Kalister Hutchings - National Anthem
We were asked to do some filming at the Rodeo in St. George tonight. Check out this amazing twelve year old girl singing the national anthem.
Shooting some amazing footage at St. George Skate with a super talented cyclist.
Up early today filming some amazing stuff at Skate George!
Skate George
Two years ago we went to our first Street Fest here in Southern Utah. And after skipping all of 2020, we are headed back again tonight! Yes we'll have a guitar to play!
We made this video for one of the Street Fest events we did before. It's still kinda hilarious watching Robert John Hadfield abuse this poor guitar.
Listen to this great discussion with our good friend and videographer Jonas Balili from the Zion Creative.
Baltimore C - Lettre C
We produced this video recently for this great new rap artist, Baltimore C. He is from the Ivory Coast and the lyrics are in French. The music is super interesting and he is great on camera. We shot this entire thing in St. George Town Square Park.
We've now done two music videos for him, and we are super proud how both turned out.
Special thanks to Thick and Mystic team members Steve Walters and Chris Stoddard for assisting in this shoot.
Music Video "Localisation" - Produced By Thick and Mystic Media
This music video was filmed and produced in the Thick and Mystic Media Studios in St. George Utah.
Artist: Baltimore C
Video Producer: Robert John Hadfield
The Sometimes Shocking Difference Between Microphones
Robert John Hadfield talks condensor microphones again. He discusses the differing personalities of microphones. He also demonstrates the astounding quality difference between the microphone on your camera and an external condensor microphone.
Ever wonder what that huge thing is that holds studio microphones? This is it!
Customers Need to Connect With You
Parris Shelley and Doug Boyer discuss modern marketing issues.
Social Channels are the New Store Front
Parris Shelley and Doug Boyer discuss marketing principles.
You need amazing audio!
Microphones are a mystery for many people
Here at the Thick and Mystic studio we have a wide variety of Microphones for your use. Condenser microphones and Dynamic microphones serve different purposes and this video shows you an example of a condenser microphone in action.
St George Area Chamber of Commerce