SFTV network of nearly 8,500 Class "A" hotel rooms located in 16 major San Francisco hotels. SFTV is FREE to viewers and is available 24 hours a day/365 days a year. Local, regional and national advertisers promote their products and services using San Francisco as a backdrop for their messages. Messages on SFTV can be custom tailored in minutes to welcome specific groups to San Francisco, announce special events, pricing, promotions etc. For more information contact Kevin Comora,
SFTV Executive Producer via email at [email protected]
San Francisco Television
(707) 793-8500