About The Valley Forge
The Valley Forge page is a place where RVC students and the RVC community can read and connect about our news content.
Please be kind to one another. Foul language and unnecessary negativity on this page, or to other members, will not be tolerated. Those comments will be deleted and the poster blocked and removed.
Feel free to message us and share your news and events! Just note that comments which are “spammy” will be removed.
The Valley Forge is always seeking student writers. All students of the COM 119 - News Writing and other RVC Mass Com journalism courses will be eligible to have their work published. We only accept student staff members from outside of those classes who are currently enrolled at RVC and show a strong desire in journalism, writing, and/or photography. To apply please visit this link: https://www.rvcvalleyforge.com/index.php/join-the-valley-forge/
Our public page is located here: https://www.rvcvalleyforge.com/