Schuy-Rush Audubon Meeting Minutes
Saturday Jan 18, 2014
Our January business meeting was held at Joan Sullivan's last Saturday afternoon. Members present were Carolynn Benninghoff, Mac & Barb Cooper, Christa Hall, Bob & Becky Jones, Lynda McLaughlin, Mary McMahon, Joan Sullivan and Don & Janis Wade. We finished up the meeting with a pot-luck of soups and stews, fruits and veges, crackers, breads, dips and spreads, and finally two scrumptious angel food cakes, one with strawberries & whip cream. It's a good thing we had our business meeting first!
Presidents report for 2013
January - Business meeting at Peace of Earth, Tim & Pat Sullivan
March/April Third grade reading program continues We had 3 winners for most books read.
May: Spring Bird Count
June: Sparrow ID program presented by Dan Moorehouse at the Phoenix Opera House
August: Field trip to the State Museum research Center
September: Bird feeding program for first graders at Washington School
October: Birding at Bob & Becky Jones
November: Fall luncheon at Deb & Di's. Grassland birds program presented by Angella Moorehouse
December: Christmas Bird Count on Dec 14
Treasurer's Report
As of January 23, 2014 we have $1,156.80 in our checking program. Recent expenses were $38.53 for books for the 3rd grade reading program. Upcoming expenses are the taxidermy of the woodcock and the Mildred Croxton memorial for the local library.
Treasurer's Report for 2013
Feb. Book - Natures Vultures $ 9.28
Apr. Indigo Bunting taxitermy $125.00
Apr. Books for reading program $ 40.32
June Sparrow program $ 25.00
July Checks for our account at $ 22.25
Rushville State Bank
Nov. Grassland Birds program $ 30.00
Aug. museum display supplies $ 10.72
Dues - $279 Note: a lot of members round up when they pay their dues and also there is an overlap with 2012 and 2013 depending on when dues were paid. So this number includes more than just dues for 2013.
Donations - $297
We have some very generous supporters. Also donated was a lot of time and energy, suet cakes, bird seed and miscellaneous supplies. We couldn't do this without volunteers.
Membership Report
We have 29 memberships (individual and family). There are usually 3 or 4 more members, but they haven't paid their dues yet. So I'm expecting an increase in the membership number by spring-cleaning time when they find the self-addressed stamped envelope in that pile of papers on their desk!
We want to encourage membership to the Illinois Audubon Society IAS). Not all our chapter members are members of the IAS. The IAS is our parent organization and supply some of our education and resource needs, along with liability insurance. They also have two great publications, the Illinois Audubon Magazine and the Cardinal News that members receive. So we're hoping those Schuy-Rush members that are not members of the IAS will join soon. There is a quota for a chapter's membership to the IAS and so far we have met that number. The long range plan of the IAS is to make membership mandatory.
Here's a link to the IAS membership form --> http://www.illinoisaudubon.org/JOIN/Join.html
Conservation Report
In December Christa found some interesting articles on snowy owls. Read on . . . .
It looks like the the U.S., particularly the Northeast is having a "Snowy Owl Invasion". They have unexpectedly been occurring in high numbers. It seems reasonable to think that some might make it this far.
Here is an interesting article:
This is an ebird map showing the occurrences this year:
Old Business
General Announcements
- Eagle Days at Starved Rock Saturday and Sunday, Jan 25-26 See link for scheduled events --> http://illinoisaudubon.org/PROGRAMSEVENTS/BaldEagleWatchWeekend.html
- The Great Backyard Bird Count Friday, Feb 14 thru Monday, Feb 17. Here's a link to the website with instructions --> http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/whycount.html
- IAS Spring Gathering will be held in Cook Cointy Fri thru Sunday, April 25-27 See link for more info --> http://illinoisaudubon.org/PROGRAMSEVENTS/SpringGathering.html
First grade bird feeding station - Carolynn donated a supply of suet for our feathered friends winter dining pleasure
Jail Museum project - Last Feb. volunteers dismantled the Audubon display in Jail Museum. It took the rest of 2013 to clean the display area, dust and groom existing specimens, gather and dry native grasses & flowers, install new lighting, redo signage and put everything back together again. We will finish up this Feb. and will have a dedication ceremony sometime in the future.
Christmas Bird Count - The Dec 14, 2013 Christmas Bird Count was a success despite the cold weather. We saw 35 different species for at total of 1,514 birds. A leucistic red-tail hawk was spotted around Schuy-Rush Lake by Bob & Becky Jones. We have a nice bald eagle population in the area as well. A donation of $25 to the CBC program was made in the Schuy-Rush chapter's name.
Woodcock - Last June Mary Jane Busby got the permit and the bird is at the taxidermist. We don't expect to get him back for a while. He will be on display at the Jail Museum when he does come home.
Books for Library - As mentioned above, we will be buying books in Mildred Croxton's memory. At our Nov. meeting, members voted to donate $100 towards books in her name to the Rushville Public Library.
New Business
IBET and eBird -
IBET is an acronym for Illinois Birders Exchanging Thoughts (a blog). It's fun to get into and read even if you don't participate in blogging.
eBird is part of Cornell Ornithological Lab. and is a place to enter data. Lynda used it a couple of week ago to enter the Eastern Towhee that was in her yard feeding with juncos and goldfinch.
Spring Bird Count
The spring count is Saturday, May 10 this year and Carolynn will be the compiler. We're planning on having a "pre-getting ready" activity in the form of a progressive bird count on Saturday, May 3. We will start at Benninghoff's around 7:30 in the morning (yawn!) that Saturday, then move on to Jones', McLaughlin's and anyone else that wants to show off their birds. If you have trouble id'ing some of the birds in your yard, it's fun to learn from other observers. More info will follow closer to the date.
Third Grade Reading Program
We need volunteers to help with the program; reading to the children, cataloging books, checking books in/out to the children. Please let Carolynn know if you can help. We'll probably purchase more books for the program. Currently we have about 80 books and would like to update our reading library for the children.
Hummingbird Festival
After some chit-chat, we decided to incorporate a wine and cheese fund raiser into our hummingbird festival. The wine and cheese is for the humans, not the hummers. We will most likely have a late afternoon hummingbird festival at the Sullivan's in late July or early August, munching on cheese and crackers, sipping on teas and wines, while keeping a keen eye on the hummingbird feeders. Still very kid-friendly; counting hummingbirds, petting dogs and donkeys, drawing and coloring, and exploring the outdoors.
Field Trip with Western Prairie
Saturday, March 22 the Western Prairie chapter of the IAS will have a field trip along the Mississippi and finish with dinner at Nauvoo. Just let us know if there is an interest in going.
In April there will be a presentation of the life of John James Audubon. We'll give more details as we get them.
We discussed how much we enjoy the birding and camaraderie in the IAS and our local chapter. We talked about how the ILL Audubon magazine could be improved. Bob Jones suggested snippets about things happening in the state - - along the Mississippi, in our grasslands, and maybe a small touring map identifying areas of interest. Also liked the idea of the magazine featuring different chapters. We'd also like to see an IAS app for smartphones.
Our Nov fall luncheon will be on the second Saturday, Nov 8 2014,
Election of Officers
It was uncontested and unanimous.
President - Carolynn Benninghoff
Vice-President - Mary McMahon
Secretary/Treasurer - Lynda McLaughlin
Conservation Officer - Christa Hall.