theinstitute is a privately sponsored think tank quantifying the impact of Digital and New Media, sociological and political constructs on ethnographic populations. theinstitute currently test technology and observes the statistical impact on ethnographic communities. Advances in technology offer a world of greater proximity, yet and still the distance can become masked by an overwhelming influx o
f information---a lot of noise but no one is saying anything---a lot of static, so we miss the message, in which technology is to be used to overcome, not to succumb. It's aim is "to stimulate study, debate, education and research into all aspects of human thought, behavior and culture" and to make the results of its members' academic work accessible to society and also to academics working in different fields. We seek a number of distinguished Fellows, to publish several dozen academic monographs and some books over the years and hold regular events. These events will include a series of six lectures by specialists per year, and a two-day seminars which will be held in the Fall. The aim of these is "to connect ideas across disciplines, across cultures, and even through history" and to bring about a broader, more holistic understanding by looking at issues from several different perspectives, with particular interest in human thought and behavior within a technological landscape along with issues neglected by contemporary culture. In addition, the Institute supports projects in areas where freedom of access to facts, new media and digital media is threatened. The Institute for Critical Theory, Culture and New Media’s activities are open to the general public. The Institute for Critical Theory, Culture and New Media has been established to serve international, national and local communities. It is our aim to invite national and international scholars to our institute to give lectures, provide seminars and workshops within academic and public spheres and held in collaboration with universities and public
communities. Moreover, in addition to the rigors of inventive scholarship, the Institute will coordinate no-cost seminars and courses in digital media and culture to surrounding under served communities. It is vital that the community that supports the endeavors of our collective directly benefits from its work, and we move to instill a culture that further encourages them to become critical voices within their areas of influence. We believe that it is the intellectual and ethical responsibility of scholars to bridge the gap between those with access to higher education and those that have been traditionally underrepresented in the public sphere. The journal and website will feature empirical, methodological, and theoretical papers as well as literary criticism. It covers the full spectrum of this interdisciplinary field, containing diverse methods and perspectives that include anthropology, art, economics, law, literature, management science, political science, psychology, sociology, social policy research, and others.