It is a fact that the cost of being a college student has increased over the past years. Vital supplies such as textbooks, electronics, and furniture for apartments have a hefty price tag, not to mention other countless odds and ends outside of your average student’s academic life. Due to such facts, many students are trying to find different avenues to get the items they want at the prices they c
an afford. For example; searching for used textbooks and other school supplies from students they know. This common practice limits students to only small portion of the entire student body solely because not many students have the entire student body in their immediate network. The disconnection between students forces students to spend more money elsewhere and it allows hidden treasures surrounding them to go unnoticed. will offer students in all academic institutes around the United States a way to tap into the entire student body to either sell items or services and/or buy items or services. Our goal is to provide an online advertisement space which focuses on helping students to save money by obtaining goods and services from other students within their own institute or across the country, and at the same time make money by selling services and/or unwanted possessions to their colleagues. For the first time students will be able to easily connect to their ENTIRE student body in all academic institutes to find goods and services necessary in those individuals’ daily lives.