Did Salem Massachusetts have a real major UFO sighting in the 1950s? In this new episode we explore one of the most compelling UFO photos ever taken, right here in the heart of the Witch City, Salem Massachusetts!
#ufo #uap #ets #flyingsaucer #salemma #salemmassachusetts #witchcity #meninblack #iknowhatisaw
Seeking a dangerous thrill in Salem Massachusetts? Check out this little-known attraction just outside of downtown!
#salemma #salemmassachusetts #attractions #slide #dangerous #dangerousslide #thrill #crashandburn #rad #donttrythisathome Music by: @stagnatergrind go check them out!
ON THE TRAIL OF SALEM’S NEWEST WEIRD LEGENDARY CREATURE BORAH THE WITCH! with DR. VITKA of Spellbound Tours and Dr. Vitka’s Myths Legends & Lore. See Borah tonight! 6/11 on America’s Got Talent at 8/7c on NBC! @salemsblackhatsociety @americasgottalentagt @destsalem #borah #borahthewitch #americasgottalent #agt #salemblackhatsociety #salemwitch #salemma #cryptid #locallegend #localcryptid #famous #salem #salemmassachusetts #witch @howiemandel @simoncowell @terrycrews @sofiavergara @heidiklum @themagicparlor @spellboundtours
Salem’s hidden secret! We go APE at The Willows Arcade! #salem #salema #salemwillows #vintagearcade #vintageamusements #monkeys #jazz @destsalem @thingstodoinsalem @willowsarcade
The strangest lie ever told about Salem!! #salem #salemtourism #ropes #hocuspocus #ropesmansion #hauntedhouse #witchtrials #salemwitchtrials #salemwitch #myth #myth #folklore #fakelore #hauntedhappenings
In the style of classic horror movie trailers of the 1970’s enjoy this new video for Spellbound Tours! Use the code HORROR for $5 off tickets when you buy tickets online now through the end of Salem Horror Fest! @salemhorror @videocoven @spellboundtours #horror #salemma #walkingtour #1970shorror #70shorror #grindhouse #salem #spooky #salemhorrorfest #salemhorror #horrormovies #scarymovies #trailer #horrortrailer
The BIGGEST sideshow star came from Massachusetts! For May 1st, the traditional start date of carnival season, we celebrate Bruce Snowden the king of the fat men! #sideshow #sideshowhistory #fatman #may1 #carnival #carny #massachusetts #capecod #buzzardsbay #gibsonton #florida #brucesnowden #americanhero #brucesnowdon #sideshowperformer #worldofwonders #thisdayinhistory #fatandhappy #locallegend
Giles Corey! Today is a significant date in Salem Witch Trials History! The anniversary of Giles Corey, the man crushed to death during the trials and cursed all of salem in the process! #salemwitchtrials #witchttials #thisdayinhistory #gilescorey #witches #salemma #salemmassachussets #curses #newengland #witchcity
What was The Dover Demon of Massachusetts? A hoax? A real cryptid? An alien? A hairless Ape?!
Watch the full length episode (link in profile) to see what our conclusion is! #cryptid #cryptids #cryptidcreature #doverdemon #mysteries #mystery #newengland #myths #legends #alien
Tomorrow on our YT channel, we unleash The Dover Demon! Did we find it? Did we uncover what people actually saw in thr 1970s? Find out tomorrow at 10am! #doverdemon #cryptid #cryptids #monster #monsters #demon #myth #legend #lore #dover #spooky #newengland #newenglandfolklore #mysterious #mystery #mysteries #unsolvedmysteries
Houdini Hated Ghosts! Happy 150th Birthday Houdini! #houdini #harryhoudini #magic #magichistory #escapism #salem #birthday #psychic #ghosts #mentalism #spiritualism #paranormalphenomena @destsalem
Happy international seal day! One of our favorite holidays here at Dr Vitka’s Myths Legends & Lore!
Did you Inow there was a seal who could talk?
#seal #internationalsealday
#newenglandaquarium #sealife #talkinganimals
#amazinganimals #seals #sealsofinstagram #pinniped