Lemonhead LIVE!
Ooh la Lemin, reviewed today!
Momo's Mysteries LIVE
Quinne and Rylee present TikTok horror stories on today's Momo's Mysteries LIVE.
The campus is quiet. A nice day for some jazz while watching the snow fall outside the WAUG office. :-)
WAUG door stoppers are great for holding your door open, so your neighbors can hear you listening to WAUG!
Now available in festive spring colors.
(You know you want one.)
(Drop us a message! Or e-mail [email protected].)
What About College Life? New show on WAUG.fm, Wednesday mornings at 7:00 AM CT!
Check out WAUG's new morning show on Wednesdays at 7:00 AM CT with Anima Upadhyay!
We talk about things that are going on in college, student mindsets and social surroundings.
Tune in at https://waug.fm.
Last show. Ever. The folks at Beyond the Baseline will miss WAUG dearly. Congrats seniors!!!
Beyond The Baseline (second to last episode ever *starts crying*)
Augie students, stay clear of 30th street between 7th and 8th ave. Roads blocked off from an accident. Drive safe tonight Vikings.
From Augie to the Concord!
WAUG at Wieblers Harley Davidson. Project X now playing. Electric Shock AC DC tribute band up next.