Some recent jobs.
#secondmoonshot #custompictureframing #mainandyoungrolesvillenc #mainandyoungrolesville
A walkaround the shop focused on some of the art and posters we have for sale, both framed and unframed.
#mainandyoungrolesvillenc #mainandyoungrolesville #secondmoonshot #customframing #custompictureframing
Folio Box Handcrafted by SecondMoonshot #foliobox #customframing #secondmoonshot #custompictureframing
Overview and assembly of our vinyl record frame
SecondMoonshot Custom Picture Framing - Standup Mirror Refresh Project.
My wife and daughter went to an estate sale and found a nice standup mirror but it had a gold metal frame. I wasnt able to remove the metal frame, so used it as an accent and made a walnut cap to go over it showing 1/8” of the gold.
Solid walnut frame with chamfered edges, finished in back stain and top coat with Arm-R-Seal Gloss. Similarly finished easel back.
We also sell some framed art and started placing it around the shop. Some more unframed to browse through and get framed to jump start your decor. Movie poster, vintage ads, and a wide mix of this and that.
A time lapsed video of how we pack medium and large pictures for shipping. You can see the normal speed version at @SecondMoonshot One-Take: Packing and Shipping Medium and Large Pictures (The Cocoon Method)