Friday night! Celebrate Valentine’s Day and the release of the new Gary Lindsey and the Pleasure Tide’s album ‘Spirits From The Well’ on Saustex Records — it all happens at the Vinyl Beauty Bar in Austin - they’ll be joined by Hickoids and Cruel Summer TX - make the scene. #garylindseypleasuretide #hickoids #cruelsummertx #vinylbeautybar #texaspunk #valentinesday #lovelove @topfans Hickoids Saustex VINYL Beauty Bar album pre-order right here - shipping starts Friday! :
@thelonesomerose @sagebrushtexas and @theparloraustintexas are the spots to be, an overflow of amazing music on display for all to consume - come and get it #sxsw #austin #texas #sanantonio #thelonesomerose #sagebrush #theparlor #hickoids #labrettasuedeandthemotel6 #suckling #texacalajones #themullens #harveymclaughlin #lisagamache #dashriprock #speedbuggyusa #differentials #kimmibitter #hamellontrial
A whole heapin’ helpin’ of Saustex brand concertshows for your enjoyment next weekend at @thelonesomerose @sagebrushtexas and @theparloraustintexas #sxsw #austin #texas #sanantonio #saustex #labrettasuedeandthemotel6 #hickoids #dashriprock #harveymclaughlin #themullens #suckling #texacalajones #hamellontrial #lisagamache #kimmibitter #makethescene
Iconic signage here in SAtown!! Tune in later tonight at 8 o clock as we go live and pull the three winners for your super stupendous Sex Pistols prize package! #sexpistolsband #randysrodeo #saustex #punkrock #papertiger #hickoids #thissaturday #mickjagger #makethescene #banderaroad #coodygoldpresents #wildwildwest
Tell ‘em, Frank #sonsofhercules #saustexrecords #sanantonio #texas #sexpistol #papertiger #punkrock #rockandroll #thissaturday #makethescene
RAFFLE TIME - Enter NOW for your chance to WIN one of the following:
1. A 1977 French copy of the first pressing of ANARCHY IN THE UK on 7 inch courtesy of Flagship Records
2. An original Sex Pistols button
3. A copy of FILTH & THE FURY on VHS, courtesy of Fourth Wall Broken "Your Dead Format Superstore"
Winners will also get a free poster and free admission (plus one) to the show. Enter by sharing this post and tagging three friends!! Winners will be announced next week via live stream, right here on Saustex Good luck, y’all! #sexpistolsband #saustex #papertiger #highvoltagemusicprogram #cornpound #flagshiprecords #fourthwallbroken #punkrock #thefilthandthefury #anarchyintheuk #godsavethequeen #sidvicious #prettyvacant #filthandtheflautas #sanantonio #texas #hickoids #sonsofhercules #tgif #ripviviennewestwood #rippele
For those of you who pre-ordered The Krayolas ‘Savage Young Krayolas’ LP - they are on the press and will hopefully be in the mail by this weekend! Yeehaw!
Hamell's Friday Holidaze Sale!
Against Saus-boss Smitty's better judgment it's Hamell On Trial's Friday Happy Holidaze Painting Sale + LP Sale! (Clear Crime Scene Cleanup Vinyl + Download Card + Painiting + Sticker + "something else cool" extra $45 ppd in US/$65 International)
View the video for the deets. Order at the Saustex home page
Cowpunk X-Mas Party and Farewell to Fitzgerald's
Cowpunk Christmas Party and Farewell to Fitzgerald's benefitting The Friends of BARC
Mike Schneider in association with Saustex Records and Richard Tomcala are pleased to present a Cowpunk Christmas Party and Farewell to Fitzgerald’s on Friday December 21st. Net proceeds will benefit The Friends of BARC, a Houston area animal rescue and shelter. There will also be a silent auction and raffle benefitting the organization.
Fitzgerald’s - a mainstay of the Houston nightclub scene since 1977 is closing its doors at the end of the year and we intend to say adios in style. The stacked lineup features:
1:00 am Frog Hair (downstairs) Venerable Houston band that mash up art punk and alt-country with performance art flair.
12:15 am Hickoids (upstairs) Austin's Kings of Corn.
11:45 pm The Guillotines (downstairs) Furious ’77 style punk in the tradition of The Dead Boys and Heartbreakers.
11:15 pm Dash Rip Rock (upstairs) New Orleans’ Cajun Cowpunk pioneers.
10:45 pm Darwin's Finches (downstairs) Houston vets celebrating the release of their new album ‘Good Morning Creatures Vol.II’
10:15 pm The Beaumonts (upstairs) Direct from Central Lubbock, Texas - the filthiest band in the land!
9:45 pm The Genzales (downstairs) Houston’s The Genzales are a garage punk band that melds swanky guitar god vibes with a glam-punk heart.
9:15 pm Texacala Jones & The Pony Island Express (upstairs) Ms. Jones of legendary L.A. glam/cowpunk act Tex & The Horseheads returns to Houston with a new album and band that features Frank Garymartin of the Pain Teens on drums and Chelsea Taylor (daughter of Lubbock blues legend Jesse Taylor) on guitar.
8:45 pm Dr. Green Dreams (downstairs) Bend, Oregon based punk-blues combo with Houston roots.
8:15 pm The Texas Biscuit Bombs (upstairs) A gang of H-town “usual suspects” performing classic Texas Punk numbers.
Brought to you by Mike Schneider with additional sponsorship from Saustex Records and Embassy Skateboards
The Old Man and the Semen and Saustex
Andy Uberalles Saustex testimonial video!
A Pony Named Olga - Texas Dates
Direct from Berlin - A Pony Named Olga play dates across Texas this week in advance of the release of their new album 'Ave Maria' on Saustex Records.
Tuesday October 9th - San Antonio, TX - Paper Tiger with Koffin Kats, Harvey McLaughlin
Wednesday October 10th - Houston, TX - Under The Volcano 8pm
Friday October 12th - San Antonio, TX - Beethoven Maennerchor - Oktoberfest 5-6:45 pm
Saturday October 13th - Hunter, TX - Riley's Tavern with Harvey Mclaughlin
Sunday October 14th - Austin, TX - South Pop Museum - Davy Jones art exhibition "It's A Plaid, Plaid, Plaid World" with Hickoids, Bigfooot Chester
Make the scene(s)!
Max Jeffers hips the kids to Western Star's new album
Max Jeffers of Baltimore-based rockanroll band Western Star shares the schfizz on their new album 'Any Way How' produced by J. Robbins of Jawbox. "Shocking Blue" Vinyl Limited Edition (105 copies) available for immediate delivery and includes immediate digital access with two exclusive non-LP tracks - order it right here:
And by all means get out and see them in Texas, L.A. and San Diego over the the next few weekends:
Get out and see them.
Friday September 21st Tyler,TX - Stanley's Famous Pit BBQ
Saturday September 22nd Dallas,TX - Twilite Lounge
Sunday September 23rd Denton,TX - BackYard on Bell
Friday September 28th San Diego,CA - Bar Pink w/ Phantoms
Saturday September 29th Los Angeles, CA - Maui Sugar Mill Saloon w/ Prima Donna and The Turbulent Hearts
Monday October 1st Marfa,TX - Lost Horse Saloon
Tuesday October 2nd Houston,TX - Cactus Music (In-Store Performance) 5:30PM
Wednesday October 3rd Houston,TX - Under The Volcano (early show 8pm)
Thursday October 4th San Antonio,TX - The Mix w/ Snowbyrd
Friday October 5th Ft. Worth,TX - Twilite Lounge Southside w/ Prussian Pompadours
Saturday October 6th Austin,TX - The White Horse/Austin Corn Lovers Fiesta
Saturday October 27th Baltimore,MD - Ottobar (Halloween Weekender)
Sunday November 11th Baltimore,MD - Waverly Brewing (Listening Party/Local Album Release)