What do cats and dogs have to do with the head and the heart? 🐈🐕🤔 In this edition of MR monthly, our executive editor delves into the concept discussed in the most recent issue of Modern Reformation magazine. Jesus isn't a "head person" 🧠 or a "heart person," ❤️ but rather someone who embodies perfect love and righteousness for our benefit. You can watch more from Brannon, and his special pup guest Phineas, on our YouTube channel! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the latest updates. 💻
Thank you for being a part of theological exploration alongside Modern Reformation! 📖✨ If you have benefited from any of our resources, would you consider becoming a monthly partner with a donation of $25 or more? As a thank you for joining us this month, we will send you a booklet bundle from our sister program White Horse Inn which includes, Law & Gospel, The Gift of Prayer and What is Secularization? Plus, enjoy a complimentary subscription to Modern Reformation! 🎁
Modern Reformation is part of Sola Media, which is also home to Core Christianity, White Horse Inn, and Theo Global. Our team recently had a chance to sit down and prayerfully reflect on what God has done through Sola Media and the work he is leading us toward. The result was a new vision statement for Sola Media that we are excited to share with you:
Our vision is to see reformation in hearts, homes, and churches around the world—so Christians know the good news of justification in Christ alone through faith alone, and experience joy in the sufficiency of Christ, confidence in the assurance of salvation, freedom for their callings in the world, and relentless hope in Christ’s coming kingdom. Soli Deo Gloria.
Would you support our efforts with your prayers and a year-end gift? Your generous gifts enable us to expand our reach and impact as we support Christ’s church here and all around the world. For a gift of $25 or more, you can choose one of the following Sola Media resources for us to send you:
- 30 Years Closer (Book), a collection of some of the best essays from Modern Reformation.
- Law and Gospel, a White Horse Inn booklet written by Michael Horton and Bob Hiller
- We Believe, a brand new Bible study on the Nicene Creed Study by Core Christianity
We thank the Lord for your partnership!
Choose one of three resources!
Modern Reformation is part of Sola Media, which is also home to Core Christianity, White Horse Inn, and Theo Global. The generous gifts of our partners and donors have allowed us to expand our reach and produce resources for reformation to serve Christ's church here and around the world. But we need your support to keep going! Until the end of the year, as a thank you for your gift of $25 or more, you can choose one of three Sola Media resources for us to send you, including our book: 30 Years Closer. Please join us as we continue to strive toward our vision of seeing reformation in hearts, homes, and churches around the world—so Christians know the good news of justification in Christ alone through faith alone.
Since 1990, Sola Media has been a witness to Christ building His church globally. We hope you enjoy this video including brand updates from our founder—Dr. Michael Horton and our new CEO—Robert Olson. Despite challenges, the Church sees historic growth—1.2 billion new Christians in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in 50 years. Your support impacts the lives of our listeners and readers. As the year ends, would you consider helping us continue our mission? For a gift of $25 or more, you can choose one of three of our resources. Join us in the global spread of the good news. Soli Deo Gloria.
Modern Reformation is part of Sola Media, which is also home to Core Christianity, White Horse Inn, and Theo Global. The generous gifts of our partners and donors have allowed us to expand our reach and produce resources for reformation to serve Christ's church here and around the world. But we need your support to keep going! Until the end of the year, as a thank you for your gift of $25 or more, you can choose one of three Sola Media resources for us to send you. Please join us as we continue to strive toward our vision of seeing reformation in hearts, homes, and churches around the world—so Christians know the good news of justification in Christ alone through faith alone.
Today is Giving Tuesday, a movement of radical generosity around the world! As proof from these testimonials, Modern Reformation is helping people to understand the essential truths of the Christian faith, through our magazine which weaves together conversation about theology and culture by exploring theological retrieval, conversation, persuasion, and engagement. Today, we humbly ask you to support us financially, but you can also give by tagging a friend below, telling your friends and pastors about us, praying for our team, or even sharing our online articles! Your generosity is invaluable to us—we couldn't do what we do without you! To donate a one-time gift, or become a subscriber, click the link below.
Through Core Christianity, White Horse Inn, Modern Reformation, and Theo Global, Sola Media faithfully proclaims the truth of God’s word across the world. This is all made possible through the generous support of those who share our desire to get the gospel right and get the gospel out. People like you! Will you join us on this mission by becoming a Sola Media partner? Your gift of $25 or more per month will fuel the work that we do, and as a special thank you for joining us as a partner in the month of February, we’ll send you a copy of The Gift of Prayer, written by White Horse Inn host, Bob Hiller. Click the link below to become a partner!
4️⃣ more days to enter to win one of five bundles of MR's Top Five Must-Read Books for 2023! These book titles were curated especially for you! ✨ Here's what Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Michael Horton, shared about these picks: "I promise you’ll be deeply informed, challenged, and encouraged by these books as you grow in understanding God’s word and navigating his world, being “transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:2). This is what we want for you—and ourselves—in 2023: more and more to have the mind of Christ." ✝️
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Brazos Press
InterVarsity Press
📚 BOOK GIVEAWAY 📚 ((SEE BELOW FOR HOW TO WIN)) Modern Reformation exists to help you think theologically so you can fulfill your calling to lead fellow Christians to grow in knowing God and seeing all things in his light. To start the new year off right, we decided to do something special: everyone who subscribes to MR by the end of the month of January will be entered to win one of five bundles of amazing new books!
⭐ Low Anthropology, by David Zahl Brazos Press
⭐ Strange New World, by Carl R. Trueman Crossway
⭐ Biblical Critical Theory, by Christopher Watkin Zondervan
⭐ The Alien and the Proper, edited by Robert Kolb 1517
⭐ The Thrill of Orthodoxy, by Trevin Wax InterVarsity Press
How Do I Win? 📝
Everyone who subscribes, renews, extends, or gives a subscription to Modern Reformation at our Pay What You Can annual subscription price in January will be entered for a chance to win. Winners will be announced February 3.
Bonus Chances to Win❗
Once you’ve entered by subscribing you can earn extra entries by 1) Following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, 2) Tagging a friend in the comments with whom you want to read these books, or 3) Sharing a photo of yourself reading MR and tagging us on one of these social channels. Who says theology people are boring? 😎
Subscribe below!
30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation
When Michael Horton published the first issue of Modern Reformation thirty years ago, he hoped to spark conversations about the church’s pressing need and how the rich resources of the Reformation could be applied to that need. In this special book, we’ve collected articles from each of the last thirty years of Modern Reformation magazine, believing that we’re now thirty years closer to our original hope and vision for God to strengthen his church by granting us a modern reformation. Now available for a gift of $50 or more. Get your copy here: https://whitehorseinn.org/special-offers/30-years-closer-essays-for-a-modern-reformation/