Join Swami Ramananda & Marc Morozumi in conversation at SATSANG: Responding Together to a World in Chaos this Sat. MAR 1 @ 5:30-6:30
pm PST
Online & in-person | $5-$20 donation or enroll for free w/ promo code FREE: https://bit.ly/4gEvCp2
This year has just begun and already it feels like we’re being pushed further beyond our limits by the events in our country and our world.
Our nervous systems are triggered and we find ourselves reacting to every media blip without a chance to mindfully reflect and respond.
What tools do we have to navigate this turmoil when it feels like we have little to no control? How can we refer to ancient teachings to guide us from elevated stress and uncertainty to experience resilience by way of our inner-knowingness?
Whether we choose to look the other way or become a changemaker, our actions make a difference.
Join Swami Ramananda and Marc Morozumi for a lively and grounding discussion to explore, consider and choose how we make our way through the endless chaos in our world.
Everyone is welcome to stay for tea and light snacks afterwards.
Satsang offers an opportunity to come together to share spiritual teachings. Although our spiritual paths may diverge, the act of sharing spiritual teachings with others is inspiring. All are welcome.