YN buckles
Gold(fleet) - run the fleet
Silver (fleet)- run the fleet
Silver, shiny and dull (power) - power through paper
Each buckle is $20.
Shipping is $6 for up to 1 buckle
2 buckles or more shipping is $8
PayPal Payment option: [email protected]
Please select “friends and family” option, or “someone you trust”
In comments place quantity, color, type and address.
1 gold fleet, 1 power shiny
1200 Calle seabass
San Diego CA 92154
Venmo option:
In comments place quantity and address.
All payments made anything other then friends and family option will be refunded. If you want to pay any other way please DM me.
Remember this is a presale so production time is 4-8 weeks depending on total quantity ordered. I will leave this open until 19 January ! Please ensure you annotate what you want in the comments when paying!
Slide in the DMs if you have any questions 💪