CCT Julie Valadez my birthday is 12/12/1975 not 2008 still kidknapped in San Antonio, Texas-TX US


"There was a post and picture of a bunch of kids back in the day riding their bikes and the guy posting it says why kids dont spend time outside anymore so I posted and replied the following but they did not allow me to share it so im sharing wisdom with you anyway. I replied, if the gases in the air dont kill us going from and to the store walking on the bus tazers or gas from walking or from drunk or sober perverted drivers will. Yeah the air heat rain sleet hail and cold another factor. So there. Yeah dont let your kids or your kids freinds take a trip to the store alone theirs trucks or store clerks that could lock them in storage rooms or bathroooms and then haul them away be aware dont regret. San Antonio, Texas in the United States is so bad and I live right across from the juvinille detention center and juvenille courthouse. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."


"Oh my gosh i am finding actors really annoying especially some that are acting as Jesus or a good guy part now that I know alot of people weren't really my hero's freinds had good intentions for my life or good guys or good girls or good men or good women at all. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."

"Me "Julie Anna Valadez as a baby & my dad Hector Ariel Valadez. I love you dad. I'm 48 years old now. My dad is with me...

"Me "Julie Anna Valadez as a baby & my dad Hector Ariel Valadez. I love you dad. I'm 48 years old now. My dad is with me protecting me in spirit. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."


"There are so mamy posts about free liposuctionor free tummy tuck trials but do't chace it ya'll it could be a bad place and they could take your body parts without you even knowing. If there are bad places like behavioral centers locking up abused children men and women so those abusing them can receive compensation for the bad trial prescriptions they force us they could be searching for another way since people are onto that one to hurt us. Stay ahead of their game. Its a shame if there are real doctors trying to help us out there and we that have been torn apart and abused are just too afraid that we will never know. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."

"Me and my oldest daughter Summer Aurora Valadez. Truly beautiful. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."

"Me and my oldest daughter Summer Aurora Valadez. Truly beautiful. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."

"There was a post of a mothers voice and a scared look on the babys face and shes crying with maybe a bag of collected t...

"There was a post of a mothers voice and a scared look on the babys face and shes crying with maybe a bag of collected things an intruder maybe allowed the mother to get together for the child and it showed the little girl crying and not really wanting to leave the mothers side. So i replied...What does clean her room mean. Its a scary world i don't find reels like this funny or cute at all anymore because of what ive been through out of care a concern. Explain yourselves. You who try to upset abused mothers and children for a living are way out of line for not understanding our panic and feeding off it you all are as just as guity as the people hurting us and stealing from us. Early development in schools has gone from ABC's and 123's to horrible crimes. The pedophiles- people who buy sell and people have taken over our school system. Wake up and if you live in a one story or two story stay close by your children. Police should not mandate or people should not like whether its City Public Services or Child Protective Services should not be knocking at your door tampering with your AC or allowed inside. They are Criminals just like teachers are. You wont believe it but the judges mandated me to either stay in the abusive home where i would have to take my child everyday to school where we were abused then every morning get her up and have to take them to the school who condoned the abuse!!! Then my children were abused when they wee pushed out & they were where forced to stay by the courts anx police and institutions and schools bad medications that made them shake have seizures because I refused to give it to them because it was poison they told me i lost custody rights thats illegal so i did not. The pills made me and them p*e on ourselves get sick gain weight made us shake paralyzed half our body when I explained to the judge that my children and i were being drugged forced bad prescriptions and abused they gave me a choice to either stay out on the street because my childrens father was going to take over the apartments and house under our name and i could be there to protect my children or I would be put out on the streets and they all would group together to hide what their fathers were doing to us and no one would believe us. They are still doing this to us now. I will not be disrespected or my children will not be disrespected but they keep disrespecting us and the people say to other predators they want to sell us to that we like it. They say we lie and say we don't. That is lie that is their fe**sh that has been the people posinhg as professionalismns crime not mine not my daughters not my sons. I keep trying to tell them professionalismn is not thteatening and kicking us around seperating us slaving us and torturing us is their crime and not our crime but they say to us no one will believe us or do anything about whats happening to us and till now i believe it. Today is July 3, 2024 the time is 12:151. Someone help me take whose not supposed to be working as a lawyer a dean teacher a child support worker a housing rep, a social security rep, excetra to thier gravre because thats not who they are. They are killing us and other familys stealing from us and other family and who ever is mayor or in charge of police cia feds excetra needs to die to the fake squad anyway. They or I will not be silenced or disrespected back off! I live in San Antonio Texas in the United states where are you from. I pray that the mommy in thids reel is still alive theres just something strange about the baby crying the mothers voice maybe an intruder. Then the mom is saying go and clean your room and she would see her later. Theres just something about the baby's tears. She keeps looking back like she was scared for her mommy?! Like she was scared for herself to be without her mommy?! Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"." THIS IS AN OBITUARY OF MY DAD HE WAS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN A DECENT HONEST PERSON ITS BEEN 4 ALMOST THAT HE WAS KILLED TRYING TO SAVE HIMSELF MY CHILDREN THEIR CHILDREN AND ME FROM THOSE WE ARE STILL SURROUNDED AND KIDKNAPPED BY. IS ANYONE GONNA HELP US I WONDER BEFORE WE DIE because peoole dont care about us just the money they steal. My dad should not have died but everyone surrounded him not allowing me to save him I scream and cry just thinking about it. They just think my tears are funny. I know there has to be someone that could help us out there?! Like i said My daughters my daughters boyfriens my daighters boyfreinds freind Nate and my 3 grandkids my daughters dad and me are going to Port Aransas Island Thursday so why is their a checkpoint when we come back and not a check point before we are there I have always been a United States Citizen is this Mexico i wonder. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."

"There was a post of a mothers voice and a scared look on the babys face and shes crying with maybe a bag of collected t...

"There was a post of a mothers voice and a scared look on the babys face and shes crying with maybe a bag of collected things an intruder maybe allowed the mother to get together for the child and it showed the little girl crying and not really wanting to leave the mothers side. So i replied...What does clean her room mean. Its a scary world i don't find reels like this funny or cute at all anymore because of what ive been through out of care a concern. Explain yourselves. You who try to upset abused mothers and children for a living are way out of line for not understanding our panic and feeding off it you all are as just as guity as the people hurting us and stealing from us. Early development in schools has gone from ABC's and 123's to horrible crimes. The pedophiles- people who buy sell and people have taken over our school system. Wake up and if you live in a one story or two story stay close by your children. Police should not mandate or people should not like whether its City Publivc Services or Child Protective Services should not be knocking at your door tampering with your AC or allowed inside. They are Criminals just like teachers are. You wont believe it but the judges mandated me to either stsy in the abusive home where i would have to take my child everyday to school where we were abused then every morning get her up and have to take them to the school who condoned the abuse and the children were abusrd where they firced my child bad meducations that made them shake have seizures because I refused to give it to them it was poison it made them p*e on themselves because the pills paralyzed when I explained to the judge that my children and i were being drugged forced bad prescriptions and abused they gave me a choice to either stay out on the street because my childrens fathrer was going to take over the apartments and house under our name and i could be there to protect them or I would be put out on the streets and they all would group together to hide what their fathers were doing to us and no one would believe us. They are still doing this to us now. I will not be disrespected or my children will not be disrespected but they keep disrespecting us and the people say to other predators they want to sell us to that we like it. They say we lie and say we don't. That is lie that is their fe**sh that has been the people posinhg as professionalismns crime not mine not my daughters not my sons. I keep trying to tell them professionalismn is not thteatening and kicking us around seperating us slaving us and torturing us is their crime and noyt our crime but they say to us no one will believe us or do anything about whats happening to us and till now i believe it. Today is July 3, 2024 the time is 12:151. Someone help me take whose not supposed to be working as a lawyer a dean teacher a child support worker a housing rep, a social security rep, excetra to thier gravre because thats not who they are. They are killing us and other familys stealing from us and other family and who ever is mayor or in charge of police cia feds excetra needs to die to the fake squad anyway. They or I will not be silenced or disrespected back off! I live in San Antonio Texas in the United states where are you from. I pray that the mommy in thids reel is still alive theres just something strange about the baby crying the mothers voice maybe an intruder. Then the mom is saying go and clean your room and she would see her later. Theres just something about the baby's tears. She keeps looking back like she was scared for her mommy?! Like she was scared for herself to be without her mommy?! Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"." THIS IS AN OBITUARY OF MY DAD HE WAS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN A DECENT HONEST PERSON ITS BEEN 4 ALMOST THAT HE WAS KILLED TRYING TO SAVE HIMSELF MY CHILDREN THEIR CHILDREN AND ME FROM THOSE WE ARE STILL SURROUNDED AND KIDKNAPPED BY. IS ANYONE GONNA HELP US I WONDER BEFORE WE DIE because peoole dont care about us just the money they steal. My dad should not have died but everyone surrounded him not allowing me to sve him I scream and cry just thinking about it. They just think my tears are funny. I know there has to be someone that could help us out there?! Like i said My daughters my daughters boyfriens my daighters boyfreinds freind Nate and my 3 grandkids my daughters dad and me are going to South Padre Island Thursday so why is their a checkpoint when we come back and not a check point before we are there I have always been a United States Citizen is this Mexico i wonder. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."


"I hate having to buy them. Being on a 940.00 budget doesnt leave room for anything i get an extra 67.00 in food stamps so if i cook to feed my family or selfvits about 300.00 in food and cleaning supplies a monrh. Then 344.00 in rent own 260.00 rent this month 150.0 cable wifi andtn phone. Elelectic was 199.00 so yeah im starting all over because they stoled everything again my apartment my furniture clothes dishes pots pans jewlery picture phones computer 3 tvs they had contaminated my air and water to accomplish this and i have to save to get a nail gun now because i replaced everything and they aibt gonna get away with beating me or my kids up and gasing us. I got connections too. Oh and not to forget to mention i have about 100 phones stolen from me and my children and poluce were involved i think the theivesvlike to strike around feista time. So theres a distraction and all caring police are at feista distracted. Ya'll I am so tired of getting my housing and people tryingvto claim they are us in my old apartment complexes that were supposed to be mine. They have gased me tried to electicute me threw nerve gas at me sleepy gas so they could sell my helpless body without me being able to know until i wake up and im screaming in pain and i aint bullsh*tting. I always somehow seemed to stay awake and fight or talk to sense to them i think. Ive been thrown in Adult behavioral centers prison jail and in hidden jails in hospitals warehouses been dumped off at haven where there is no hope Sa hope where there is no hope i passed through Camden but it only houses men but the air conditiining and food and maybe a change of clothes was appreciared. The bad police set up convoys whereever I lives i have been robbed by bank tellers stores and I am just so very sleepy lately. I hate when people tell me to shut up about it to just get used to it i hate when I see the glowing flourescent green lights in my apartment and the red tazers sending me to a circle with two feet un the middle. What bitch auctioned my identity and why am i prisoner. Maybe its nice peoole well if your nice people im telling you whats happening and im leaving out of town to South Padre this weekend im crossing the border coming back my youngest daughters dad is taking me so i can visit with my daughters and their children. Make sure no one enters my apartment decent police. I hate imposter police who protect abusers. We should rid of them already. My oldest sister will be checking to make sure everything is alright sometimes i wonfer if shes alright because of what im going through. So check on her she works at home now my son will be staying with her hes been crashing here lately but i dont want him alone. People seem to think they can blame seizures or he is on drugs and he sold his stuff he canteven afford stuff someone is stealing his disabilty as well as our social security and housing he sadly doesnt re.ember who jumps him. If he does get a job he gets jjmped when he gets paid. Find out who stoled our stuff for your safety and mine to real poluce and dispatch who care. Im tired of us being kidknapped and hearing about how my kids dont even like me and how irresponsible tgey or me are by those harming us. I know my children and grandkids adore me as I do them. Ya'll do what you can on both sides of the border to find out whays eeally going on. Maybe its cuz when our kidknappers say they gotta go to work they steal our housing and are scaring my babys daddys dads or what?! What side of the border from Soutb Padre is United States or Mexico. Can i ask ya'll why do we not cross the border going to South Padre but we cross the border coming back? Find out who these eople are living around me. Theres honking horns same voices yelling f**k damn when they are trying to tap into my phone emails and internet trying to steal my lottery retirement facebook digital creator earnungs my beta apps phone apps what my dad left me my identity my childrens identity my stocks my investments as well as trying to steal your minds. Stay focused im not scared give me a police car and badge already and ill get these things in order myself for a berter tomorrow for us. You or we should not allow these people to think they rule.You know what is weirder why are all the young kids my babys dads convinced to do bad to my daughters when they did bad to my daughter s me and my son not dead or in jail yet?! These mother f**kers are in my face and telling me theyll let me know whether or not going to let me go on vacation with my daughter s are not by tomorrow. Yeah i lent Jose Enreque Tamez the 3rd over three hundred dollars and now im late for rent so we know hes in on it. I am so disgusted by his actions. Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."

"Theres a big difference in the glasses then and now everything i have people take stop trying to be me! Get your own id...

"Theres a big difference in the glasses then and now everything i have people take stop trying to be me! Get your own identity. I even cut my hair so the bitch tryna be had to cut hers or wear a short wig i hate imposters i hate theives. Im glad im me should of got your own brain! Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."


"Paralyzing agents they are using to make the body appear lifeless this and here in the United States it is a crime. People should know better than this if people would just say no to fakes in white coats or scrubs and prescription pads. That is nice about the bone washing ritual but research shows people should live forever dont get buried alive watch your drinkks and your surroundings. Express your love now not when its to late and stop making it to late! Oh my gosh this could be kind of creepy maybe it was a phycho obsessed with a person and they killed them and they dig them up every year to make sure they are still dead and wash their bones to aggravate the distraught family members and to abuse their victim again. Truly am concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."

"Why not its my past that defines me I define me no one can manipulate me into not standing up about how I was misplaced...

"Why not its my past that defines me I define me no one can manipulate me into not standing up about how I was misplaced and mislabled. Don't let them say that you just have to accept the lies that they say about you! I hate that. Oh and to all you abusive people searching for a way to in my face get on my nerves don't go there just don't I am not in the mood. You need to apologize I or my children will not apologize so you could shut up anymore. If we have to know whats coming your way! Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."


"Thats terrible that you have to put up with people talking bad like that don't allow them to cloud your mind with invitations to no way out parties where you get dressed up & your forced and surrounded by a bunch of rich because of money and lives they steal and they are all rapists and they hurt you. Focus and stay safe i don't know the person in the picture or you posting this post so im just going to just leave you with this advice anyway. Oh and if the dog bit my child or you that dog deserves to die. The judges just become very defensive because they do bad stuff to grest people all day long and they don't wanna be shot so they alternate their attention on what they always do not care about the victim they just defend the attacker. Sad ain't it.Truly concerned, "Julie Anna Valadez"."


222 E. Mitchell Apartment 6204
San Antonio, TX



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