Time Lapse of a Monarch Caterpillar forming its Chrysalis
The Eden Show's Chrysalis Episode has been wild today! Here's a 15-minute video of a monarch caterpillar forming its chrysalis time-lapsed to 90 seconds!
The Eden Show - Luke Plantwalker
The Eden Show - Luke Plantwalker
Live Monarch Chrysalis formation on The Eden Show!
Live Monarch Chrysalis formation!
Things get heated on the Thanksgiving episode of The Eden Show!
Thanksgiving turkey (errrr flower) fight on The Eden Show!
White supremacist commits a dozen felonies
This is video of the man Trump and Ivanka defended today. He’s a white supremacist who committed about a dozen felonies in this video. Donald and Ivanka shared the end of the video where this violent man is finally stopped. They didn’t share this part:
Source: https://twitter.com/aravosis/status/1328139417245061120?s=21
GIANT Trump Flag - Election 2020 Downtown St Pete, FL
‼️😳😬A little voter intimidation anyone? Spotted at City Hall downtown St. Petersburg, Florida - Carrying a GIANT Trump Flag and harassing people by their cars
Reportedly, police were called to the scene and the man was told to “just watch out for the trees” 🤔
#election2020 #vote #trump2020 #biden2020 #stpete #dtsp Rick Kriseman
Trump Statue Initiative - “Dont’t Be Afraid”
💥BREAKING💥: Today in Washington D.C.
Reposted from our friends at @trumpstatueinitiative
DON’T BE AFRAID. No one else can fix it. Only me! Wildfires? Grab your rakes! Forest management!Pandemic? It’s not real - We won’t let COVID dominate our lives! #FDT #votethemout #hesthefraud #Trumpcrimefamily #trumpforprison #trumpstatueinitiative #vote2020 #webelieveinscience #anddoctors #climatechangeisreal #protestart #politicalart #performanceart
Your hard-earned tax dollars and campaign donations at work! This just in from the office of #POTUS. Omg when does this Idiocracy sequel end?!?!?! Hopefully January 20! #vote2020
#trump2020🇺🇸 #seriously #wtf #trumpcampaign #campaignad #presidentcamacho #regeneron #sideffects
Trump Cuts a Rug at Florida campaign rally
Trump was so overcome with emotion at one of his recent Florida campaign rallies that he broke out into dance... well kinda. We decided to highlight and extend his rug cutting, and thought the "YMCA" soundtrack was a bit dull.
Video Remixed with Chicken Dance Trap Remix by Harambit https://youtu.be/zecmNTihdt4
#TrumpRally #superspreader #TrumpDance #TrumpDances #ChickenDance #TrumpVirus #DonaldTrump #Trump2020 #Election2020
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